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Trucking Funt

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Everything posted by Trucking Funt

  1. Perhaps they just don't want you to get. I can't blame them, I wish you would die of covid as well.
  2. He says as he's breathing profusely through a pair of tights while wearing lingerie purchased in the Debenham's sale.
  3. Have I triggered you Harold? Is this your way of letting me know that you've soiled yourself in protest at my obviously superior knowledge of world affairs?
  4. Before my time so I never had the pleasure I'm afraid. Surely he couldn't have been as dumb as Harold?
  5. Harold, I know the abuse you receive on here is probably getting you sexually excited but posting complete bollocks like this just makes you look completely thick. Unfortunately, there isn't a special needs section on the corner but if you put it into the suggestions box I'm sure admin will take it under consideration and maybe you'll get a board all to yourself where you can post about lego and how crayons don't taste like they used to. Fuck off!
  6. Have you not grown tired of being fucked up the arse on here?
  7. Yep! Their military supply chain is the stuff of nightmares. They have French and Russian aircraft using British and Israeli weapons and a Russian Kiev class carrier installed with yank sensors. The chinks would turn them into dog shit within a month if it kicked off tomorrow. What they do have on their side however is the Andaman and Nicobar Islands which if fully militarised, could be used to block the Straits of Malacca and 90% of Chinese shipping if necessary. Many defence analysts now think that the Chinese theatrics in the Himalayas a couple of months back was to distract India away from building up the islands. Bureaucracy and corruption are sown into Indian society. You only have to look at their utterly rotten police to see that and Modi is going to struggle to change this mindset, especially among the elite who control 99% of the country's wealth. There are also the state legislatures that will need to brought to heel that contain some rabidly xenophobic parties that would make Sinn Fein look like a bunch of compliant Anglophiles and that's before you even get started on the Islamist parties who represent the bulk of India's 200 million Muslims. The only way I can see how Modi is going to pull this off is with a carrot and stick approach but I'm of the opinion that there's going to be some major social strife there in the years to come before it gets a recognised as a world player.
  8. You don't need a grasp of economics to dismantle these fuckers MC. The information is out there for everyone to see, yet if you go on to a few comments boards on youtube there's hordes of them in complete denial about the perilous situation Ireland is in. They can't get it into their heads that Merkel and Von der Leyen are going to shut down every tax scam in the EU by starving the countries facilitating them into total compliance but the deluded fuckwits are posting pro EU bollocks because they think that Ireland has fucked the UK over. Its fucking comical! I have to confess that my brain is rather addled after yesterday's consumption of some of my home distilled vodka. I woke up this morning with a lisp. Mrs Funt thought I had been possessed by Chris Eubank.
  9. India has had its priorities all wrong since independence mainly because it has a massive chip on its shoulder when it comes to dealing with the west. Now it can't sit on the non-aligned fence anymore, it has suddenly realised that it needs to modernise its economy to pay for the enormous defence budget required to stop the chinks from shitting on them. A sign of things to come is that Boris has invited Nerendra Modi to the G7 summit next year which would indicate that he's putting India up for Russia's old seat and its days of non alignment are coming to an end. If a trade deal goes through smoothly with them it will be a massive boost for both countries. India gets our financial expertise and we get their manpower. The yanks will get in on the act as well no doubt and build them a proper military. The question remains however if Modi is strong enough to maintain power to push through the social and economic changes required to bring India up to western standards.
  10. Isn't that what the entire Irish population has been fed for the last 20 years? "We're the second richest country in the EU". Like fuck you are. Pre-covid Ireland had 42% of the the entire debt of the ECB despite making up only 1% of the EU population. Now you're in even further with a share of the $750 billion bailout that's going to take 30 years to pay back to the City of London. Irony, sweet irony!
  11. No need to get defensive Paddy. Being from the South, I thought you of all people would be in favour a nice tax dodge.
  12. In case you haven't noticed fuckwit, NI is remaining in the single market and customs union while still having all the advantages of being part of the UK. Now if you were a company owner who wanted to take full advantage of both markets, where the fuck would you invest? The attraction will be even greater if as is likely a free port is opened in NI. Now fuck off and die you weird imbecile.
  13. That would be concerning if all Catholics in NI actually wanted a united Ireland but that's far from being the case. The Catholic birth rate is in reality declining and is around the same as the protestants now. Scum Fein can peddle all the bullshit they want but the fact is, most people in NI are going to be happy carrying on with the best of both worlds especially when the car factories and business hubs turns the six counties into a jobs paradise.
  14. Transportation links in India are a joke. Most of its provincial railway system was built during the Raj. The roads are shit as well when you get away from the large cities. Ports need upgrading and more business hubs need to be built. At the moment, India is light years behind China.
  15. At the moment no because India's infrastructure is shit but a trade deal with the UK is in the pipeline that will give them access to our financial market where they will be able to raise capital for large infrastructure projects. I believe the UK manufacturing base will eventually shift to India but it will be a gradual process over 10-15 years. A lot of western companies have moved to Vietnam simply because they don't trust the Chinese to simply seize their assets and lock up their executives if their country criticises China.
  16. Don't you worry about that Paddy. The IRA tried to fuck around with the rock a few years back and the filthy cunts got dispatched to the next life. Like NI, its firmly under British control. God Save the Queen
  17. The "North" is ours Paddy. No way it will choose to join the potato republic and lose access to the UK. Gibraltar is where it has been for the last 300 years, an itch the Spanish can't scratch. Let them try some roughhousing and the UK will use Article XIII of the treaty of Utrecht to stir up a maelstrom of internal strife in Catalonia.
  18. Paddy, the UK gave the EU the biggest punch in the face it has ever suffered yet still compromised with us. The EU starting position was total compliance with EU rules, ECJ oversight and continuance of CFP. Where is that in the agreement? Lord Frosty said from the start that 65% of UK demands were achievable and he met that target. EU fishing will be unviable in UK waters within 5 years, the ECJ removal from the UK legal system is clearly defined in the text. We have our own subsidy system without need to defer to the EU and the freedom to pursue trade with whomever we wish. The Euroscum may consider that disrespectful behaviour but I consider that victory.
  19. Your taxation system will be changed because you will be offered the choice of compliance or EU pariah with Franco/ German malevolence attached.
  20. For all his faults, Trump has highlighted the systematic abuse of American goodwill. The EU facilitates tax dodging by US multinationals that deprives their economy of hundreds of billions while at the same time expects the US to defend them from possible Russian military aggression in Eastern Europe. As the Hunter Biden scandal unfolds, his daddy will be expected to continue Trump's hard line against China and the weakest link with that at the moment is the EU which is signing mini deals with Beijing to hoover up the agricultural trade created by its boycott of Australia. The only way this can be reversed is through the direct co-operation of the French and Germans, not Ireland's mickey mouse veto.
  21. Come on Paddy! Do you really believe that shit? You sound like the naive cunts here in the UK who bang on about the "special relationship". The US doesn't give a bollocks about anything unless it benefits them and quite frankly, Ireland's veto doesn't buy that. The plastic paddies don't have the clout they used to have because the Hispanics are taking over. Extreme ends of this is the brilliant centre right Ted Cruz and the mediocre hard left Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The lobbyists have more power in Washington than the plastic paddy brigade. The UK got wise to this under Cameron which is why we told Obama to piss off over a ground war in Syria. The simple fact is, US power is waning and it needs alliances to maintain its ability to project power in the way it once did on its own.
  22. Ireland owes £163 billion to the ECB which is part of the IMF-EU bailout that it received in 2010. It's in absolutely no position to refuse German demands for tax reform and if they think that running to the plastics in America for help against the big bully in Berlin will change anything, then they're going to be in for a huge disappointment because Biden will continue the courting of Franco/German co-operation that Obama sought. Ireland's tax haven will be sacrificed on the alter of Biden's ambition of a US-EU alliance.
  23. Bollocks! The US will attempt to use Ireland as a proxy at the EU table but it doesn't have anywhere near the same gravitas as the UK. You have nothing to offer the French and Germans because beyond your veto, which is hastily being diluted by qualified majority voting, you're barely paying your way. Ireland just makes up the numbers and its pretty obvious that with the hard times ahead, you're fast becoming a liability.
  24. I had a couple of the cunts make a piss poor attempt at trolling me on youtube a few days back over Brexit. One of them sent me a fucking essay on why Ireland has more wealth and geopolitical power than the UK now it has left the EU. This of course was low hanging fruit that I couldn't ignore. By the time I had pointed out the fucking obvious about Ireland's fantasy economy and how it was about to be subjected to the kind of abuse by their EU masters that would make Jimmy Savile weep with pity with links to back it up, the prick fell back onto the traditional Irish defence mechanism of banging on about tales of British brutality in Ireland. Suffice to say, I fucking mangled him after that. They just can't grasp that they are not equals in the Franco/German co prosperity sphere and the absence of the UK at the top table has left them entirely at the mercy of Berlin who is hellbent on curtailing the the theft of tax revenues and foreign investment by upstarts like Ireland, Luxembourg, Cyprus and Malta. Germany will get its way eventually because they will attach conditions to every post covid recovery package that minnows cannot live without.
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