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Prints Harry

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Everything posted by Prints Harry

  1. Wolfie everyone has got the right to be thick as pigshit and ugly but you really do abuse that right.
  2. Why aren't you out blocking fox earths and killing badgers?
  3. There is plenty of evidence that Pakistan is a failed state.
  4. You are just so funny ApeTM
  5. Wolfie you really are as thick as pigshit ask fra scotty.
  6. Actually Judge's real name is Oliver Python so he has got a very good reason to be angry.
  7. Could you tell us about your menagerie ApeTM?
  8. Enver did fuck her off to Ireland first.
  9. Perhaps the only other option to a North Korea type regime. Something I admire about Enver Hoxa of Albania is that although he was born a muslim he realised that religion was stupid and almost eliminated it from his country.
  10. It would have needed a regime like the one in North Korea to reprogramme their minds to make any change. If the soviets had been left alone back in the 1980s or even supported in doing the work things might have change.
  11. There is a mention of her not being able to drive because of mental health problems so which implies that she might have had a car until the third sprog arrived.
  12. There no need for you to worry about me Scotty, you need to spend more time checking the freezer Ming won't defrost without you being there for her.
  13. At a guess she would have been "plum-duffed by a local stud during the open season during November or December last year.
  14. More likely to be "fathers".
  15. Holywood pap is the key to a lot of the modern issues. If you step back more than 500 year none of those "heroes" were nationalists or fighting for independence, they were simply using England, Scotland Wales or Ireland or wherever as a base from which to launch a bid to control everything within the these islands.
  16. A poor young single mum struggling to live on £130 a week after the birth of her third child. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/single-mum-three-living-130-24798134 Now visits the Hackney Community Closet every Friday to collect some extra food "I’m really not sure what I would have done without them," she said. .. Perhaps not opening your legs might have helped Zeynep.
  17. I would like to use it to ring your blubbery neck.
  18. ow long before the cunts from Cornwall also start playing this game of denial?
  19. I would like him to be Frank about his sock pupperteering.
  20. I rattled Panzer back in 2016 .. the truth about Panzer is that he someone's sock puppet.
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