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Trucking Funt

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Everything posted by Trucking Funt

  1. Now you're just spewing shit out like an alcoholic chucking up a rancid kebab. You can seize upon a typo and recite bollocks from a handily bookmarked webpage which throws off the gullible on this site but it doesn't cut the mustard with my walt radar. I'm well and truly on your case sunbeam. You're a fake and a fucking wanker, more commonly known as Munchhausen's syndrome of the bullshit gland. Pathetic cockwombles like youself should be taken into the woods and beaten with clubs until you're no longer a threat to the vulnerable in society.
  2. You have the wit of Susan Boyle. Now do the human race a favour and die of aneurysm.
  3. Errrr! Cabaret act in a gay bar?
  4. Trust me, @Last Cunt Standing is no doctor. He's a lefty cockwomble with a thesaurus who rage quits when confronted with some good old fashioned centre-right logic. My best guess is he goes on lots of demos when he's not wiping old men's arses and shouts "Nazi" at anyone he's afraid of before getting his head kicked in.
  5. I "accidentally" dribbled some vegetable oil over the top three steps but I'm sure she levitated over it. The woman is possessed by Satan, I'm fucking sure of it.
  6. Why are you going to blow up a bus and melt your face off on the exhaust? .....Cue drum roll!
  7. I'm surviving your Majesty, except for the daily emergence of the wife's mother from our basement I'm fine and dandy. How is your good self?
  8. The unions are a fucking disgrace and should be fined out of existence for what they've pulled over the NHS, schools and public transport. I'm hoping Dominic Cummings survives the fake outrage being directed at him at the moment and dreams up some proper draconian legislation to emasculate these lefty parasites once and for all.
  9. I have a missus who nags the shit out of me, a full time mother-in-law I want to exile to St Helena and I live about 10 minutes away from the south coast. Sorry to disappoint.
  10. Don't you be getting any ideas about any intellectual superiority here Paddy. I have some weapons grade Irish jokes at my disposal and will unleash them if provoked and then you'll be crying in your bowl of cabbage.
  11. For somebody with such superior education I would have thought you could do better than that but it appears my initial suspicions were correct. You're a cockwomble and an unconvincing one at that. It really annoys you that a mere "grease monkey" like me can get under your skin and now you're just putting your fingers in your ears and repeating the same crap in the hope I'll leave you alone. Was you bullied at school?
  12. I tend not to visit the slums these days except when my dog needs a shit or I fancy a bit of poverty safari.
  13. Haven't you got better things to do like making sure you have your Jizya ready for the Macclesfield Taliban?
  14. Depends on your views about kidnapping black people and working them to death on plantations. Personally, I would prefer taxi driving myself as whipping all them slaves must have been murder on the shoulder.
  15. Well it would read like that to you because you're a typical lefty twat who deliberately misquotes others for a bit of attention. I've already told you what my profession is but that's not to say taxi driving isn't an honest crust. My Grandad drove a black cab for 30 years and took great pride out of swindling Mummy's boys like you by taking the "scenic" route from Euston to Waterloo because they were too afraid to use the tube. I must have inherited his ability to spot a mug from a mile off which is probably why you keep appearing on my radar.
  16. I'm self employed dickhead and doing a roaring trade thanks to being on the local council's list of approved contractors. In fact, I took a hapless NHS manager to the cleaners on Monday. Nothing like a bit of price gouging during a national crisis.
  17. If that were the case, it would be an improvement on your dog shit ridden alleyway in Macclesfield where daughters get sold to Asian takeaway owners. Large Donna anyone?? Lol! 🤣
  18. I save that as a weapon of last resort alongside utterly slanderous allegations posted on facefuck via an untraceable page regarding abuse in children's homes in the 1970s.
  19. I've always found the best strategy for dealing with fascist neighbours is to arrange for all manner of exciting free gifts to be sent to them from crap mail order companies along with an assortment of tasty pizzas, curries and kebabs ordered using my handy burner phone. Once they've had a few early morning visits from the fire brigade and couple of spot checks from the RSPCA accusing them of cruelty to their dogs, they will quickly wise up to the possibility that they've pissed somebody off and wind their necks in.
  20. I was amused to read a story about Ghurka being disciplined whilst serving in Afghanistan. His task had been to obtain the DNA of a local Taliban commander after his platoon had killed him. He returned to base with the fucker's decapitated head.
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