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Damon Allbran demands re vote like a cunt !

Guest N/A

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Fuck democracy, we don't like the outcome, let's get all uptight and cry on national TV at Glasronbury and bemoan that the MAJORITY should not be listened to !  Says wealthy millionaire ageing rock star who is desperately looking to get down wiv da yuff.......what a cunt.

do these fucking dicks not see that they are voting and voicing opinions for the very establishment that rock music and artists have been raging against for over half a century.   Ironic!

what next, will we find out that Sid vicious did not really die, he simply took up an unelected highly paid post in the European Government as Arts Foundation Commisioner.

Rock, Paper, Sissors has been requested for the next revote by these cunts.  Best of three if they lose the first one!!!

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Guest Manky

I think this Damien Allbollocks is a total cunt. Fucking toenails. (So far up his own arse, that is all you can see) Not an educated and sophisticated gent like the wonderful Gallagher brothers. And Liz Hurley has better tits. And he can fuck right off. I held a re-count and it was one. I'm not allowed more votes evidently.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
19 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Fuck democracy, we don't like the outcome, let's get all uptight and cry on national TV at Glasronbury and bemoan that the MAJORITY should not be listened to !  Says wealthy millionaire ageing rock star who is desperately looking to get down wiv da yuff.......what a cunt.

do these fucking dicks not see that they are voting and voicing opinions for the very establishment that rock music and artists have been raging against for over half a century.   Ironic!

what next, will we find out that Sid vicious did not really die, he simply took up an unelected highly paid post in the European Government as Arts Foundation Commisioner.

Rock, Paper, Sissors has been requested for the next revote by these cunts.  Best of three if they lose the first one!!!

Stop your fucking moaning. My vote is worth double yours. 

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Guest CaptainCuntoff

Loved him the Gorrilaz,  but..........he is and always will be a stuck up , up his own arse , so far up his own arse only his painted & manicured toenails stick out cunt

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Guest Lady Penelope

There's going to be a new vote on the Battle of Hastings as we think that the Anglo Saxons should have won .. time to chuck the Normans out.

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3 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Stop your fucking moaning. My vote is worth double yours. 

Yes...but mine won !


fuck you cunt.


ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 

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51 minutes ago, Lady Penelope said:

There's going to be a new vote on the Battle of Hastings as we think that the Anglo Saxons should have won .. time to chuck the Normans out.

I think Emperor Hadrian is a rasist because he built a wall to keep the Celts immigrants out.

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14 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

Could you not of contained this within one of the other 490 posts on the topic? 

No because....if you read the words...it's a nom that Damon Allbran is a cunt.    That's a separate nom topic to anyone else on here.

get your facts right before you make yourself look a right fucking cunt Bill.

your standards have really dropped on here recently, it's like Punkape has tapped into your account. The only reason I know he hasn't is because you spelt "contained" correctly.  

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
11 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Yes...but mine won !


fuck you cunt.


ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 

Silly cunt , you'll be sorry 

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

They had their fingers crossed when they did the count so it doesn't count apparently.

And Bill, you did make yourself look a right fucking cunt with that previous post, you fucking cunt.

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11 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Silly cunt , you'll be sorry 

Sorry about stepping in and voting for our cunts to make our own mistakes, not allowing the Anglo Garlic Nazi jackboot to dictate to us all our laws and policies.   What the fuck are you kids on these days?  In my day we raged against the elites and the unelected say as I say corporate cunts. You lot are either brain dead or so pumped full of shit that you don't think clearly about the ironic crap you are actually saying !   We are all teenagers and we do exactly what some unelected faceless corporate commissioners tell us to do and we buy into everything they pump onto the mass media, which they own by the way you fucking teenage cretins......anyway it's done.  Suck it up and carry on for the next 40 years or so..   We had to !

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
4 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Sorry about stepping in and voting for our cunts to make our own mistakes, not allowing the Anglo Garlic Nazi jackboot to dictate to us all our laws and policies.   What the fuck are you kids on these days?  In my day we raged against the elites and the unelected say as I say corporate cunts. You lot are either brain dead or so pumped full of shit that you don't think clearly about the ironic crap you are actually saying !   We are all teenagers and we do exactly what some unelected faceless corporate commissioners tell us to do and we buy into everything they pump onto the mass media, which they own by the way you fucking teenage cretins......anyway it's done.  Suck it up and carry on for the next 40 years or so..   We had to !

Ruled by Europe, shite. Regulatory shite and final courts of appeal, who fucking cares , ever notices. How many times in a year does anyone notice this European "rule"  in their lives if they're not a fisherman ? I never have. The only thing positive I can say about miserable old shits like you is that you are going to be dead much sooner than the youth, and good riddance to you. Don't expect anyone to visit you in whatever awful hospice you find yourself, and now you can expect to get slapped around by the staff.

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Guest nobgobbler
5 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Ruled by Europe, shite. Regulatory shite and final courts of appeal, who fucking cares , ever notices. How many times in a year does anyone notice this European "rule"  in their lives if they're not a fisherman ? I never have. The only thing positive I can say about miserable old shits like you is that you are going to be dead much sooner than the youth, and good riddance to you. Don't expect anyone to visit you in whatever awful hospice you find yourself, and now you can expect to get slapped around by the staff.

You might not notice it Quince but it's going on all around you (unless you live up the smoke). We pay a shit load in, they give us a bit back. The bit they give us back they tell us what we are allowed to spend it on, i.e build new roads, but we're not allowed to use it to repair the ones we've already got that need resurfacing, and that affects more of us than just those who traverse the latest motorway. All them new road signs and traffic lights that spring up everywhere, that's down to them as well. We have to build new commercial premises that we don't need while we have loads standing empty. The funding is just wasted. I vote we decide for ourselves what we spend our dosh on. I'd spend my share on a never ending supply of wine, Gyppo could treat herself to a million pairs of sandals and Frank could buy a rudder for his tug boat. Juncker is a cunt.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
6 hours ago, nobgobbler said:

You might not notice it Quince but it's going on all around you (unless you live up the smoke). We pay a shit load in, they give us a bit back. The bit they give us back they tell us what we are allowed to spend it on, i.e build new roads, but we're not allowed to use it to repair the ones we've already got that need resurfacing, and that affects more of us than just those who traverse the latest motorway. All them new road signs and traffic lights that spring up everywhere, that's down to them as well. We have to build new commercial premises that we don't need while we have loads standing empty. The funding is just wasted. I vote we decide for ourselves what we spend our dosh on. I'd spend my share on a never ending supply of wine, Gyppo could treat herself to a million pairs of sandals and Frank could buy a rudder for his tug boat. Juncker is a cunt.

Aye I get the downside, it's only that the ensuing chaos is not I don't think worth it. If it all does blow over without too much damage id be happy to eat my hat.

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Guest nobgobbler
16 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Aye I get the downside, it's only that the ensuing chaos is not I don't think worth it. If it all does blow over without too much damage id be happy to eat my hat.

It will be worth it in the long run, if the cunts just get on with it. Little hope of that though, hope that hat of yours isn't a tin helmet. just in case.

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On 28 June 2016 at 5:29 AM, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Ruled by Europe, shite. Regulatory shite and final courts of appeal, who fucking cares , ever notices. How many times in a year does anyone notice this European "rule"  in their lives if they're not a fisherman ? I never have. The only thing positive I can say about miserable old shits like you is that you are going to be dead much sooner than the youth, and good riddance to you. Don't expect anyone to visit you in whatever awful hospice you find yourself, and now you can expect to get slapped around by the staff.

If you don't notice the affect of European law in your day to day life you are fucking blind, thick, and totally accepting of being ruled by the faceless corporates you dead between the ears cunt. If that's the future you want let me paint you a very possible picture..... The year is 2036 and after another 20 years of gradually eroding power we finally have no parliament and all European countries agree to dissolve them with Brussels taking over.  The president is some no name grey suit you never heard of, but hey you don't give a shit as you are brain dead.   The suit gets replaced by an eager up and coming power monger from Moldova called Vladimir Putinski.  Now he's a proper cunt and he sets in motion the following,, no people allowed on the streets after 8 pm to try and stop terrorism following the 2000 dead at the gay pride Hamburg bum fest a year earlier.  He then removes use of the Internet due to the threat of terrorists using snap face chat to arrange the Barcelona v Real Madrid bombings where someone sat behind Ronaldo who is manager at Real, blows the cunt up.  Many other restrictive laws come into place like, you can only use you hand to wipe shit from your arse due to toilet paper being deemed too harmful to the environment.  Only men over 6ft 2" can have sex with women to prevent short arses being born, only fun sized mars bars are allowed to be sold due to obesity, and fish and chips are banned because the daily mail,say they give you cancer.   Finally all children must salute a picture of the president every morning and the must have fashion hair cut is a Combe over of dark hair on one side with a little tooth brush goaty beard. Modern day twist to a fucking Hitler....but by then 98% of da yuff will not have a fucking clue who Adolf was because it was ages ago man, and we don't do history, it's boring shit...... Like you are !  Cunt.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

If you don't notice the affect of European law in your day to day life you are fucking blind, thick, and totally accepting of being ruled by the faceless corporates you dead between the ears cunt. If that's the future you want let me paint you a very possible picture..... The year is 2036 and after another 20 years of gradually eroding power we finally have no parliament and all European countries agree to dissolve them with Brussels taking over.  The president is some no name grey suit you never heard of, but hey you don't give a shit as you are brain dead.   The suit gets replaced by an eager up and coming power monger from Moldova called Vladimir Putinski.  Now he's a proper cunt and he sets in motion the following,, no people allowed on the streets after 8 pm to try and stop terrorism following the 2000 dead at the gay pride Hamburg bum fest a year earlier.  He then removes use of the Internet due to the threat of terrorists using snap face chat to arrange the Barcelona v Real Madrid bombings where someone sat behind Ronaldo who is manager at Real, blows the cunt up.  Many other restrictive laws come into place like, you can only use you hand to wipe shit from your are due to toilet paper being deemed too harmful to the environment.  Only men over 6ft 2" can have sex with women to prevent short arses being born, only fun sized mars bars are allowed to be sold due to obesity, and fish and chips are banned because the daily mail,say they give you cancer.   Finally all children must salute a picture of the president every morning and the must have fashion hair cut is a Combe over of dark hair on one side with a little tooth brush goaty beard. Modern day twist to a fucking Hitler....but by then 98% of da yuff will not have a fucking clue who Adolf was because it was ages ago man, and we don't do history, it's boring shit...... Like you are !  Cunt.

Rambling Fantasy, and about as long as one. Sorry, I couldn't read it only scan, suffice to see words like "hitler" and "2036", presumably you're jibbering about some dystopian future. 

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I don't know who this person is. What I do know is that the entire British political establishment that wanted people to vote to remain, never thought leave would be the outcome. The sheer arrogance they had in the belief the British people would do as they are told has come back to give them a bloody nose. They didn't think a plan B was necessary, so sure the outcome would be what they had expected. They are in complete disarray. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
39 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I don't know who this person is. What I do know is that the entire British political establishment that wanted people to vote to remain, never thought leave would be the outcome. The sheer arrogance they had in the belief the British people would do as they are told has come back to give them a bloody nose. They didn't think a plan B was necessary, so sure the outcome would be what they had expected. They are in complete disarray. 

Yep, govt MPs, opposition MPs, mass media all pro EU...

... Joe Public says no...

Oh shit says the establishment.


Cameron & the EU should have given us a decent renegotiation, this quite probably would have given a Remain win...

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