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One way you would change the world


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Righto cunts, If you could change the world in one way what would be. I would end all religion as if the concept had never existed. Thus ending most war, condemning towel heads to wander about as aimless sand monkeys with no one to jihad, and preserving the structural integrity of the arses of alter boys throughout the world. What a great cunt I am! 

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Guest DingTheRioja

I'd remove all fat pervy cunts who aren't funny... just fucking annoying..


....and send them to Murrica to annoy the fat arrogant cunts who can't shoot straight.

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Guest DingTheRioja

How's this a cunt?


I think its more along the lines of "which cunts would you prefer to annihilate first, to change the world"


Think of it as a "round-robin cunting" like them shitty emails at work...


Please note.. "first"...

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Would allow people one murder victim a decade - no questions asked, no comeback. You can just murder someone and go 'Yup, that was me - he was giving me random bad attitude so I just offed the cunt and now I'm claiming my get out of jail free card' for this decade.'


That way you'd have to be a lot more pleasant and considerate of other people because you'd never know that when you decided to turn some shitty drum 'n bass tinnitus-inducing shite up to eleven in your Barryd-up near-write of mobile Halfords Sound System, that it wasn't Old Jiggs at the side of the road, armed with a shoulder launched Howitzer aimed right at you.

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Would allow people one murder victim a decade - no questions asked, no comeback. You can just murder someone and go 'Yup, that was me - he was giving me random bad attitude so I just offed the cunt and now I'm claiming my get out of jail free card' for this decade.'


That way you'd have to be a lot more pleasant and considerate of other people because you'd never know that when you decided to turn some shitty drum 'n bass tinnitus-inducing shite up to eleven in your Barryd-up near-write of mobile Halfords Sound System, that it wasn't Old Jiggs at the side of the road, armed with a shoulder launched Howitzer aimed right at you.

I like this idea a lot, but I fear it might backfire and we'd be the cunts constantly looking behind us. Poor old Keith wouldn't make it through the first morning of the new regime.

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I think I could afford be a bit more generous. One a decade, realistically, unless you start before the age of 10 is only about five cunts. I'd propose three or four a year to begin with, perhaps an extra couple in the winter for the dark nights and a sweetener of a gallon of unleaded if you manage three in under a week.

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Guest JackoTC

Couldn't agree more Jack. They don't like 'nom's' on here that's one thing for sure. They have a life expectancy of no more than a few days before some cunt has wiped them., and everybody has to say 'please & thank you' and blow the mod's a fucking kiss before logging off. I don't log-off myself, I just wait for a week until its ready to splatter, but its the rest of the cunts who feel sorry for on here... almost brainwashed into idle chit-chatting and gossip with all and sundry at each and every given opportunity. You certainly won't find me doing that Jacko, I don't talk to no cunt on here and keep me self to me self. By the way, where do you work and tell me about a few of your hobbies and pastimes? What is your Star sign?

You lying cunt Jazz, you and I were chitchatting about records and vinyl the other day, so we are both hypocritical cuntbags. By the way, I'm Aquarius and work full time at the sperm bank.

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Guest ducunti

Would allow people one murder victim a decade - no questions asked, no comeback. You can just murder someone and go 'Yup, that was me - he was giving me random bad attitude so I just offed the cunt and now I'm claiming my get out of jail free card' for this decade.'


That way you'd have to be a lot more pleasant and considerate of other people because you'd never know that when you decided to turn some shitty drum 'n bass tinnitus-inducing shite up to eleven in your Barryd-up near-write of mobile Halfords Sound System, that it wasn't Old Jiggs at the side of the road, armed with a shoulder launched Howitzer aimed right at you.

The only downside to this would be if someone then chose you as one of their ten year quota.

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Not a fucking chance.


I'm the Ninja Poster! No one notices me. I slip easily from one dimension to another, antagonising no one, leaving no imprint of my passing. I could walk a cross Kung Fu's ricepaper and not leave a mark, dead easy.


David Carradine was a cunt.


As is the functionality of this digital shit-farm which STILL doesn't allow me to post quotes - shit piss bollocks arsecandles....

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Guest KuntaCunty

I think I would like to perform an experiment.  I'd round up all the solicitors, judges, and politicians, place them all in one large auditorium.  Upon entering, each would be given one hand grenade, and then I would force them all to watch Bronski's "Fedora's are awesome" video, then see if the cunts pull the pin to top themselves, or if they go completely mental and throw it into the crowd. 

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I would nuke Scotland. It is one big pain in the arse addition to the UK that we can do without. Hopefully the fallout will dissipate over Wales then everyone will be happy....well anyone that matt

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