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Whiney Brexiteer Cunts

Guest Lady Penelope

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8 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

D'you think?

On reflection, I thought it was a bit 'Chaucerian' even for this semantic cess-pit - but then I couldn't be fucked to change it.

I thought it was reminiscent of Good Queen Bess at Tilbury docks rallying the troops before battle.   Just think what the fuck she would be thinking now if she could see modern day Tilbury with its hybrid, cross pollinated, multi cultural, mongrel population of invaders.   She would have thought, fuck it, if those dopey cunts 500 years from now are going to fucking give in and let every fucker ruin it, then why the fuck not let’s the Spanish just pop,over now and fuck us all up the arse and have mass burnings at the stake.   Would have probably sorted all these fucking Snowflake cunts great grandparents x 20 times out.   Yay no snowflakes.  Must make a note for when my time travel machine works again.

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5 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

I thought it was reminiscent of Good Queen Bess at Tilbury docks rallying the troops before battle.   Just think what the fuck she would be thinking now if she could see modern day Tilbury with its hybrid, cross pollinated, multi cultural, mongrel population of invaders.   She would have thought, fuck it, if those dopey cunts 500 years from now are going to fucking give in and let every fucker ruin it, then why the fuck not let’s the Spanish just pop,over now and fuck us all up the arse and have mass burnings at the stake.   Would have probably sorted all these fucking Snowflake cunts great grandparents x 20 times out.   Yay no snowflakes.  Must make a note for when my time travel machine works again.


On reflection it should have been the old Henry V 'St Crispin Day' speech, jazzed up to reflect the modern idiom

And gentlemen in Dewsbury in their wanking chariots
Shall be reet pissed off they were not here,
And hold their (shrivelled) love-hammers in one hand, whilst vaping with their other
That put the fucking boot in with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

Something like that.....

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2 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:


On reflection it should have been the old Henry V 'St Crispin Day' speech, jazzed up to reflect the modern idiom

And gentlemen in Dewsbury in their wanking chariots
Shall be reet pissed off they were not here,
And hold their (shrivelled) love-hammers in one hand, whilst vaping with their other
That put the fucking boot in with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

Something like that.....

I’d say that is a modern classic ...worthy of a spot on GCSE English exams any day.   Better than some of that foreign shit they have to learn.

iam particularly drawn to the stirring words “whilst vaping with their other”. Conjures up the modern day cosmetic bearded fashionista males going into battle, perfectly.   

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Guest Wizardsleeve
19 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:


On reflection it should have been the old Henry V 'St Crispin Day' speech, jazzed up to reflect the modern idiom

And gentlemen in Dewsbury in their wanking chariots
Shall be reet pissed off they were not here,
And hold their (shrivelled) love-hammers in one hand, whilst vaping with their other
That put the fucking boot in with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

Something like that.....

Jiggers, any chance we can use terms like spiced up, spruced up, creatively embellished, etc...instead of "jazzed?"  I wouldn't want every fucking good speech to overloaded with Jib jabs and dire fucking drivel.  

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4 hours ago, judgetwi said:

It’s going exactly according to plan Pansyboy. Sold down the fucking river by a bunch of fucking fascists. It’s not Brexit anymore it’s  Brino ( Brexit in name only)

I fear we need to make a thorough study of the Irish playbook. Lock and load Pansyboy.

Was it ever goin to go any other way. ...no real plan..no real direction..tell ya what ..why don't the paddys go n talk to the frogs n the huns and tell them ya had too much lager n lime n yer sorry about the whole fuck off thing n offer them Boris tied to the front of his bus and let them set it on fire and we can all forget about this mess


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2 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Was it ever goin to go any other way. ...no real plan..no real direction..tell ya what ..why don't the paddys go n talk to the frogs n the huns and tell them ya had too much lager n lime n yer sorry about the whole fuck off thing n offer them Boris tied to the front of his bus and let them set it on fire and we can all forget about this mess


Oh fucking hell it's Old Mother Panzy, twitching away behind her net curtains, pursing her lips about the well-hung playboy next door who's off to see what the world has to offer him, whilst she dabs on the wintergreen and puts another log on the fire, trying to convince herself she's anything other than a nosey gossip.

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2 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

Oh fucking hell it's Old Mother Panzy, twitching away behind her net curtains, pursing her lips about the well-hung playboy next door who's off to see what the world has to offer him, whilst she dabs on the wintergreen and puts another log on the fire, trying to convince herself she's anything other than a nosey gossip.

It's no more ludicrous than the shite ye lot are trying to sell to Europe 


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Guest judgetwi

Fuck me, what ever happened to the Irish? No fight, no bollocks.......they’ve all been bought off and turned into poncing Eurotrash like Pansyboy.

For shame.

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Guest Lady Penelope
1 hour ago, Panzerknacker said:

What is there to be fightin over jewdy baby. .wars over man 


Stop taunting Judge Panzer, his head is about to explode.


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Guest White van man
51 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

What is there to be fightin over jewdy baby. .wars over man 


Your fight is with each other. Merkle and Macron met behind the EUs back last week to start with. Macron is proposing 100s of billions of pounds for an EU central budget which they will set, which Merkle has agreed to on a smaller scale. Does the U.K. want them cunts setting our budget? No. Neither do we want to pay £100 billion a year for every cunt elses budget. Next, you have a migration problem. Merkcron have agreed between them that they stay in the country they land in. Italy is going to boycott the summit this weekend. Also they're discussing Albania joining the EU, thats a massive migration problem on it's own. Wait 'til them cunts fancy a pint of Guinness, you won't know whats hit you. Then you have a trade war with Trump, which will wipe germany out as they benefit most. UK and USA have had the piss taken for too long. On top of that Trump has told all nato countries they have to match the UKs 2% gdp on defence spending or he will fuck them off out that as well. Things aren't rosey over the channel and they're too busy fussing over tariffs in Ireland over a few spuds and a bit of milk. 

The secret Bilderberg meeting was last week. The main topics discussed were mass unemployment and the furture of A.I. Basically whoever controls the robots has all the power and money. Do you want that to be unelected cunts in the EU or your own government who you can hold to account?

What possible reason is the UK better off mixed in with that lot? How do you think Eire is better off in it? Surely you're better off with the upcoming UK USA trade deal. Trump wants fair trade deals, not one sided ones. 

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6 minutes ago, White van man said:

Your fight is with each other. Merkle and Macron met behind the EUs back last week to start with. Macron is proposing 100s of billions of pounds for an EU central budget which they will set, which Merkle has agreed to on a smaller scale. Does the U.K. want them cunts setting our budget? No. Neither do we want to pay £100 billion a year for every cunt elses budget. Next, you have a migration problem. Merkcron have agreed between them that they stay in the country they land in. Italy is going to boycott the summit this weekend. Also they're discussing Albania joining the EU, thats a massive migration problem on it's own. Wait 'til them cunts fancy a pint of Guinness, you won't know whats hit you. Then you have a trade war with Trump, which will wipe germany out as they benefit most. UK and USA have had the piss taken for too long. On top of that Trump has told all nato countries they have to match the UKs 2% gdp on defence spending or he will fuck them off out that as well. Things aren't rosey over the channel and they're too busy fussing over tariffs in Ireland over a few spuds and a bit of milk. 

The secret Bilderberg meeting was last week. The main topics discussed were mass unemployment and the furture of A.I. Basically whoever controls the robots has all the power and money. Do you want that to be unelected cunts in the EU or your own government who you can hold to account?

What possible reason is the UK better off mixed in with that lot? How do you think Eire is better off in it? Surely you're better off with the upcoming UK USA trade deal. Trump wants fair trade deals, not one sided ones. 

This the same trump that metaphorically told his future trading partner tessy to suck his cock less than 12 months ago?..ya know what..I'll stick with the devils I know ..to be sure to be sure...Brexit means Brexit. ..lol


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Guest White van man
2 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

This the same trump that metaphorically told his future trading partner tessy to suck his cock less than 12 months ago?..ya know what..I'll stick with the devils I know ..to be sure to be sure...Brexit means Brexit. ..lol


He's coming to meet the Queen and he's looking for friends. Looks like he's going to get a hostile reception from the gay snowflakes but he's used to it now. Water off a ducks back. He's done everything right so far and the cunts who've been taking the piss and leeching off them for trade and security don't like it. Only mistake he's made is backtracking on the kids with illigal immigrants issue. Kids should not be locked up with adults. Ever. 

You'll see how strong our 2 nations are together.

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1 hour ago, Jiggerycock said:

Well, except if there's a few dozen cameras between Newry and Dundalk - then it's back to Tube station bombings in London apparently

Thats not a runner..not because the eu love us ...it's more down to them not trusting y'all to collect tarrifs n send them on to Brussels ..bad move trying to bin an agreement ya made in December. . Paleface tessy speak with forked tongue 


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1 hour ago, White van man said:

He's coming to meet the Queen and he's looking for friends. Looks like he's going to get a hostile reception from the gay snowflakes but he's used to it now. Water off a ducks back. He's done everything right so far and the cunts who've been taking the piss and leeching off them for trade and security don't like it. Only mistake he's made is backtracking on the kids with illigal immigrants issue. Kids should not be locked up with adults. Ever. 

You'll see how strong our 2 nations are together.

That's true..y'all deserve each other 


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Guest White van man
8 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

That's true..y'all deserve each other 


Macron thought he had Trump in his back pocket. Trump just give him a wedgie and hooked the waistband over his head.

Where do you lot get your tv programmes from. Not a loaded question, just interested.

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28 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Thats not a runner..not because the eu love us ...it's more down to them not trusting y'all to collect tarrifs n send them on to Brussels ..bad move trying to bin an agreement ya made in December. . Paleface tessy speak with forked tongue 


Not our problem.

Back to your curtain twitching

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12 minutes ago, White van man said:

Macron thought he had Trump in his back pocket. Trump just give him a wedgie and hooked the waistband over his head.

Where do you lot get your tv programmes from. Not a loaded question, just interested.

Hard to negotiate with a man whose motto is America first. .he'll do bizniz with ya for as long as it suits him then he'll wipe his arse with yiz n bin y'all. .so yer all well matched 


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15 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Mm..but it is ya see ....and there's the sticky wicket old fruit


Nope - we do what we decide on our side of the border. That is what is called ‘the UK’s business’. there being once again such a thing as ‘the UK’s business’ since that is what Brexit is all about. Whatever happens on the Republic’s side of the border is your - well the EU’s - business, since the Republic has no real say anymore.

Trump can put up his silly wall on the US side of its southern perimeter, but even the Donald wouldn’t presume to dictate procedure on the Mexican side. It’s therefore not up to May to concoct a ‘solution’ to a problem she need not recognise and need not own.

Haven't you got some stuff of your own to be getting on with, rather than spreading tittle-tattle about your neighbour?

They've repealed the abortion law, so you can actually get laid now, without fear of your winkie dropping off


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1 hour ago, Jiggerycock said:

Nope - we do what we decide on our side of the border. That is what is called ‘the UK’s business’. there being once again such a thing as ‘the UK’s business’ since that is what Brexit is all about. Whatever happens on the Republic’s side of the border is your - well the EU’s - business, since the Republic has no real say anymore.

Trump can put up his silly wall on the US side of its southern perimeter, but even the Donald wouldn’t presume to dictate procedure on the Mexican side. It’s therefore not up to May to concoct a ‘solution’ to a problem she need not recognise and need not own.

Haven't you got some stuff of your own to be getting on with, rather than spreading tittle-tattle about your neighbour?

They've repealed the abortion law, so you can actually get laid now, without fear of your winkie dropping off


Ya could ring up tessy with yer amazing solution to her woes. .you'd have thought a smart woman like her would have floated that notion before now ...yer the rain man of cunts corner 


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Guest Lady Penelope
1 hour ago, Jiggerycock said:

Nope - we do what we decide on our side of the border. That is what is called ‘the UK’s business’. there being once again such a thing as ‘the UK’s business’ since that is what Brexit is all about. Whatever happens on the Republic’s side of the border is your - well the EU’s - business, since the Republic has no real say anymore.

Trump can put up his silly wall on the US side of its southern perimeter, but even the Donald wouldn’t presume to dictate procedure on the Mexican side. It’s therefore not up to May to concoct a ‘solution’ to a problem she need not recognise and need not own.

Haven't you got some stuff of your own to be getting on with, rather than spreading tittle-tattle about your neighbour?

They've repealed the abortion law, so you can actually get laid now, without fear of your winkie dropping off


What I find ironic is that all these cunts want "independence" from an Ingerlish "enemy that  they know but that their very perception of "independence" is to throw themselves to the mercy of far away cunts who would not be able to tell the English, Welsh, Scots and Irish apart if they met one and don't understand what we are arguing about anyway. Rest assured that the rest of Europe does not give a fuck about any of us.

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