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Guest JackoTC

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Guest KuntaCunty

All this talk about a katana, but when looking at the image more closely it would appear Bronski is actually holding a fluorescent lighting tube, or is it a light sabre?


If it were, Bronski would have devised a way to insert it into his arse.  Seeing no evidence left behind of such an incredible violation, I think another, more likely option, is that it is a restraining cable, keeping him under control in his room until his meds take effect.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest JackoTC

Crème Eggs ! Those American's  will ruin Cadbury's and some of my favourites. Loads of nice things are being fucked with in the name of profit. Angel Delight for one, cunts have made it sugar free, and add loads of chemicals instead. Those fuckbags at Sainsburgs have made their Lime Cordial sugar free too. It was always better than Rose's as it was sharp with just a little sugar added. Now its all aspartame, saccharin etc. Tastes rotten, and filled with brain fucking chemicals. 

That's all I have to say about that.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Crème Eggs ! Those American's will ruin Cadbury's and some of my favourites. Loads of nice things are being fucked with in the name of profit. Angel Delight for one, cunts have made it sugar free, and add loads of chemicals instead. Those fuckbags at Sainsburgs have made their Lime Cordial sugar free too. It was always better than Rose's as it was sharp with just a little sugar added. Now its all aspartame, saccharin etc. Tastes rotten, and filled with brain fucking chemicals.
That's all I have to say about that.

It is a shame that due to some people's lack of self control, we have been lead into a world where all of us are being punished with aspartame and saccharin. Nothing edible is bad unless eaten in excess. Real sugar is a known entity, aspartame and all the others are disgusting substitutes. The big supermarkets are responding to the nanny state demands driven by misinformation from biased so called experts. The same ones that now say butter is better for us than margarine after years of saying it was bad.
They are all cunts and the sugar replacements are actually mostly cheaper to produce. They still make your body store fat as it thinks it has had sugar. All a huge con.
Cunts the lot of them.
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It is a shame that due to some people's lack of self control, we have been lead into a world where all of us are being punished with aspartame and saccharin. Nothing edible is bad unless eaten in excess. Real sugar is a known entity, aspartame and all the others are disgusting substitutes. The big supermarkets are responding to the nanny state demands driven by misinformation from biased so called experts. The same ones that now say butter is better for us than margarine after years of saying it was bad.
They are all cunts and the sugar replacements are actually mostly cheaper to produce. They still make your body store fat as it thinks it has had sugar. All a huge con.
Cunts the lot of them.

As pointed out, self-control is an issue, not sugar. The problem also lies with low prices and volumes.
A thick, greedy cunt will buy a lot and eat the lot. Make a bar of chocolate cost 15 quid and see how many will be downed in one go.
Expensive confectionery would be bad news for cunts like me who eat sweets in moderation, but I would be happy to accept it, just to see fewer of those obese, waddling wales. Particularly those blocking hospital beds.
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