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UK Government de-radicalisation policy

Guest Alfie Noakes

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Guest Alfie Noakes

The government have announced counter terrorism measures. One of these is intense de-radicalisation. I bet it is some kind of  namby pamby "kitten gloves" approach. 

If it doesn't involve removal of genitalia as a first step, followed by remorseless waterboarding and intensive humiliation then I don't think it is good enough. If none of this works then shoot the fucking cunts because they sure as hell want to kill you.

Edited by Alfie Noakes
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Pffft. This wont apply to Muslims, it's for all the  cunts on the net who know what the Govt is all about. They don't like what's being said about them, so want to shut them up al la 1984.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Pffft. This wont apply to Muslims, it's for all the  cunts on the net who know what the Govt is all about. They don't like what's being said about them, so want to shut them up al la 1984.

I imagine some kind of clockwork orange style re-programming may be at work. They have to undo what they started, all of these terrorists are state sponsored on the sly.

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Guest Bill Stickers

I can deradicalise in four words. Seven point six two.

I'm sure the government will have offered you a senior strategic counter-terrorism role by the end of the day. You fucking pillock.

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I'm sure the government will have offered you a senior strategic counter-terrorism role by the end of the day. You fucking pillock.

Snickers you thick cunt. Will deradicalisation work? Will it fuck. Waste of my taxes. You get cancer, you cut it out. 


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You get cancer, you cut it out. 


Maybe up north where they still tie a toad to your groin for a hernia, and you go to the wise woman whenever your herpes is playing up. Down here we have chemo and hospitals, not rusty blades and decrepit huts full of cackling wiccans.

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Maybe up north where they still tie a toad to your groin for a hernia, and you go to the wise woman whenever your herpes is playing up. Down here we have chemo and hospitals, not rusty blades and decrepit huts full of cackling wiccans.

Christie's, the top cancer hospial in the country is in Manchester. I have heard that if you catch the lurgi in your parts you just bum your sister. Fucking southern pansy.

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Christie's, the top cancer hospial in the country is in Manchester. I have heard that if you catch the lurgi in your parts you just bum your sister. Fucking southern pansy.

Is this the same hospital where an investigation was held into bullying, intimidation and the dismissal of whistleblowers? And the same hospital where it was alleged that a trip to Ibiza was put on official expenses? I guess if you're going to hire the natives to work there you have to expect that it's going to be run like an absolute fucking shambles. The least that can be said about it is that the shoddy treatment will ensure that a patient is dead within three months of diagnosis, thereby decreasing the surplus population of irritating, uncouth Mancunian cunts.

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Guest Bill Stickers

Christie's, the top cancer hospial in the country is in Manchester. I have heard that if you catch the lurgi in your parts you just bum your sister. Fucking southern pansy.

Snickers you thick cunt. Will deradicalisation work? Will it fuck. Waste of my taxes. You get cancer, you cut it out. 

Are you having some kind of episode?

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Is this the same hospital where an investigation was held into bullying, intimidation and the dismissal of whistleblowers? And the same hospital where it was alleged that a trip to Ibiza was put on official expenses? I guess if you're going to hire the natives to work there you have to expect that it's going to be run like an absolute fucking shambles. The least that can be said about it is that the shoddy treatment will ensure that a patient is dead within three months of diagnosis, thereby decreasing the surplus population of irritating, uncouth Mancunian cunts.

It is still a top notch establishment. Some of the people there may have been bent (as in corrupt) and should be used for medical experimentation. That is the same everywhere, unfortunately.  Uncouth, my lack of couth is legendary. As for irritating, I water my garden only when it is needed.

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Guest DingTheRioja

Pffft. This wont apply to Muslims, it's for all the  cunts on the net who know what the Govt is all about. They don't like what's being said about them, so want to shut them up al la 1984.

It won't actually apply to any Ethnic Minority, the liberal lefty human rights cunts will put the kybosh on that one, only WASPs will be targeted because they have fookall rights anymore...

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De-radicalisation won't work,the same as locking up a peado won't stop being a piece of lowlife scummy cunt.

Kill the cunts,after all that what they want to do/have done to others.

But seeing as the human rights cunts wlll no doubt be involved they'll be given a helping hand,a free house,an apology and a free reign to carry on exactly as before.

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The government have announced counter terrorism measures. One of these is intense de-radicalisation. I bet it is some kind of  namby pamby "kitten gloves" approach. 

If it doesn't involve removal of genitalia as a first step, followed by remorseless waterboarding and intensive humiliation then I don't think it is good enough. If none of this works then shoot the fucking cunts because they sure as hell want to kill you.

Like any other "measures" the government say they're taking, once someone gets offended or when the inevitable shouts of racism come it'll be so watered down as to be utterly fucking pointless.

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The government have announced counter terrorism measures. One of these is intense de-radicalisation. I bet it is some kind of  namby pamby "kitten gloves" approach. 

I want a pair of kitten gloves! They'd be the perfect complement for seal pup boots.

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Guest Ahriman

Why spend millions of pounds trying to mollycoddle these nutty cunts into pretending to be vaguely civilized when Fender could deradicalize the fuck out of them for free with the help of his two good friends Mr clawhammer and Mrs blowtorch?

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Dear me there's some unpleasant bollox on this thread. Some of you sound like you're on a BNP pub crawl.

The aim of a deradicalization program is laudable, the problem is how to do it. The worst case scenario is that it comes across as a preachy lecture by Tory toffs. Nobody is going to decide against joining ISIS because David Cameron tells them not to. You are talking predominantly about disillusioned teenagers. Actually it's not vastly different from telling teenagers not to grow their hair long, smoke dope and listen to loud music would have been in the past, except that nobody got killed back then. Unfortunately for some Muslim youth ISIS is the new rock and roll. I'm not being frivolous, there is a similarity. They feel disaffected, alienated, undervalued and are looking for a purpose and an identity. That's what the ISIS nutters are promising them.

So it's got to come from within the Muslim community and there's no reason to be cynical and say it can't. It can and it has to. It can't be seen to be dogma driven by this government to look good to Daily Mail readers.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

I agree Rick and pigs may still yet fly. Where are the real demonstrations by the greater community against this? Don't see any round here or anywhere else really. I wish they would sort themselves out and have a renaissance period of their own. The extremely loud silence, either driven by approval or fear shows that it won't happen soon if ever. All religions contain dangerous radical elements within them but my branch of radical atheism doesn't advocate killing others of any faith or non faith system. I may say cut off their balls etc but come on we need some comedy in these dark times.

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There is a simple solution to this. Immediate legislation being passed which bans the practice, worship and adherence to Islam in this country. Fuck mollycoddling them, and asking them nicely to please not blow us up. You can't persuade a rabid dog not to bite you and you'll never persuade a religious fanatic not to hate people who do not adhere to their warped values. I know not all Muslims are the same, but it's time we stopped pandering to them and demanded an end to extremism, not plead with them. If they don't like it they should be shown the fucking door in a one strike and you're out policy. No Islam in Britain, no fucking Islamic fundamentalism in Britain. And before the usual suspect jumps on his cry racism bandwagon, it's the fantasist religion I have a problem with, not the individual nationalities who practice it.

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I want a pair of kitten gloves! They'd be the perfect complement for seal pup boots.

Just stick your hands up a pair of kitten's arses. Messy but saves a lot of fucking about.

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Dear me there's some unpleasant bollox on this thread. Some of you sound like you're on a BNP pub crawl.

The aim of a deradicalization program is laudable, the problem is how to do it. The worst case scenario is that it comes across as a preachy lecture by Tory toffs. Nobody is going to decide against joining ISIS because David Cameron tells them not to. You are talking predominantly about disillusioned teenagers. Actually it's not vastly different from telling teenagers not to grow their hair long, smoke dope and listen to loud music would have been in the past, except that nobody got killed back then. Unfortunately for some Muslim youth ISIS is the new rock and roll. I'm not being frivolous, there is a similarity. They feel disaffected, alienated, undervalued and are looking for a purpose and an identity. That's what the ISIS nutters are promising them.

So it's got to come from within the Muslim community and there's no reason to be cynical and say it can't. It can and it has to. It can't be seen to be dogma driven by this government to look good to Daily Mail readers.

It's not so much a BNP thing,more that the general public are fucked off with these cunts coming over,poncing off the state and carrying on with their hate for Western Society.

I understand it is only a minority but they always spoil shit for the majority. Teenagers will feel left out because alot of them do not want to integrate. Instead they stay in their own circle,breeding hate of their own.

In Germany there have been arrests of ISIS supporters going into refugee camps to try and influence the young men into fighting for ISIS. Going against the very people that offer them shelter. Is it a wonder there is less and less tolerance as the weeks and months go by?

ISIS have said that 1 in every 50 refugees are ISIS supporters. Yes,probably an exaggeration but you can bet your life they are in there somewhere. Alot have crossed borders without any legal documents,passports etc so can give any name they please. You try and go to France and back without a passport,you'd have no fucking hope.

In Germany women are getting scared about walking the streets alone. The crime rate has gone up in some areas where there are refugees housed. In Germany it will end in big floods of tears,and I mean rivers of the stuff. More and more people are marching together with the right wing,not because they are particularly racist,because they are scared that their communities,culture and safety will be turned upside down and for the worse.

So no Adders,I don't see this thread as racist,I see people that have had enough of being fucked in the arse and losing some rights in their own country.

De-radicalizaton that works? You'd have more chance of getting a wank off the Pope.

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