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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. Yeah, especially Vienna. What a fucking dump.
  2. Slowly but surely, the lunatic formerly know as Jazz crawls out of his maggot husk, and begins another inevitable meltdown on CC. It's gonna be one hell of a show.
  3. Indeed. And nothing more so illustrates your point than you. Stupid fucking wanker.
  4. I usually parboil Maris Piper wedges and then oven cook. Fried oven chips? What the fuck is wrong with you people? You'll be telling me that cunts deep fry confectionary next.
  5. So, if I read what you're saying correctly, we need to incinerate Jazz? Or am I way off the mark?
  6. It's a fucking sorry state of affairs, 'Baws. There are idiots abroad on CC, with idiotic intent. What can be done?
  7. Cunting cupcakes through song?
  8. Yes, and made infinitely worse by the fact it's Jazz, a complete fucking wanker, that's created the topic.
  9. No revelations there Withers, old fellow.
  10. Why did you feel in necessary to put that idiotic little smiley at the end? Does it add emphasis to your point?
  11. I'm just having. Laugh Eric. Now, 'Eavens - he takes it all very seriously.....
  12. My deletion was because Rick has no sense of humour. Actually he also has no sense, just like you. Fuck off.
  13. Fuck off you vile, racist piece of shit.
  14. Why did you let the clinically insane piece of shit back? He's off his head - still.
  15. But they're deep fried chips Eric, not oven.......
  16. Oh look, the cowardly goose pokes out its head again. Fucking idiot.
  17. If you have bothered to actually read the nom properly, you'd have understood that it's the fact I have to remove the shards from the bag in the first place, that they are there in the first place, that fucks me off. Utter fucking cretin of the first order.
  18. With what's left on here these days, you in particular, being banned seems like an attractive option.
  19. What I'm saying, dopey, as clearly stated in the title of the nom, is that the total weight of frozen foods, like oven chips, is made up by adding tiny shards. These are so small that when cooked along with the regular sized chips, they are basically cremated. So I'm not "effectively saying I can't cook oven chips" at all. Tell me, when you cook oven chips, where the small ones are the best ones, do you set individual timers for each chip, or do you enjoy eating carbon?
  20. It was about the well documented cowardice of the French. Nothing new.
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