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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. I don't agree. Their religious faith comes first. That is the first thing their diatribe seeks to protect in that video. They are no better than the jingoistic jack waving right wing fascists who purport to be christians. Never mind the radicalisers narrative. We are well akin to it for over 20 years. The UK plc needs to get its own narrative in order before you can deal with these loons. Non-jihadists muslims justifying their own faith is not going to make any difference.
  2. I stopped watching this this pile of shite when the lady said my religion promotes tolerance to women. That is a sick fucking joke, surely? It's all about their stupid fucking religion. That's all they give a shit about, because that is all is of consequence to them. Without it they are pathetic and rudderless. The brainwashed can't and won't compensate, counterbalance or make all right the violence and heinous acts the severely brainwashed perpetrate. jesus fucking christ, years and fucking years of struggle to free people's minds from controlling and suppressing evil christianity, a step forward for humanity one would hope. Instead UK plc has sponsored, invited and promoted 3 million of these self indulgent cunts.
  3. Exactly. The annual total number was only just over 1300 in the first instance. A drop in the ocean. Many from Spain and Portugal (where they only barely earn 900 euros per month) stay for a year or two then move on. You won't find nurses from affluent EU countries wishing to come here. Only when I want to slash my wrists.
  4. There is a pet cemetery near my village. The last punter was buried back in the early 80's. Reading the headstones, it appears this country's love of pets is not a new craze and the nomenclature for pets has altered with the passage of time and imposition of political correctness. For sure, if you live in Wandsworth or the like, opening your front door and calling for blackie may result in undesirable consequences for ones health and wellbeing.
  5. I was fleetingly considering voting for ukip, but as they are dominated by rather odd purple rinsed tories and have a full blown bin dipper as their leader it simply would have made me an even bigger fucking stupid cunt than what I am already. Howling Laud Hope is a fully paid-up proper cunt.
  6. I have partaken in the democratic process this evening. Approx 70% turnout according to the polling station staff. I had a choice of con, lab, lib or ukip. I wrote the following, in ball point pen, on the ballot paper...... Thank you for reading my ballot paper, but I can't seriously vote for any of these fuckwits.
  7. When she made the speech at Downing Street stating enough is enough and all the other bollocks she spouted, it was the crudest form of electioneering. Rhetoric with nothing substantive to back it up.
  8. The law is not being upheld currently, FGM as an example. A friend of mine works as a primary school teacher. One of the girls in his class, of Somalian parentage, started to regularly miss school. When she did attend, she frequently complained of abdominal pains and was wetting herself. Previously her attendance and health had been OK. The parents were asked to attend a meeting with the head about these concerns. At this meeting the talking was all done by the father who went on to accuse my friend of sexually abusing his daughter. He was suspended , old bill involved and he ended up in crown court, his name publicised. The shit bag father backtracked in court and my friend was unanimously found not guilty. There were suspicions of FGM raised by the safeguarding team that my friend had initially raised his concerns to. A court order was granted for a paediatrician to examine the girl after passport checks showed the family had made a visit to Somalia for the first time in 8 years. The examination concluded the girl had undergone FGM and sustained urethral damage that will leave her with incontinence issues for life. My friend has young children of his own. He had to leave his job, all the parents at the school knew what he had been charged with, no chance of another teaching post as he was put on part of the sex offenders register for a year in case others raised concerns about him. The father has never been prosecuted and they still have their daughter. Authorities and services too shit scared to apply the law and blatantly neglectful in their safeguarding of children. This is a true example of how the lack of will allows these barbarians to continue these vile practices under the watchful eye of a merciful god and the blind eye of our own laws.
  9. Yes, an incontrovertible fact. So we have to think differently as I have said previously re violence, attacking mosques, internment etc is futile. The practices of this religion have to be targeted instead. We live in an ever more gender equal society. Muslim practices effectively discriminate against these laws, unhealthy percentages of women are unemployed, unable to speak English and are effectively kept in servitude. Not to mention the barbarism of FGM practiced by many people from Sub Saharan countries. As I repeatedly state, we have the laws to deal with these people, but we simply do not have the political will to deal with them.
  10. I had to do a search for this drum. Fuck me. Have you been to Loughton?
  11. In Essex anything is plausible and nothing impossible.
  12. Fair comment. I just see the whole thing as a platitudinous act of appeasement.
  13. Looking at the opulent architecture of the gaff I'd say rising damp and poor ventilation are its pressing problems. Mind you, I'm not a surveyor, so you could prove me wrong.
  14. Don't agree. They need to renounce their faith and take responsibility for their own lives instead of putting it in the hands of an unproven ancient story book. It got them into the mess, I don't see how it will get them out of it. I wouldn't waste a minute of police resources protecting these "moderate" brainwashed mugs who get up at 2am to pray.
  15. Burying one clinically insane child killer is not the business of imams, but then I am not too bothered about what happens to Brady's corpse, provided it's not left festering on my doorstep.
  16. I see the PC main stream media were keen to peddle the story that 130 imams are unwilling to carry out the prayer funeral for the attackers. With an estimated 1750 mosques in UK plc, even if a imam preaches at more than 1 mosque, this is a very low percentage. If the muslim council of Britain was genuine it would have all imams signed up to this pledge. Herein lies one problem our politicians continue to obfuscate..... you can't expect the brainwashed to sort out the severely brainwashed. Regardless of the differing denominations of this medieval cult, they should all be "shoulder to shoulder" on this one.
  17. That is irrelevant to me, personally. I'm sure there are plenty of things he and I disagree about, and plenty of things we agree on. He is entitled to his views, and I have countered his views on occasion, without insults and he has countered my views without insults. We need all points of view in a debate/discussion. Without differing views the purpose of this site would be obsolete. We all come here for our own reasons. Most people know the boundaries of what is acceptable and get stuck in. So enjoy, we are all cunts.
  18. Agree. It isn't a minority. They have been given ample time to sort this shit out from within, but haven't succeeded. Not saying some haven't bothered, but I get the impression it's not good to be a grass when heavy duty nut jobs are in the brethren. The whole shame culture that is prevalent in their in-bred set-up is also a hindrance. Tight immigration, travel and border enforcement, review of the places of worship act, removal of faith schools, deportation of muslim prisoners currently in nick, male circumcision put under the genital mutilation laws. When we leave the EU, our passports need changing. A review of all new applications the last 30 years. Slowly gradually bleed these bastards dry, disincentivize others from coming in this era of mass migration. It will cost big and take time, but it can be done, using UK plc law (that point must be driven into these shitbags). No violence. No internment. Don't agree with them? Find another country of residence. Also, my stupid fucking ideas were given the cold shoulder when I rang the organisers of this evening's concert with the idea that the below clip should be played before that worm Bieber came on stage. Cunts.
  19. Agree. A small tweak in the existing laws surrounding the regulation of places of worship would start to achieve this. Not complex. As said earlier, there isn't any political will to do this. Fucking cunts.
  20. The online thing is one aspect for sure. I think the travel to Syria, Afghanistan etc is also something that needs addressing. We don't know the history of the killers, but I bet at least one of them had been abroad for training. I think we get bogged down in who is coming into the UK plc, when who is leaving, and for what purpose, seems to be the real threat.
  21. A messiah is for the brainwashed, as evident. We need to stop voting for the main 3 parties. Every vote for them is a message that one is content with the status quo. If Joe Cunt wants change, this is the process. We need to clean up the filth that have allowed the current situation to arise. Only then we can hope of a political regime that wants to deal with the headbangers, hence my "That ain't gonna happen. Oh dear" comment.
  22. I don't see how comparisons between the problems in the North of Ireland and the goat herders are valid. A few hundred freedom fighting Micks (old Tommy is part Mick), no apologies, is tiny compared to the number of the muslim loons who want complete and total control. Internment is not an option, as UK plc simply doesn't have the resources to implement it. Violence will only begat violence and societal upheaval, exactly what these loons want. As I have said on the Manchester thread. UK plc has the laws and institutions to deal with these headbangers. It has to be done insidiously and will take years. As far as I can see, a process such as this or something similar hasn't yet started. Someone possessing the political will to stop talking and start the reforms we need has to be elected on 8/6/17. That ain't gonna happen. Oh dear.
  23. To me, as an uneducated peasant, it is simple. We have the laws and institutions to deal with these cunts, we don't have the politicians with the will to do it. Why they won't, is probably a dark answer. We have a chance next week to change things, but 25 million plus cunts will go and vote for the 3 same piles of shit. This is all going to end very badly.
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