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Jake The Muss

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Everything posted by Jake The Muss

  1. Afternoon cockbrain, surely you can muster a few more words to go with that lame insult..actually you probably can't, you have a great weekend now, try not to kill yourself..
  2. I have seen a few episodes in the past Apeshitter as my Ex wife lapped this crap up, let's just say it made the divorce less painful as i have never seen this bollocks since...
  3. I am dead to you Deminge, be careful as my hammer throwing spirit might have to smash you to a pulp in that dark alley , you know the one, just round the corner from where you live..where you get your crack fix, get a fucking life you sad pathetic little scrotum looking cuntbreed...let's face facts here, you're already dead, dead of any personality..
  4. i remember watching some of this made for TV short Z-Movies bollocks and remember crying with laughter every time that floating cuntbreed Derek Acorah went in to act 1 of his equity acting cuntishness, fuck my old muddy boots, this cunt on a stick should be in politics with the amount of bullshit coming out of his north, later to be found a fraud...Mmm...no shit Sherlock, any cunt for brains that believed he was for real should be claw hammered on sight and as for that useless bag of cunt Yvette Fielding whose favorite lines was ...did you see that, did you hear that, no cunt saw or heard anything Yvette because you was part of a money making franchise that thick cuntbreeds lapped up, you should be stripped of your blue peter badge you old cocksucker, apparently she was almost killed by a crowbar throwing ghost, should of been a claw hammer, better call ghost busters Yvette because you bunch of cretins are certainly not that ,a TV cunts on parade paradise for the thickest of cuntbreeds,
  5. It's not racist Mancus, Zombie man is just very ignorant and pig shit thick, he needs to get over himself before he can except a difference of opinion..
  6. Yes Zombie man, the site was full of those so called idiots like you say but they had character and a style of their own and was a pleasure to come on here and have some great harmless banter, of course there was the odd twat now and again but they didn't last long..glad there are some survivors from those days still posting..
  7. Fuck me, Ratty not here anymore, or maybe he is, i shall look out for nazi salutes from unknown members..
  8. I do the smashing, you should know that by now..
  9. You daft cuntbrain ..i am the copyright, all from my own warped imagination,go and get your own franchise, now off you fuck..
  10. Fuck my eye out, it's like watching a monster flick with you two Apes, in the Blue corner i give you Mighty Joe Punk and in the red corner Ape kong, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT...YOU APE CUNTBREEDS FIGHT..
  11. I'm selling a set of golf clubs if you're interested, only used in a couple of assaults on nonces, i have cleaned all the blood off them..
  12. How can a night club be a gay night club...well if it's populated by poofters, then that makes it a gay night club, work it out Einstein..
  13. Probably been done on the old site and maybe on here in my absence but once a cunt always a cunt and cuntbreeds like this pile of wank should always be revisited for a fresh cunting, this tosshead cuntbrain gets on my fucking tits, what with his wide boy attitude and his complete cuntish voice, the cuntbreed goes on and fucking on about the amount of sugar in drinks/foods and how bad that is, really Jamie you slosh knob, what about the amount of fucking sugar that is used in your restaurants, arrogant cunt should be beaten with a Kookaburra Kahuna cricket bat and have his railings knocked out with an automatic center punch..and some blow torching wouldn't go a miss, then a smash to his cuntbreed swede with a trusted claw hammer..CUNTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
  14. Hotel ..Mmm..really, surely you was dreaming about this and then woke up in your piss stained bedsit..just saying.
  15. Yeah i let myself down there Apeshitter you fucking cuntdrained cuntbrained cuntbreeder...BETTER ?
  16. An hypocritical religion like all of the religions in one way or the other but in Islam it's ok to do terrible things like beheading as it's mentioned in their peaceful book many times, so Isis are just carrying out orders if you look at it that way, while moderate muslims are saying they're giving Islam a bad name, maybe they should read their book again or ask for certain parts to be rewritten, for example, in the western world , being able to take criticism is classed as the just thing so we learn from our mistakes but in the peaceful book of Islam taking criticism is dishonorable, it's not rocket science, and this is just one example of what's wrong with Islam in my opinion..
  17. That's true but you seriously lack any personality, you're a boring little crusted cunt cake mixed in with diseased slash, you wanna play with me Apeshitter then show some imagination or fuck off from my radar, i can play this game with you for as long as it takes, or you can act like an adult and save your insults for when you look in the mirror..
  18. It's my signature Apeshit, haven't you noticed..yours is drivel.
  19. The Corden cuntbreed really annoys me to the point where i want to commit genocide on every worthless unfunny fat cuntbrain i see, tools for this job would include a nail gun, a rusty axe, some super glue, a couple of razor blades, some jiff, rubber gloves, judas chair, an assortment of claw hammers and a few pictures of Donald Trumps hair..
  20. I fucking despair with this bollocks, can't the thicko cuntbreeds see that this is just the kind of shit that starts wars, freedom of speech..Mmm...i thought the bible was the holy book in this country not some false nonsense that was written well over a 1,000 years later about some paedofile war monger who enjoyed chopping off heads..
  21. You ignorant bunch of cuntbreeds, maybe there is a very good reason Panzer is not working, maybe he has two heads and nobody wants to see that abomination walking the streets, maybe he has a genuine disability or looks after someone who has....or maybe and probably he has that awful virus called lazyitis and rapes the benefit system like some asylum seeker parasite, but i have to agree with his nomination and would go further in saying TV in general is a stack of slash...i really only watch torture and nunsploitation films..
  22. How did you know...you're so clever..
  23. You're the one who keeps insulting me...and you're going to get it back from me every time you dish it out to me, now if you want to grow up and act like an adult then i am all for that..but you're still a useless cuntbrain whatever you decide..
  24. A very boring comment which lacks any imagination or knowledge, so go and get the clap from your local crack addict brass, you fucking muggy slosh puppet..
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