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TV 'entertainment' specifically BBC

Guest Drew P Pissflaps

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Those arty farty, waist coat wearing fucking mincers at the Beeb have been victorious in their race to the bottom with their latest faux pas. I present to you, 'Phone Shop Idol'.

Personally i would rather watch re-runs of Jim'll Fix It., even the cub scout, roller coaster, bukake episode.


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Guest Alfie Noakes

The BBC are losing out, the "flagship" saturday night bollocks The Voice is going to ITV. So all the shit entertainment except Strictly Cunts Dancing will be on the other side! BBC should be dropped, it is an old and outdated concept.

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'The Voice' can go fuck itself and when it's done, fist X-Factor until its guts are a frothy brown mess..

This overblown Karaoke-with-a-back-story' nonsense had a shelf-life of a pint of milk in a germ warfare lab, and has been extended solely through bombastic marketing, which thankfully, even the TV drudge-monkeys are seeing through now.

Still, there is some good news. ITV have got the Horse Racing off Channel 4 next year so I'm sitting pretty on the sofa, betting slip in one hand, cock in the other waiting for wall to wall coverage of my ante-post Cheltenham accumulator coming up as I wank myself silly.


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We have Sky up here, its higher than the houses.

With all the available channels, the politicised establishment monopoly tax-guzzler BBC is surplus to requirements. Fuck all the luvvies off to try and exist in the real world. We could support them in their hour of need by raising fuel duty.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

The BBC is beyond salvation.  I've given "streaming" of programming a try, managed to get a neighbours cunt geek kid to rid the computer of the inevitable fucking malware and viruses.  I don't care what anybody says, it's back to the DVD's, and internet porn.  Even my wife has said how disappointed she is with the tele.  She wants to gut the old console set currently being used as a table for her ferns, and make it a diorama of Diana's death scene.   

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