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Family tragedies

Prints Harry

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I am not going to provide a link to this story. It is a case of a 23 years old barman who was working in the Scilly Isles, got rather drunk and then having a fatal accident on his way home. Rather than the family accepting that his death had been a tragic accident waiting to happen the family have launched an action against the Devon & Cornwall Police for not treating it like a murder investigation. His mother seems to have got it into her head that nobody gives a damn rather accepting that the police probably did their best in dealing with what to them was simply a rather too common incident caused by the her adult son getting drunk. So far she has spent £73k pressing for a full investigation and the police have probably spent even more money (that could pay for more officers on the beat) in response to he complaint. We have got to the stage now where simple accidents are generating full scale and costly criminal investigation into things that need no such efforts and that ironically is making it too expensive to simple have police officers on the ground to prevent drunken and doped up snowflakes having accidents in the first place.

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16 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

At least (sadly) we have a body in this case.

What happens when the Police are being harangued by victims of hate crime, because someone might have tweeted something beastly about someone with a sun tan?

That part doesn't bother me. What bother me is when £150,000 is quoted at the cost to society of a 40 year old fucker who has never had a job or done anything useful save for when he took the.overdose and died. The actual cost is for an  autopsy and inquest to say what was obvious in the first place, rather than saying that be was a "useless smack head, now bury or cremate him". The same goes for these cunts who comic suicide by jumping in front of a train .. no it is not a fucking crime scene and you don't need to close the line for four hours to carry out a forensic investigation.

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