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16 and 17 Year Olds to Vote in EU Referendum

Guest judgetwi

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Guest judgetwi

Now this is a Bill which is guaranteed to pass. You enfranchise 1.5 million voters knowing full well that these semi-literate, know nothing cunts are totally susceptible to the media manipulation that the Yes lobby can afford to pay for. A cunning plan which is guaranteed to work. I fucking love it. I can see all the celebrities being wheeled out to tell these thick wankers that the EU is their future while the No lobby is portrayed as a load of racists, and doddery old cunts with one foot in the grave. There's nothing teenagers hate more than doddery old cunts. I've even thought of a slogan............"Your Future.....Not Their Past." I don't like to brag but even Dr. Goebbels would be proud of that one. You have to hand it to these rich cunts......they ain't fucking daft.

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Guest nobgobbler
30 minutes ago, Manky said:

Stupid idea. Too many puffs and johnny foreigners at that age who will fuck up everything we have built up.

True, why not go the whole hog and let anybody out of finger painting class have a go as well. Who the fuck instigated that anyway? Probably said puffs and johnny foreigners at the top of the political shit heap.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 hour ago, Alfie Noakes said:

Most 16 year olds don't know their arse from their elbow. Awful idea.

When I was a lad of 16 the only things I could think about were, in order of importance -

1. Beating off 

2. Drinking

3. Weed

4. Beating off

5. Drinking, and weed.



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Guest Bill Stickers
1 hour ago, Manky said:

Stupid idea. Too many puffs and johnny foreigners at that age who will fuck up everything we have built up.

Sorry, your cliche comment has lost me.

Do you believe the EU has been built up into something great that we should stay in?

Or do you believe that we should leave the EU, and that the youth will vote to stay?

Or, the third option, do you have no fucking clue what any of this is about? Get back on the Special Brew and leave politics to the multiple brain-celled organisms.

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First in a series of snide tricks that'll be pulled in this one I'm afraid.

....the next one being Cameron's return from his European Tour, blood and Euro-cum running from his torn arsehole, to be presented as a master of diplomacy with a deal that will mean by this time next year we'll all be millionaires.

Then Harry from One Direction will go 'Europe? S'grate innit?' and that will be that.

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Guest DingTheRioja
40 minutes ago, scotty said:

.....Oh, yes. Or debbie harry in almost anything for that matter. 

Debbie Harry.. the hottest "not that pretty actually" bird in history..

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Another thread from CC's very own political expert. Funny how he accuses others of racism but has managed to name a high profile Nazi in his ramblings,even going as far as to think Goebbels would be proud of him.
Not the first time either I'd wager.

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Guest luke swarm
16 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Now this is a Bill which is guaranteed to pass. You enfranchise 1.5 million voters knowing full well that these semi-literate, know nothing cunts are totally susceptible to the media manipulation that the Yes lobby can afford to pay for. A cunning plan which is guaranteed to work. I fucking love it. I can see all the celebrities being wheeled out to tell these thick wankers that the EU is their future while the No lobby is portrayed as a load of racists, and doddery old cunts with one foot in the grave. There's nothing teenagers hate more than doddery old cunts. I've even thought of a slogan............"Your Future.....Not Their Past." I don't like to brag but even Dr. Goebbels would be proud of that one. You have to hand it to these rich cunts......they ain't fucking daft.

a quite selective viewpoint.....maybe this will backfire on the  politico cunts as most of the rabid right wing media is anti-euro and these young adults have as much access to these sources as well as anybody else.

There is going to be a lot of sharp practice from both camps during the run up to the much promised referendum, if it ever goes ahead fairly. Its already started with that dopey senior policeman the other day who said that if we leave the Euro Union we can no longer expect any cooperation from other members as regards IS intelligence.....total bollocks of course but some imbeciles, young and old...mainly older will likely believe it as it comes from a copper.

Not all young people are daft cunts...some of them have not yet been conditioned like the older generation to believe any old shite the gubment tells them. Cameron is a cunt.    

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Guest DingTheRioja
18 minutes ago, scotty said:

Back in the day she was absolutely fucking gorgeous. I'm a peaceful man but I'd have killed someone to have had a shot on her, one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. 

Don't get me wrong... I'd have shot you and a few others to get a shot... but looking back on the pics now... there were other "uncool" pop stars who were actually fitter.. but you couldn't admit to it otherwise you'd be "mainstream pop wanker of a poof"... or something...

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Guest luke swarm
4 minutes ago, DingTheDoggie!! said:

Don't get me wrong... I'd have shot you and a few others to get a shot... but looking back on the pics now... there were other "uncool" pop stars who were actually fitter.. but you couldn't admit to it otherwise you'd be "mainstream pop wanker of a poof"... or something...

Debbie was and still is very attractive.....also two others stand out from that era......Kate Bush.....attractive in a dark witchy sort of way and of course Kim Wilde who was absolutely lovely....there were some others such as the lead singer off the bangles and the Banarama girls, all good hand shandy material for a young man whose hormones were running riot and voice was breaking.

The only thing you thought of was shagging and the one thing you could not get was a shag. Bag of Shite. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
6 hours ago, scotty said:

Back in the day she was absolutely fucking gorgeous. I'm a peaceful man but I'd have killed someone to have had a shot on her, one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. 

I'd have let her give me fucking AIDS.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
30 minutes ago, scotty said:

Quincy, if it meant I'd get into her panties I'd have let her do just about anything as long as it left me with a cock to fuck her with. 

Even eat a plate of her shite?

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