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Everything posted by Witheredscrote

  1. To go back to the original nom, I think we should all be very selective about who we really hate. It would be universally acceptable if we all hated the Welsh. Clue: a dog with a spade shoved up its arse
  2. I was taught that it doesn't matter if the ponytail is attached to something with 4 legs or 2, lift it up and there is a perfect arsehole underneath.
  3. Has anybody else noticed that the red line stops at the Welsh border. Is it because any Welsh, anywhere in Wales are all cunts anyway?
  4. Well that about covers everybody north of Watford Gap.
  5. The French are not an aggressive people generally, but a few of us came close to it after spending 3 hours trying to remove one of Frank's shit stained wigs from the U bend in my gite. I am still waiting for an apology.
  6. I feel for Manky, his neighbour is a homosexual Nigerian.
  7. Fuck all this tripe Punkers. Yesterday I was having dinner with a friend at the Golf de Saint Lazare, Limoges. The proprietor asked me to become a member. I am giving it serious consideration. It's exclusive, 18 holes, the restaurant is 5*, and most importantly, the membership fees and restaurant prices are pitched so as to keep the English tourist riff-raff at bay. Any chance you could pop down and give it your professional opinion. Sante
  8. I find myself agreeing with Bubba and Pen here. Am I ill?
  9. Yes, like a mongrel dog dragging its arse across an Axminster carpet of a nom. Fuck off
  10. So a 'leaked' report claims that Mdm May and her cronies have no strategy for leaving the EU. Well, well, that is a surprise. The suggestion is that another 30,000 civil servants be employed to cope with the process of leaving. That is 30,000 more salaries that you British taxpayers will have to pay these free loading cunts. The U.K. will not leave the EU, the deal has been done behind closed doors weeks ago. Those of you who voted leave have been conned. A clear cut case of clowns led by clowns. Marine Le Pen is more shaggable than May anyway. Vivre
  11. Repetitive bollocks, I don't care. I have just had a p.m from my mate Roops. Apparently she is using Decimus as a chair in her office. She is sitting on him, he is scribbling his posts on paper and handing them up to her. If she approves, they get posted, if not, she reaches down and pokes them up his arse. I have really got to appreciate her humour of late.
  12. I wasn't addressing you pipsqueak, you are not fit to clean Manky's boots. Keep your fucking needle nose out of it. Cunt
  13. I am discriminated against daily because I am French. What are your views on the French Manky, remind me?
  14. Is there any chance we could persuade you to fuck off?
  15. I understand totally. Last night I had a dream that Roops was sitting on my face. It was surprisingly nice, but this morning I had to have two vodka martinis for breakfast. R.I.P. Decimus
  16. Why didn't you just p.m this info to Eddie and Fatty direct
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