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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. It was also redacted double quick Judge! However your above post has outfoxed her, cleverly revealing the contents of the original while boxing clever!
  2. Me and Baws could collaborate on this project, however we need a man capable of planting the sarin nerve agents, we can take care of the rest are you in Billy?😁
  3. I reckon I might have solved this for Sadick Kunt! Simply install incredibly powerful electromagnets at the entrances to Footlocker, JD Sports plus all fried chicken shops. You know the sort used at breaker's yards, these could be disguised as the gadgets that set of alarms on clothing being shoplifted. There by pinning the blade holding spear chuckers to the magnetic device, simple!
  4. Agreed Jiggers, there's nothing wrong with a Mogadon after a stressful day!
  5. AbsoFuckinLoutely Eric I thought the same. He was a green beret owning commando for fucks sake plus a tasty boxer. Number one he would have shot him either in the torso or head with a suitable large calibre firearm, not as you pointed out with a .22 luger. Fucking amateurs they should have hired the bloke who popped Jill Dando! However the security services don't handle those sort of contracts, know what I meanπŸ˜‰πŸ€”
  6. Terry should have used a sawn off on the cunt! Apparently it was a luger. I say apparently coz Terry was found not guilty, Warren is a cunt though the English Don King!
  7. Major Cunt

    Marcus Ball

    Baws I have a feeling the comments I leave describing my code functions, would drive you insane!😁😁😁😁
  8. Major Cunt

    Marcus Ball

    Ratty has a spare Enigma machine you could use though, he's thinking about putting up on eBay, due to being a bit short on Reichsmarks at the moment!
  9. Major Cunt

    Marcus Ball

    Of course it does Baws when we're talking about writing software. Thankfully though as you're no doubt aware we now have intellisense in code editors, cutting down on the odd language error. My point was the use of English on the corner, comments containing words such as "of" or "off" or "there" or "their". Random mistakes or in some cases ignorance, my gripe was with those pulling punters on said errors, while they should get their own scripts on order! Baws you though have mastered this technique, while keeping your own house in order. Did you work on the 737 MAX’s anti-stall systems, by any chance? No however I reckon it was probably written by Pen in Turbo Pascal at a guess!
  10. Major Cunt

    Marcus Ball

    Also for the grammar Nazis who like to pull me up on punctuation and grammatical errors! I spend most of my time writing in code where the above is not a pre-requisite. So fuck off!
  11. Major Cunt

    Marcus Ball

    I'm under the presumption of you being a practicing GP/specialist? Am I wrong on this belief? So I take your statements with a little more pinch of a salt, than most cunts on here. To me the demise of the NHS seems sadly inevitable, there is major mismanagement of funds, which I happen to know this first hand. My brother is an IT contractor who was hired to update a legacy system, the NHS manager's making the decisions around tender and pricing, have no fucking idea how this stuff actually works. Or in reality should cost! So unscrupulous consultants rinse the public purse by up to three times it's actual price. One example of why sadly without a serious restructure this birth right is gonna fail. I'm a big fan of the work they do after being seriously injured, health tourism and general abuse is also sadly rife. Any private medical system and the abolition of the NHS may finally be enough to cause a revolution in this country!
  12. You'd need to be hung like Eddie to try
  13. I wanna rock with you gyper's!
  14. I'm outta likes, but your preaching to the choir here 😁😁😁
  15. I doubt it! Cowell's a cunt of galactic proportions he'll still spin a shekel or two outta this coffin Dodger. To be honest Billy you disappoint me, worse than a ginger stepchild. Watching Britain's got talent disgusts me, hang your head in shame and get some fucking culture in your life man. We live in an age of 100s of channels. I'm gonna pray for your soul son!
  16. It would no doubt be a Thriller, and Of The Wall though!
  17. I was heading in that direction good to see your on form old chap! Allegedly Frank only has blinds in his hovel now, due to the curtain rings being lost during his fortnightly Arab orgies. Visiting Abdul's presume there cock rings and pocket them for posterity!
  18. More of a ring to it definitely! I owe you a like Scotty 😁
  19. Major Cunt

    Marcus Ball

    Bullshit you drink half a pint of full fat (not always milk I'd wager too) as soon as you open your pig shaped eyes, with a handful of librium to stop the delirium tremors until you can manage that first bottle of white ace cider. Living on the top floor of a Wandsworth council tower block I doubt you have access to a vegetable patch? Maybe some window boxes just maybe. I also seriously doubt you would waste your summer duvet (old copies of the Guardian) on a trespassers rectum. Unless silver and semen was crossing your palm.
  20. I know what you mean mate the black and White minstrel show have taken to Ironing me now, I find it amusing along with there combined IQ of 54!
  21. Wizz I'm sure a man of your caliber knows a self fulfilling prophecy when he asks one!
  22. I'm pretty sure that's Withers eBay page! All bids on any items starting at Β£0.01
  23. I'd also throw into the scenario. Kings cross station, runaways, gaming arcades and barbiturates!
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