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Everything posted by Witheredscrote

  1. You stupid fucking cunt, what do you mean ' had to endure'. You could have switched off, or if your imbecile of a wife wanted to look at it, walked out the room and hung yourself.
  2. You'd be better off if you had a long haired lazy scaaarrrssse git as a neighbour. R.I.P Arthur English
  3. I refuse to shag foreigners, my geese are all hand reared and locally sourced. So you can fuck right off pal.
  4. They are worse than yer cooooons Edward, worse than yer cooooooons. R.I.P. Dandy Nichols
  5. Burn a few infected northerners and keep warm.
  6. Yes it certainly does. Fucking northern monkeys spreading their diseases. It simply isn't allowed here in France.
  7. Have you finished, or are you just getting your breath back.
  8. Decs, I have upset Bubba and he is sulking. What should I do, I feel bad  about it.

  9. So the Norovirus bug has returned with the onset of winter, and where? the North East of England. The PHE & NHS are asking the cunts up there to take extra care with their personal hygiene. Fucking good luck with that then. Most of them sit in their outside bogs eating filthy fish and chips. These disgusting arsewipes all deserve the screaming shits.
  10. I am not going to be party to this racist filth, not no how . I is going to bed.
  11. Oh good, you are back. Where is Bill? (lol)
  12. Not needed on Bill, the sap has been trying to log in for 10 minutes. His mind has gone, or Roops has smashed his fingers with a Fender mk5 hammer
  13. Simply kill the little cunt, it would be kinder.
  14. Did you really have to show us this. I haven't eaten yet.
  15. Run Eric, run. Bill Stickers is logging in right now.
  16. I always had you down as a necrophiliac Ratty
  17. No, just getting in first. Eric has seen off Blubberingbubba, and I feel he is going to turn on me next. Watch Eric closely, he's not what he seems to be.
  18. Great minds think alike Punkers. Fancy a quick 9 holes, you know, holes with cones and temporary lights around them
  19. Well it's a pity you didn't fall and break your neck isn't it. Then you wouldn't have to sit at road works would you. lol
  20. I don't really know, she is in the U.K working on a road repair gang setting up traffic lights. Apparently she regularly sees this cunt wanking in his Austin Metro
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