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Karma visiting Fucking Stuck up Cunts


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Had a problem with my internet connection for a day or two, which turned out to be a frayed user line outside, but the cunts at Virgin wanted me to check home equipment. Not having a neighbour I can hold a conversation with without me fighting off the desire to set fire to them, I tried a couple of shops across the road. Second shop had a line for me to check my phone..three mutton dressed as lamb bints in hairdressers, all sitting around chewing gum and comparing sun-bed lesion riddled skin, while some fucking teenaged chunter sat in a seat with tin-foil in her hair. The owner, who I mistakenly assumed was a reasonable person, looked down her nose at me and grunted at me that they had clients in and petulantly walked off, so I left. Cunt. Yesterday, after lunch, she's struggling to change one of her Mercedes' wheels on our hill, in the wet and looks over at me getting out of my car.. "Are you going to help me, or what"? "No. I'm fucking not. I'm going to the cinema tonight and I need a shave. Have fun". In the event, I stood outside her shop and talked to a friend for half an hour while the transgender-looking sow got herself covered in shit and muttered her discontent. Skyfall was excellent.

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