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The One Pence Coin


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What's it for? Why is it in your pocket? Only 99p shops think they are worthwhile for their till floats. These little irritants cost more to produce than they're worth. If your cuntishly beady eye spots one discarded in the street, do you grab it? When you're at the bar or any place else and this slippery little nothing slips through your fingers, do you get down on your hands and knees searching for it? Fuck, no. Even cunts holding charity buckets don't want to know. All this goes for its big brother as well, that well known cunt, the 2p coin. What does 2p alone buy? Not even 1p. I am sick of being handed a penny in change when the cunting product says 6.99 when it should just say 7 pounds. Is it psychological shopping bullshit that makes cunts think they have a bargain paying six hundred and ninety nine pennies instead of seven hundred? Get rid of cunting coppers, you conniving Treasury Cuntwipes.

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