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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. If the Russians and Putin were to drop a nuke on the UK and it landed on Liverpool…..few tears would be shed for the treacherous scum in their ghastly hovels next to the river Mersey. From booing our national anthem to robbing their own dead at Hillsborough these scurrilous wretches are now hosting an international perverts festival. An unsavoury and bizarre preview was shown on TV yesterday and 90% of those interviewed were sodomites, Transosdomites and/or HIV carriers as were the interviewers. Let’s be clear…the majority of the contestants will be here to commit gross indecency as often and with as many other perverts as they can. If that means spreading HIV and a myriad of other STDs so much the better. The people of Liverpool are happily facilitating this festival of filth to tick the diversity boxes of their socio-Stalinesque local government twats and MP’s Jurgen Klopp is a cunt.
  2. You need to sort yourself out Octopus face..
  3. All though initially made to feel welcome by some, Megan Markle was never going to fit in at the top of society not just because of having the wrong bloodline but because she is trailer trash, as are her extended family. When she last appeared on the Palace balcony she looked like a turd in a packet of Quavers.
  4. Were any of the Black and White Minstrels travelling folk ?
  5. Skeletons in cupboards? Are you a relative of Fred West ?
  6. You follow the Stonewall agenda…. Very worrying and perverse. Expect a knock on the door Mungbean….
  7. Prince Andrew the innocent… try chasing after Savile or Cyril Smith you silly mong..
  8. God bless Prince Andrew….Falklands Hero…
  9. You obviously sponor Stonewall because you’re perverse…
  10. You’re now part of the EEC and their totally unhinged open border policy for Islamic nutters and more Middle Eastern Islamic nutters with semi-deranged Islamic nutters.
  11. You are flotsam at the finish… Saluad…
  12. If you don’t like it here fuck off somewhere where there’s no monarchy…like Afghanistan where you can also interfere with the mountain goats 🐐
  13. But I’m here now and you’re still lower middle class, can’t get into a semi-respectable golf club and you have AIDS…. lol.
  14. The Coronation starts today. Those who oppose it or wish to protest should be deported to Syria, Iran or Iraq. Get stuffed.
  15. Indeed…an already disabled Davros in a Dalek wheelchair complete with 007 gyrocopter…. Fame at last for Ape…
  16. Evening Ape. Tell us about your Tattoos you festering lump of regurgitated Warthog scrotum… lol.
  17. You could change your name by deed poll to Mr Turd-Compressor……if you haven’t already… Lol.
  18. Ape has arrived…..how are you old bean ? Have you had anymore tattoos done recently? Why not cover yourself in some homemade napalm and incinerate the old tatts to make way for the new…. You can also become a Davros lookalike….. lol. Fuck off.
  19. I see you have been seduced by the antics of Stonewall conflating sexual perversion with the the identity of the Church. Idiot.
  20. God also gave us the means to create vaccines and to fight against Stonewall and its perverse culture of nihilistic atheism.
  21. Pringle ? Mates ? You sound very lower/middle or working class. Pringle went from the golf world in the 80’s. I’m a member of several Golf clubs that you wouldn’t get into because you’re completely inappropriate. lol.
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