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Everything posted by Witheredscrote

  1. Agreed. The French certainly don't care about the Welsh. Mind you nor do the English, Germans, Dutch, Septics...................
  2. 6,000 miles away, I get a signal, and the first thing I read is this shit. Yesterday I spent 4 hours photographing a fucking great crater spouting copious amounts of hot, foul smelling shit, and it was deafening. It was probably very similar to standing next to you in a flat roofed pub, as you talk complete bollocks. Fuck off you Welsh tit.
  3. I think I know to whom you are referring, but it's hardly deforested. That's one steaming dank jungle I would not penetrate. I would rather spend a month in the cooler.
  4. I am tomorrow. Don't use too many paper clips whilst I'm gone, even local authorities are feeling the pinch. lol
  5. Fuck that splashing about pleb type stuff, I am going up to the Piton de la Fournaise. It started erupting 3 weeks ago. Spending 3 days looking at a great big gaping hole spewing out hot runny stuff. I should buy Punky a vindaloo and then photograph his arse, that would save 3,000€
  6. Thanks, I was in two minds whether to quote you, thus drawing attention to it. As you know I am not one to 'drop' others in it, unlike some on here.
  7. Tomorrow I am off to Reunion Island for 10 days of relaxation, so you can fuck right off. That's what I say.
  8. Never, you started this shit. You will get no where currying favour with Decimus or his little pet Bubba (aka Salacious B. Crumb), so just let it go, it has run it's course and you are a bore.
  9. Drew, you didn't really have to mention the moustache did you. The cunt is a Northerner, loud, and commentates on a poofs' sport. Nuf said
  10. Excellent nom Punkers. I have a Barbour waxed Stockman full length coat. . I use it for hacking out in the hills when the weather is inclement. I remember it cost in excess of £ 350 over 20 years ago, far beyond the means of many on here. Can you imagine that shortarse little Welsh prick Bubba in a coat like that, he would look like a badly erected tent. LOL
  11. Apologise to you, moi. We have been down this road before, you web footed, form filling cunt.
  12. Rest assured Ding, if you were dying, I couldn't be bothered to insult you.
  13. That is the last time I will try and help you. I will now sit back and let Decs and his gang destroy you. I will then step in and take anything that is left afterwards, we French have a history of that. You are finished.
  14. I own 3, yes 3, Citreon 2cv's. I don't brag about it though, unlike you and your garish watch. lol
  15. No worries, if you were dying, trapped under the wheels of a bus, I would willingly get down on my knees to insult you.
  16. Ding mate, I implore you not to discredit yourself by even responding to this shit stirring faux paddy cunt.
  17. Ding mate, I implore you not to discredit yourself by even responding to this shit ladened Welsh prick.
  18. There is a programme on Ch 4 U.K this Thursday evening called 'Has P.C. Gone Mad' . It is presented by a bleck man called Trevor Phillips. Might or might not be worth a watch. Rick will look at it from behind his sofa no doubt.
  19. Mickey Mouse wears an Ape watch. lol
  20. Ding mate, I implore you not to discredit yourself by even responding to this vile rant from the sites resident rodent.
  21. You are aware that Rick is Nigerian?
  22. Just as well, as you live in Wales...
  23. Did they used to drink bleach 10 years ago?. Anyway, welcome to the site (again). For good old fashioned straight advice you won't do better than to ask me. If you want to know about boring things, like caravanning and shit watches, consult Ape. Ignore the rest, they are two faced cunts.
  24. You forgot to tell him to fuck off, or are you leaving that to your mate Bubba The Butt Basher. sssssssssssssssss
  25. Yes but you have got to go to work tomorrow, I am going fishing, followed by a leisurely lunch with good friends ( French of course )
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