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Everything posted by Frank

  1. You clearly implied paedophilia. Consider yourself lucky to still be here.
  2. 'Guilty as a puppy sitting next to a pile of poop'. You've been played like a fiddle, Eric.. and I'm not talking about my mathematical skills. Idiot.
  3. Kingsbury High NW9. My son’s at Wellington.
  4. Alright. Good night (thanks for the kind words).
  5. Nick Abbot’s on at 10, Ape.
  6. I’ve said it many times, and I’ll say it again.. you have never, ever made me laugh. You never will. Eat shit.
  7. That Franglais recipe aimed at Alf would’ve earned me at least two likes back in the day. Are people holding back or am I genuinely finished here?
  8. I am. I’m not well, Eric. I recently lost someone very close and I’m really struggling. I know we’ve been down this road, so I’m not here for the sympathy. It’s hard.. you know?
  9. I did.. '84 over at Ron Gross in Neasden. 5 reds, 5 blacks.. 42
  10. The Rocket's no thicker than you pair of suburban cunts. Anyone who plays the game would know there's very little or no vibration off the cue when playing with the rest. It's a televised game with a camera covering every fucking angle. Of course he didn't cheat.
  11. Not only is he a cheat, he's also an awful fucking liar.
  12. Over the years, Jazz has superimposed my head on to every shitty thing imaginable. I think he's great.
  13. I understand exactly what he said, and as a foul-tempered redundant doorman, he understands accountability. Reported.
  14. Apart from the obvious, I think there's something seriously wrong with me. I always tend to bring the worst out in people. Why is that?
  15. Frank

    Michael Caine

    No, not like that. Fuck me that’s awful.
  16. At least I’m not getting to you, wolfie. Get yourself down to the stubby/wiz camp, you insecure little worm.
  17. Frank

    Michael Caine

    Great. Before you do that, would you mind correcting Michael’s surname in the title? If I read another weak snidey Cane reference, someone’s going to fucking get it.
  18. Frank

    Michael Caine

    I want you to make me laugh. That’s all. Okay?
  19. Frank

    Michael Caine

    Awful. ‘Na na na na na Naaa naaaaaaah, Decs’. Fucking wet cunt.
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