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Trucking Funt

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Everything posted by Trucking Funt

  1. They'll try and dump it in the EU first which will result in them pissing off France and Germany who already want to shut their tax haven down.
  2. I'm with Decs on this one. DC is a complete bag of wank.
  3. I say two years with just small and medium sized British vessels to cater purely for the British market. It would create breathing space for our fishing industry to re-establish itself and the cod spawning grounds off our East coast to return to their former glory. First sign of an EU trawler, blow the cunt out of the water.
  4. 40% of their agri-food products are exported to the UK. That's an entire sector that will become unviable overnight if there's no deal and cheap tariff free produce starts rolling in from Australia and New Zealand. They will also lose their land bridge to the EU which means hauliers costs are going to rocket because they won't be able to back drop containers in the UK on their return journey, not to mention the fact that those journeys are going to take longer.
  5. Bollocks! The English fishing industry was fucked by 84% of our cod quota being given to the French. When the EU trawler fleet got reduced in the 90s, our fishermen got fucked again because the amount of licences were reduced. The ones survived could no longer make it viable so took generous offers from the foreign firms who are raping our waters today. The Fisheries act is going to change all that.
  6. The Fisheries Act that came into effect on November 24th states that all foreign owned vessels have to land at least 50% of their catch in the UK or be majority crewed by British workers. Rumour has it that one of the key UK fishing demands in EU trade talks is that all vessels must be 60% British owned. Looks like times are a changing.
  7. Is that supposed to be a teaser? I call bullshit you fucking wanker! Where did you go? The Isle of Wight?
  8. Lol! I don't know if there's a facility on here for archiving the best examples of self delusion for everyone to have a chuckle at when the corner goes a bit dead but I might suggest it to Roops if there isn't.
  9. Out of likes. This cunt is beyond pathetic. His plea to Eric last night and subsequent discovery that he had been taken for a total cunt had me laughing to the point of tears. There's only one place for him to go now. Is the Dear Dierdre column still going in the Sun?
  10. Out of likes. These retards remind me of two chimps in a zoo eating each other's shit.
  11. If you climb any further up Eric's arse you'll be able to lick the inside of his nostrils. You're just plankton shit. I bet you have one of those annoying squeaky scouse voices that make dogs have a seizure half a mile away when you open your subhuman mouth full of rotten teeth. Once again, I demand that you provide evidence that I have been in anyway dishonest. If you can't, fuck off back under your dog turd in your Liverpool slum and die of AIDS with all the other smackheads.
  12. I am from peasant stock as I've told you before and I'm proud of it. We built this country, not the arse bandit toffs whose wives used to regularly pop into the gamekeeper's cottage for a proper fucking. Lol!
  13. It's good to see the British working class back to its old self. Did they set your house on fire after the match Spunkers?
  14. What is your reaction to the news that an Eton housemaster has been jailed for 5 years after fiddling with young boys in the dormitories? The filthy swine!
  15. I believe in quality, not quantity. I'm not the cunt with a 7% like to post ratio, you fucking idiot.
  16. More repeat bollocks. Come on, at least put some effort in. Give us all a good laugh!
  17. You're just posting the same old shit. I know where I was and what I got because I fucking paid for it. Now prove me wrong instead of just wasting my time with repeat bollocks!
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