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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Ooh I quite fancy a pint of pommeau. I feel rather enlightened.. one hand clapping. I'm really going to miss him. You?
  2. I don't know, Spot... some people will never learn. I guess he'll go away and have a ruddy good talk to himself. Are you celebrating halloween with the family.. Lurch?
  3. Good show, spot. I'm not convinced we've heard the last of this nasty business.
  4. I like your stance. A slight backtrack but nevertheless you're holding firm. Go Bill.
  5. I'm with you, Bill.. minkey. https://youtu.be/XuUWq7qGSro
  6. Weeping Jesus snatch you silly bugger. You're so far out of your depth on this one, I'm almost drowning with you. Finally you've made me smile. Thickster.
  7. I can only agree with you Jiggery. It has become a fucking embarrassment. Take simpleton decimus for example.. one of the supposedly 'brighter' punters on here. If you look at his activity thing over the past four weeks, he mentions Frank in almost 83 percent of his posts.
  8. Proper this admin-bod role seems to suit you down to the ground... a gambling conniving pig in shit. By doing absolutely fucking nothing whatsoever, you've got the site running sweeter than gobbie's sugar puff dirt-box hairy. With you at the helm, I'm tempted to make a nom!
  9. Good idea Drew. Go and show them mums all those multi-response lists in different fonts and colours you have in your arsenal. You total fucking cretin
  10. Jackie, we've been friends ever since I outed you as the unwashed council cake no-hoper that you are. You are jeopardising our relationship by posting Snatch like poppycock.
  11. Mike, It goes without saying that I like you very much. However, I do struggle to imagine what it must be like to be someone who is consistently ignored. Something like a lost and vacant fart.
  12. I think you'll find that cocks and arses are being relentlessly pounded and spat on right under your snooty homophobic nose. Wimp.
  13. Verbal abuse whilst laying in bed has a rather nasty bite to it. I wasn't ready for that, Decimus. Good morning.
  14. I don't think I like your tone.
  15. Ooh, you are awful... but I like you. Shit.
  16. This raging panto-poof was moved to the 4am slot for all insomniac thickos.. and black cab drivers. For those who've never listened to Nick Abbot's show over the weekend... it's the best thing on radio.
  17. This one's for you Bill. You're so great x
  18. Frank

    Bacon causes cancer

    These multi-response listings of yours create a null and void. With respect, you come across like a wet fish... with a tick. Lyme disease?
  19. You sit on the sidelines for an hour, then come out with this shit? Sloppy at best.
  20. It's probably best that you fuck off before embarrassing yourself any further. I laugh at drunks... not with them. Speaking of drunks, the Judge hasn't been on for a while.
  21. Drivers of cars with misaligned headlights. No.
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