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young farmers 2015


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Had to attend an agriculturally based campus event recently [don't ask !] and was at times in the midst of bunches of these jumped up shits who not only cream themselves [no pun intended] at their 'wacky' antics but insist on letting everyone within earshot share their delight. What a bunch of up themselves cunts they are. If the purpose of these YF outfits is to make sure relationships and offsprings are kept to the 'right type' and kept in house [barn ?]... ie; no mixing or t'other stuff beyond first cousins ... then the resultant interbreeding results have been an outstanding success if this bunch of twats and twatettes are anything to go by. 

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Guest JackoTC

I go to a few Young Farmers dinner/dance pissups each year. They are easy to deal with. Have several stiff gins. Get to your table, drink down as much free wine as quickly as possible. After dinner, hog the bottle of port, and end up glugging it out of the bottle whilst jumping up and down on the dancefloor. It also helps to tell the rosy cheeked cunts that they are not Guardians of the countryside. Indeed, I told them this very thing. I told every fucker within earshot that they had fucked up the water tables with chemicals, ripped up the hedgerows and fed their cattle on old spinal columns and sawdust. I have not been invited back next year.  

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Guest MikeD

Great nom. Growing up in a rural area I had first hand experience of these dim-witted cunts.

Who the fuck do these bastards think they are?

The cunts should be made to lie down and get run over with a fucking combine harvester. Mind you, that'll just spread the cunts into the land, there's enough poisonous fucking crap in it already. Just shoot the fuckers.

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Guest DingTheRioja

Its when they're driving those tractors with 8ft tyres on, bouncing like a cunt on a raleigh Chopper, on the mobile and dont fucking see me in my BRIGHT FUCKING RED CAR and nearly do a fucking evel kneivel over my bonnet that annoys me...

..well.. annoys me more than fucking usual.. they always have a dozy grin on their faces, must be something to do with getting paid 3 times for the same fucking crop from the MAFF and then selling it anyway..


red diesel cunts!!

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Guest Bill Stickers

 It also helps to tell the rosy cheeked cunts that they are not Guardians of the countryside. Indeed, I told them this very thing. I told every fucker within earshot that they had fucked up the water tables with chemicals, ripped up the hedgerows and fed their cattle on old spinal columns and sawdust. I have not been invited back next year.  

​Hear hear!

When the people who profit from something claim to be the protectors of said thing, it's usually bullshit

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