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Dead March from Saul


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Anyone watching sky news today will have heard this. An adaptation of Handels dead march. It's the music commonly heard at military funerals. It doesn't stay with the military though and is often a choice made through ignorance for traditional funerals. The problem I have with it is that it flies in the face of what life is all about. So do bloody funerals and wakes in general. When our loved one shuffle of this mortal coil we should be celebrating their life, not wallowing in their death. You cunts on here won't believe this but if I popped my clogs tomorrow I would be mourned by my wife and my kids and other assorted family riff raff I don't even bother sending Christmas cards to. They'd all be sat their moping around being miserable and I don't want that. I propose a change. How about some of that cockney shite that from Judges neck of the woods. Getting lowered down into the final resting place while an overly loud rendition of "Knees up mother Brown" was being blasted though some Marshal amps. That's the ticket! send em back home smiling at the idiocy of it all.

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