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Britains Fattest Man

Guest DrCunt

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Guest DingTheRioja

I don't understand the way in which the problem of morbid obesity is managed in this country. If somebody is anorexic, intervention takes place, even to the point of using the mental health act to give artificial feeding. People do die of anorexia, but far more die like this man has. It seems health care professionals just go along with feeding him and subsequently killing him. Nobody in their right mind would want to die like this. And before any of you toe rags imply or ask, no I am not a fat bastard.

...because it's illegal to starve someone but not forcefeed them... court order or not... blame the eurocrat/human rights wankers...

And I am not a "toerag"... jizzrag maybe, toe rag, no...

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Guest nobgobbler

I don't understand the way in which the problem of morbid obesity is managed in this country. If somebody is anorexic, intervention takes place, even to the point of using the mental health act to give artificial feeding. People do die of anorexia, but far more die like this man has. It seems health care professionals just go along with feeding him and subsequently killing him. Nobody in their right mind would want to die like this. And before any of you toe rags imply or ask, no I am not a fat bastard.

I agree. It does suggest there are some mental health issues here. People like this should be sectioned and given the help they need to beat their food addiction and their self destructive behaviour, the cost being offset against their ability to return to a normal life, earn a living and contribute. Let's not forget, there's loads of help available for junkies. . . I'm not a fat bastard either. I like chocolate, a lot, but if I could afford to spend £10 a day on it I just wouldn't. Now where did I put that cadbury flake?

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Guest DingTheRioja

So you say...... Come and join me at Spotter Towers for breakfast.




You wouldn't catch me eating that shit....

....black pudding?

Fook off!!!!!!


.........and where's me fried slices..??

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Guest DrCunt

So you say...... Come and join me at Spotter Towers for breakfast.




Any wasteful cunt that orders this and fails to finish every last morsel should have any leftover suasages rammed up their arse! That would be a hell of a dilemma for Brony.

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Guest Snatch

Dirty fucking fat fucking beached whale fucking fat cunt. They should boil this fat bastard alive and make candles out of the cunt. I bet he fucking stinks the fat shit. I bet he's on benefits the fat fucking fat fucking , cunting fat bastard fucking beached fucking fat whale. I just want to kill the fucking fat candle wax fat fucking bastards like this. I fucking hate the fucking fat cunts and i just want to kill the fat bastards, fucking fat elephants...........kill i say, just KILL KILL KILL the fat porky cunts. Oh.......he's already dead? Well then if he was cremated i resent the fact that the air i breathe has been polluted by this fat cunt's burning fat. If they buried the fat arse bastard then why is the fat cunt taking up more land than the rest of us? Fat fucking bastards..............am i one of the boys now? Can i be your special friend now?

If he was queer it would be a different matter wouldn't it.

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Guest judgetwi

I think that it was Tom Lehrer who said , " the day Kissinger received the Nobel Peace Prize was the day satire died." Well, whoever the cunt was, now i know how he felt.

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Guest DingTheRioja

Definition of satire in English:


[mass noun] 1The use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues...


I think we are about on the mark there...


Oh yes, Lehrer was a useless cunt, and he reckoned that he never said that as well...

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Guest nobgobbler

Hello girls!



Photo caption. Tell you what, you look cute and distract him while I grab the sausages. No, you look cute and distract him while I grab the black pudding. No both of you look cute . . . oh fuck it, just bite the cunt and grab the lot.

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