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Posts posted by Ape™️

  1. You know the type: pretending to have property, wealth, culture, education etc. Unhappy with their real lives, they create an imaginary world to try and make themselves feel less inadequate and worthless.

  2. I'd be genuinely surprised if you could use a knife and fork properly.
    This was another poor nomination by Ape who's presence on the board is bizzare.A series of bad nominations and silly observations.

    There's a real irony in my presence on, and contributions to, the forum, being criticised by a serial poster of imaginary Walter noms. Fucking idiot.
  3. Why do some people feel it's acceptable to slurp spaghetti up or slurp their fucking tea like they're breathing it in? It's a revolting habit that really grips my shit. I was out for a meal with my family last week and the cunt on the table next to us sounded like an animal eating. Really off putting and down right rude. There's a person I work with who eats apples so noisily I usually end up leaving the room while he chomps away like a fucking horse.

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  4. Came back on le shuttle on Thursday night, spot. A couple of extra gendarme checking boots, otherwise I sailed through like a cunt.

    You doing anything like a cunt comes as no great surprise, Frank. Good evening.
  5. Shite nom, for fucks sake get a brain. Then shave the tree trunks around your arse, fucking monkey.
    How the fuck am I going to earn a shilling from you as a rent boy with a hairy fucking arsehole ?
    Beards are for men Sonny Jim, you'll get one when you're older.

    You're not really playing with a full deck, are you?
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  6. She can't just sing a song can she? Evertthing she performs has hundreds of extra notes added, flying unnecessarily up and down. Fewer notes, sung pure and clear, are far more enjoyable in my view. Cunt.

  7. You can't express youself properly.
    Your grammar,sentence construction and content indicate a fuckwit.
    Try reading a decent newspaper instead of eating pickled onions with red wine you ignorant peasant.
    Fuck off aswell pleb.

    And you still don't put spaces after commas, you ignorant peasant. iPhone again?
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