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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. I am more concerned by his insistence this pandemic doesn't end until the whole World is vaccinated. Not wanting to point out some basics to this known expert in vaccinology, but you will not bring a pandemic under control with a vaccine that does not prevent transmission. The sooner people start questioning what it is they are actually being injected with and for what purpose, then once we reduce the infectious pressure, we might actually end this medical negligence. Unfortunately, millions take the easy option of complying due to fear and are now blaming the unvaccinated. Utterly fucking thick.
  2. The Beast

    Azeem Rafiq

    This fiasco is wholly self inflicted by Yorkshire County cricket club. The President should have made a public statement saying if people don't like it they should get their jacket, pack their bag and fuck off to another cricket club. Once you let the loony left all over you, you will never get rid of them.
  3. Of course people have undiscovered congenital heart problems and they are only found after it is too late, but these are rare events. A 60 times increase in these cardiac related episodes is statistically impossible to write off as not compelling. The ONS death rates in teenagers are up 125% on the 5 year average since the roll out of the vaccine.
  4. The fact there isn't anyone above 37 years of age on the dead and injured list does not detract from the obvious or alter what is clearly happening to younger people. These mRNA cytotoxic short term prophylactics (that's a restrained description) are banned in numerous countries for use in younger people because of "rare" cardiac side effects. Meanwhile here in UK plc, we have government ministers coercing people to take this shit, and most shamefully and negligently, strong arming parents to take their children for a shot. We have a large cohort, multiple millions, of fit and well people that have been duped into taking these shots when they did not have any clinical need to do so. That fact is incontrovertible. The sooner a significant number of this group stop complying and admit they have fallen for the lies of the military grade propaganda put out by the nudge units and "fact checkers", the sooner this farce will be over. Then we can actually do what should have been done, protect the most vulnerable going forward.
  5. 33 year old pro dancer Santo Giuliano suffers heart attack after vaccine 19 year old Football player Jalen Leavey dead 19 year old Football player Tirrell Williams dead 21 year old Football player Okafor Kelechi dead 29 year old Football player Lee Moses dead 15 year old Footballer Stephen Sylvester dead 18 year old Football player Emmanual Antwi dead 13 year old Football player Cajetan Chinoyelum Nsofor dead 15 year old Soccer player Moira Claire Arney dead Junior High School Baseball Pitcher Andrew Roseman dead 17 year old Footballer Nickolas Lawrinas dead 17 year old Footballer Miquel Lugo dead 16 year old Football player Devon DuHart dead 16 year old Footballer Ivan Hicks dead 19 year old Footballer Joe Bradshaw dead 16 year old Football player Drake Geiger dead 15 year old Football player Joshua Ivory dead 19 year old Football player Quandarius Wilburn dead 17 year old Football player Dimitri McKee dead 29 year old Rugby player Dave Hyde dead 27 year old Baseball player Yusuke Kinoshita dead 24 year old Olympic Cyclist Olivia Podmore dead during the week athlete sprinter Cameron Burell also dies 23 year old China Olympics Champion Gilbert Kwemoi dead 37-year-old former French professional footballer Franck Berrier dead 25 years old Belgian soccer player Jente Van Genechten suffers cardiac arrest 30 year old Venezuelan National Marathon Champion Alexaida Guedez dead 29 years old José dos Reis collapses on the field and has to be resuscitated 16 years old Diego Ferchaud from suffers cardiac arrest Austria player of ASV Baden collapses on the field and has to be revived 16-year-old football player in Bergamo suffers cardiac arrest 27 years old Belgian amateur soccer player Jens De Smet dead 13-year-old soccer player suffers heart attack on field 17 year old soccer player Dylan Rich dead Player from Birati Club Münster suffers cardiac arrest 22 years old Abou Ali collapses with cardiac arrest 19 years old ice hockey player Sebastiaan Bos dead. 37 years old Ex-NFL professional Parys Haralson dead 25 years old Canadian university football player Francis Perron dead 19 year old FC Nantes soccer player suffers cardiac arrest Germany volleyball trainer Traktor Divitz dead 29 years old Shrewsbury striker Ryan Bowman treated with defibrillator during game 25 years goalkeeper Lukas Bommer dead 18 years old pro footballer Fellipe de Jesus Moreira has double heart attack Italy, 27 years old cycling champion Gianni dead English lineswoman Helen Byrne, heart problems has to be carried off at world cup 17-year-old soccer player of the JSG High Hagen dead Germany Team leader Dietmar Gladow dead Germany 15 years old goalkeeper Bruno Stein dead USA, 14-year-old soccer player Ava Azzopardi collapses in a coma USA, 12 year old Jayson Kidd collapsed during basketball practice and died Many of these people probably would have been tested for Covid before playing/participating given the inability of the vaccine to prevent infection and transmission. A whole lot unlucky poor souls all with unidentified cardiac problems. Looks like cardiac screening has not been as proficient in picking up abnormalities in 2021 compared to the previous 2 decades. You need to re read the paper you quoted. Credit though for it not being "fact checker" cock and bollocks. Jesus fucking Christ.
  6. Lots of people who pose at journalists are no more than activists. They certainly aren't scientists, see "fact checkers". They definitely would not put on an FFP3 mask for 12 hours and nurse symptomatic patients. These sort of people I consider on the same gutter level as those who ran off home claiming they were vulnerable, to avoid contact with acutely unwell symptomatic patients at the start of this farce. Their opinion is irrelevant to me. If we have a full scientific debate about innate immunity, particularly those that have been exposed to this disease every day at work for the last 20 months, there may be some realisation that these spike protein injections will destroy the innate immunity that has been trained by frequent exposure to this chimeric virus. The insistence on having these short term cytotoxic prophylactics is driven by scientific illiteracy and political dogma.
  7. Totally incoherent on all points. The BMJ may not be what it used to be, but I wouldn't put it in the comic or the bought and paid fact checker category. https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=T9mYl.Ku2NEnMkDPp32JvZXsVxC_ea5VmPwmqISh8Ac-1635942368-0-gaNycGzNCL0
  8. How is this relevant to those who are in the fit and well cohort who receive the injections that are statistically, thus far, of low probability of developing severe disease and the inherent complications of thromboembolic events? None. The second is a fact check. We all know about the circle jerk of Blackrock, Vanguard, Pfizer and 90% of the media. The first line describes him "anti vax proponent". A very high standard of journalism from someone who has spent 40 years in life sciences, no doubt. Laughable. As for the "we've covered", you might have offered other "fact checks", but otherwise you have offered little else.
  9. The potential for thromboembolic events were highlighted before the roll out of the vaccines in Europe. Mike Yeadon and Sucharit Bhakdi wrote an open letter to the EMA in November 2020 about their concerns, stating spike was fusogenic. It was ignored. It was only when people started having fatal thromboembolic events the EMA acted to age restrict the AZ vaccine. The issue I was stating there will be denial about is the specific small amount of batches that appear responsible for the post vaccination deaths in the VAERS system.
  10. I don't know what will happen, probably it will be denied, given the form of the last 20 months. The fatal shots still leave the question of the adverse reactions. The inadvertent intravascular administration of these injections due to incompetence is widely talked about, but little real World action to address the problem seems forthcoming. Given all of this, mugs will still get their kids to queue up for this awful shit.
  11. I am not as hardcore as you are about this farce, probably because I have seen how horrible this virus is in the inflammatory stage, but I tend to agree there are too many coincidences and not all are anecdotal either. It looks like someone has been doing a bit a digging into the VAERS data in the USA. It appears that all the deaths are only coming from a small number of batches in the pfizer and moderna injections. At the very least this asks questions about the standards in production. Usually drug manufacturing has high and strict standards. Today in a 7 and a half hour shift I came into contact with 6 Covid positive patients. 4 were within 3 weeks of having their "booster" and 2 were yet to receive the booster. I also had contact with another person who had their booster 9 days ago and had a clinically obvious DVT in the calf. This is just one medium sized type 1 A&E dept over 7 and a half hours.
  12. So Keir Starmer has positive lateral flow test shortly before he was due at Parliament to listen to Itchy Ballsack cooking the books. I wonder if it is another one of these “rare” breakthrough cases or an erroneous test.
  13. The Beast

    Michel Barnier

    180 per day would not be any problem for a hub. 2 vaccinators could do this easily. A pharmacy would have very low turnover compared to a hub, most likely because it would only be the pharmacist serving it up, whilst trying to do the usual dispensing too. Many of my zero hour colleagues who have worked the hubs all say the work has dried up. There has been difficulty in recruiting the school vaccination nurses also. The adverts went out in the summer in anticipation of giving it to the 12-15 year olds. Many of the positions remain unfilled.
  14. The Beast

    Michel Barnier

    And more lies this evening. 800,000 allegedly have received a booster the last 72 hours. The number or vaccine centres/hubs and contracts with GP's has been wound down since June. It would be logistically impossible to vaccinate this many over 72 hours with current capacity. This is pure propaganda either to instil a false sense of security and/or to nudge people in a certain direction
  15. The Beast

    Michel Barnier

    A couple of vaccinators with a trolley go from ward to ward and department to department offering the flu vaccine to staff. I have never had it. At best it has 40% efficacy. Besides being that flu suddenly fucked off last winter, (another lie the cattle believed) what range of vaccine will be served to people this winter no cunt questions. I don’t know your health risks, only you do. You do what is right for you.
  16. The Beast

    Michel Barnier

    Well Doc, I am not sure if you know your olecranon from your coccyx, but every so called rare thromboembolic event is a result of the spike protein damaging the healthy cells of the endothelial wall. The UKHSA formerly PHE stats up to 17th October indicate in all age groups above 50 the double vaccinated are over represented in the number of deaths. Even in the 40 to 49 category it is not far off this way and is heading this direction. As for hospital admissions, I can categorically say A&E departments have not been full virtually 24 hours a days for the last 3 months due to Covid presentations, irrespective of their vaccination status. Something is very awry Doc, and still the thick fucking cattle of this country beg for the same restrictions to be reimposed that have caused the current shit show. Enough people are not going to boost themselves with this cytotoxic crap because they got fucked over already, particularly on the 2nd fucking shot. The rate of uptake among the 12 to 15 year olds is low because people know this vaccination is next to fucking useless and at worst downright dangerous. If you are fit and well under 60 and have taken this shit, you have been duped by the propaganda.
  17. The Beast

    Michel Barnier

    Funny that, because in the early stages of this shit show, the high rate of smokers in China was believed to have been a reason for less overall cases. Anecdotally, from the patients I see, the COPD’s all ex smokers or still smoking seem to fair better than the type 2 diabetics. Not saying it’s all good for them, far from it, but they are not the worst.
  18. The Beast

    Michel Barnier

    The more people that they keep pumping with this cytotoxic crap and so frequently, the less likely we are to achieve herd immunity. The only positive thing I can see is that only 11% of the age group 12-15 years are accepting the thing.
  19. The Beast

    Michel Barnier

    Now, now. I am not knocking you. We all have to do what we think is the right thing for ourselves. The point I was clumsily making is where is the end game with all of this? From where I stand, at the epicentre of this farce, I don’t think the current strategy is working.
  20. The Beast

    Michel Barnier

    Sheeple is much outdated. Now people are actually turning up for “boosters”, cattle is the appropriate nomenclature.
  21. Well, I wouldn’t wish those dead who clap. I would sooner direct any anger or vitriol to those doing the manipulating. As for GP’s, this useless head of the BMA is not widely respected by its members. I am seeing plenty of people self presenting to A&E who have been prescribed medications for an illness diagnosed from a telephone consultation. No doubt some are diagnosed correctly via telephone conversation, but the injury to the patient and duplication of work is unacceptable in those that are not. Given A&E departments are packed to the rafters almost 24 hours every day for the last 3 months, the last thing needed is resources wasted rectifying easily avoidable mistakes.
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