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Jake The Muss

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Everything posted by Jake The Muss

  1. She is old eniugh for a cunt kicking and i will put on my boots and spread her legs and kick her in the cunt for half an hour til i'm exhausted and become the No.1 cunt kicker in....then turn to Klaus and say, can you get a polaroid of that.
  2. Agreed Eric, a stupid cringe cunt...but now she is of an age to get a boat load of love gravy.
  3. You speak so much shit that you sweat it, turn call of duty back on and shut the cunt up.
  4. If i want to talk to you then i will summon you, until then crawl back in Pen's pouch and dissolve in her rancid piss. Get the fuck outta here or you will be ironed out, you videogame playing-drooling layabout.
  5. This could well be used as my next tortue technique...keep playing it to the victim and to wake them every ten minutes playing it. What do you think Eric ?
  6. The most hated cunt on here (you) puckers up with the most annoying smelly old tranny on here, misery loves company. Drown in dog shit, you fucking freak.
  7. You never ignored it as you replied, you special kind of thick dunce.
  8. Love it Stubby, i owe you five likes for that.
  9. When you think someone can't get even more pathetic, you show up again and remind us how it's done. Did i mention that i can't stand you.
  10. Don't know who all of these tepid turd grabbers are but if you would have put Tony Cunting Blair on it , then we would of got along fine and dandy...but as it is , i'm going tear off your three piece suit and send them to your hovis muncher lover. Choke yourself.
  11. Yes an horrible fucking cunt who has thankfully left this realm of cunts. Hope he got heavily ass raped by some deranged crack (pardon the pun) addict before he was ironed out.
  12. Do remember that you're not funny, you're just plain old stupid, don't grace this page again with your cringe banal half-witted babblings. Fuck off.
  13. Are you mine and every other cunts pain in the ass, no need to reply as we know the answer. Choke yourself.
  14. Stupid Cunt.
  15. Well ain't this some comical shit, a doctor has confirmed contracting covid can shrink your penis permanently (not the injections). I guess Punky will end up with a fannie if he succombs to this, now shut the cunt up and trust the science. Fuck off. https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/doctor-confirms-contracting-covid-can-22735894
  16. Fuck off and when you get there, fuck off again and again.
  17. Covid bio-disease ?
  18. He always hangs himself.
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