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Whiny Waster Snowflake cunts


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So, a shit load of snowflake, left-wing cunts are financing, to the tune of £6.5K,  an attempt at floating this monstrosity over London if the POTUS visits Britain this summer.

These are the same cunts who whine about starving children in third world shit-holes, the under-funding of the NHS and refugees/migrants drowning in the Med, yet they can find £6500 to frivolously fuck about making silly balloons to try and upset Donald Trump.

FFS, do these entitled knob-heads not realise how much good they could do by spending that sort of money on food and medical supplies for their beloved migrant parasites?




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Guest Wizardsleeve

It is just a bit hypocritical , isn't it?  However, being one who enjoys a hearty laugh, I wouldn't mind seeing that orange knob cheese encrusted cunt fly into yet another twitter rage about being treated unfairly, making himself and every other yank look like a saggy impotent useless fucking tit. 

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4 hours ago, r-soles said:

So, a shit load of snowflake, left-wing cunts are financing, to the tune of £6.5K,  an attempt at floating this monstrosity over London if the POTUS visits Britain this summer.

These are the same cunts who whine about starving children in third world shit-holes, the under-funding of the NHS and refugees/migrants drowning in the Med, yet they can find £6500 to frivolously fuck about making silly balloons to try and upset Donald Trump.

FFS, do these entitled knob-heads not realise how much good they could do by spending that sort of money on food and medical supplies for their beloved migrant parasites?




Why will they be flying a balloon of Stephanie McGovern? 

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I fucking hate everyone under the age of 25.  They are spineless, useless, moaning snowflakes, offended by having to get up in the morning, offended by “white bread” , offended by blue peter.....if they know what that is, offended by insane foreign politicians who belong on a TV show, offended by anything and anyone that does not bow to their actually quite fascist mind set that everyone has to listen to them and them alone on giving rights to any, left wing, black, brown, immigrant, non white, disabled, lesbian, gay, BLT sandwich brigade.   The under 25 s all sport beards to try and be male but are all limp wristed fags. The woman are all fucked up wkd swilling wannabe celebrity lifestyles, on cake shop assistant salary.   They all want a fantasy lifestyle with no hard work.  Well the irony is snowflake cunts, all those hard working immigrants you so desperately want to support and give rights to will easily take your jobs and your limp wristed spineless, dairy intolerant children’s jobs for the next couple or generations until brexit has closed the door and sorted all this shit out.  Your fucking grandchildren will hate you and see you as the worthless shits you are.    They are going to have to compete with a generation of people competing for their job, who can speak English better than them and yet it’s their second or third language.   Who do you think prospective employers would take on ...a useless cunt who has spent the last 3 years fucking teenagers in Ibiza or someone who has worked three shifts whilst studying English and Civil Engineering part time, having arrived in England on a rubber dingy and walking 5000 miles.  Rare for me to say it, but immigrants are better than snowflakes.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
10 hours ago, Neil said:

It' only now that my kids are over 30 that I'm starting to quite like them,they've been proper cunts up to now

Chips off the old block?  

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Guest Wizardsleeve
15 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

Chip from the states.

I was attempting to reference Kevin Kline's character in "Fierce Creatures."  Point taken, I'll work on it, Bill!  

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Guest Bill Stickers
52 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

"YEEEHAAAW" Go big blue.

I wonder what happened to Extremecunt, any theories?

I like to think he wrote hos password for the corner on his forehead, then forgot where he left it.

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