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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 17 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

    He definately got paid thousands, and refused to do it unless he did, and he insisted on all sorts of shite to do with cars, hotels etc...

    Ah, yes, the same loveable Tel who started working for the Beeb in the late 60s, who became a stalwart of the organisation via BBC radio and as presenter for TOTP. Now, who else during that era also worked for BBC radio and as a TOTP presenter?

    Of course, Sir Tel's clean image precedes his reputation, because he would never have suspected or known such a thing was going on at White City studios. Otherwise he'd have said something, wouldn't he?  

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, JackoTC said:

    When this law was passed, several MP's rallied at once (and spoke in the Commons) about Poppers (nitrates) They argued that bandits used it regularly during their bum fun games. It was immediately taken off the "banned" list. I have no doubt that dozens of them were afraid the bent whores and rent boys they regularly bugger may be upset otherwise. 

    I'm not kidding either. Its the quickest turnaround in legal history. What a bunch of fucking deviants.

    And those MP's are too. 

    You obviously have excellent knowledge of poppers, Jacksie. Why have you acquired such knowledge about the drug's uses and prohibition, may I ask?

  3. 1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    I heard Wogan used to get 10k for presenting the Children in Need programme for the bbc. If this is true then he's a cunt. 

    To be fair to Wogan, he split half of it with his toupee.

  4. Having travelled to places suffering poverty and extreme inequality (though not Nepal), I can't say people there don't need our help, and I am happy to donate if I know it's going to make positive changes. But there are many ways to assist and few things more infuriating than an overpaid celebrity with tens of millions in the bank prompting ordinary people to give money to a cause they deem more worthy than others.

    I'm aware wiki is not the most accurate profiler of people, however, it estimates McGregor's net worth to be around £40m. I'm fairly certain if he gave up just half this amount, it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference to his quality of life – but it would make a massive difference to lives of millions in Nepal. It would also mean people struggling to keep their homes in the UK wouldn't have to listen to this whingeing, conceited, horrendously overpaid Scottish wanker carping on about how the world's wealth ought to be distributed. 

    It's the ultimate show of hypocrisy and corruptness when I read other charitable celebrities such as Geldof are now worth £30m-plus, and when I see privileged arseholes such as Lily Allen 'apologising' on my behalf for not caring enough.

    If celebrities care so much, they ought to tax each other, putting such funds into a pot, to distribute accordingly for causes for which they concern themselves with. I wonder just how much McGregor, Geldof and Allen would personally contribute if none was rich and famous. But each likes to be seen doing charitable work, don't they? It's certainly a good career boost.

    I wish they'd all sod off with their charitable requests, I really do.



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  5. 1 hour ago, DingTheRioja said:

    Was that the one promoted by her who knowingly ignored the Savillry goings on at the BBC???

    Guilty conscience or blatent self-aggrandisement?

    Both. I suspect Horsewoman knew precisely what was going on; she chose to ignore much of it for fear of rocking her career boat. And then came Childline, which seemed to be some half-arsed attempt at eradicating guilt. The irony of it!

  6. 7 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Can't fucking sleep. You doze off and then get woken up by a fucking nurse jamming a thermometer in your ear. I'm recovering from an op, I ain't got the fucking flu. 

    Did the doctor insert a lubricated finger into your bottom, and ask you to cough, to examine for post-operative abnormalities?

  7. 2 hours ago, Snatch said:

    I hope you had a good fire burning Jacko,it can be cold under the bridge this time of year.

    Don't be silly, Snatch. Jacko's got too much killer instinct and anger to become homeless; I had him figured for a target-driven car salesman for his local petrol station.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

    I've just been asked by someone on another site of what we hear about Brexit, my answer was that we don't hear very much about it all much. Our news, at least in the Netherlands, concerns it's self with reporting our national news with anything EU related a low priority, the reason being is that it is a low priority. As far as the average Netherlander is concerned we're enjoying a full recovery, unemployment is low, property values are on the rise, exports are increasing and we'll all genuinely contented with what our government has achieved over the last six years within the EU frame work. I can only go by the experience on the ground and not what the media tells me I'm experinencing which is what I think happens in the UK where the media sets the agenda and the public buy into it.

    Believe you me, I was anti EU before it was fashionable to be anti EU until realizing that my life probably wouldn't be any better without the EU, in fact if it wasn't for the EU and the freedom of movement policy I'd probably still be living in some muck hole like Watford or Hemel Hempstead. At a point now that I would defend to the death to reatain my way of life here in the Netherlands within the EU.

    Even though Watford or Hemel Hempstead have the potential to be the envy of Europe, I consider myself, like most Brits, lucky to have such decent, honest bigwigs leading the way. (Even Helle Thorning-Schmidt is jealous of her sex appeal.)


  9. 6 minutes ago, Punkape said:

    Local prisons should have inmates ( non-violent) bused in to every local community to pick up litter and mitigate expenditure by local government by partaking in local projects.


    I demand you reinstate your previous avatar. It's just not the same.

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