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Doctor Fucking Who


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Apart from recently(ish) having the pneumatically breasted, sometimes almost acceptable, ginger cunt-stick and all-round danger wank, Catherine Tate in it, the Rev doesn't understand the need for this shite on the screen. Now that there's a new arse-lord treading the boards who looks like a teacher I despised at school, I'll be banning this drivel from chez Coitus altogether and the juniors'll just have to content themselves with endless re-runs of the Exterminator and Driller Killer. Bad enough that the 'down with da kids' bumder series Torchwood gayed all over the BBC with that yank toilet-loitering trouser-pilot, now we've got another jock Doctor..wonder if he'll be told to Anglicize his accent like that fucking emaciated fringe Tennant cunt. Peter Cushing was a cunt.

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