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Posts posted by Ape™️

  1. Yes. Cunts indeed. No awareness of the queue of cunts behind them. I can't tolerate the cunts who approach a green light with the anticipation that it will go yellow. They brake and fuck about instead of getting on with it. I do make allowances for older people, as the roads must be a nightmare for some.

    Then there's the cunts who dont have the mental capacity to approach a roundabout whilst simultaneously looking to see if they are clear to proceed. They prefer to simply stop, regardless of traffic, and then divert their limited brain processing power to turning their head to see if there's anything coming. Fucking cretins!
  2. It appears that some people on the road see the world at a different speed to me. When I'm at a set of traffic lights, I am waiting, knowing that they will inevitably turn green and it will be time to move. Others seem to experience some kind of time delay and are unable to process the change in colour, taking fucking ages to move as if taken by suprise. They then proceed to engage the clutch like its made of lead crystal and acceralate, at a barely imperceptible rate, to their standard 35mph cruising speed, which they maintain regardless of the true speed limit. Dozy cunts!

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  3. A list of cunts eh? Why didn't anyone else think to do this?


    cos they're cunts

    It appears you have spectacularly missed the point of Cunts Corner. It's not a school playground where people just say "you cunt" to each other whilst giggling like like girls. You cunt.
  4. For 'poor middle class' and a 'comprehensive education' that means lower middle class.
    A poor education isn't the end of the world but it's not a very good start either.....
    Try reading a decent newspaper like the Telegraph and join a golf club. Improve your mind and feel less inferior.

    My upbringing and education has served me just fine, thank you. I work in a highly technical industry and make a very good living, despite not reading the Telegraph or playing golf.
  5. Why do certain idiots on the road feel it necessary to drive around like they are on a fucking rally night stage, just because there is a bit of mist in the air? I've just been stuck behind some wanker for about 10 miles with rear fog lights so bright I was really struggling to focus clearly on the road ahead, and not more than a hint of mist in the air to be seen. Modern cars don't allow fog lights to be left switched on when the ignition goes off and on again, so the cunts can't use that as an excuse. Fucking morons.

  6. Loads of fucking idiots around in town today, with completely bemused expressions on their gormless faces, coming out with such pearls as "I don't understand, it seems to be getting colder with each day" and "Why is it so cold?". I'll tell you why you fucking cunts, its January, you're outside and you're stuck out on the east coast in the arse end of nowhere, on an island internationally fucking renowned for shite weather. If you're labouring under the mistaken impression that January should be all sunshine and lollipops then I suggest you fuck off to that unnatural backwater Australia, where such freakish backwards seasons are common place. Hopefully one of their multitude of deadly animals will kill you, and if they don't, kill your fucking self for being such a spectacular cuntbag.

    Well ranted that man!
  7. Several years ago a friend of mine ran over one of these cunts praying on the tarmac in the car park of a motorway services with his Range Rover.
    No serious injuries......

    It says a lot about your fantasy world when you feel it necessary to specifically name the model of car your "friend" was driving. It comes as no suprise it was a fucking Ranger Rover.....the car of choice for chinless inbreds.
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