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Trucking Funt

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Everything posted by Trucking Funt

  1. I think this puts everything into perspective....
  2. The police are doing absolutely fuck all about the special ones gathering in mosques. I went past the one near me on Friday and there must have been at least 10 people around the entrance. As usual, our public servants are bowing to shariah law.
  3. You must be getting low on spice by now with the lockdown and all.
  4. I expect the villain will be called Klansman or Donald.
  5. No doubt the back pages of the comic will feature articles on the benefits of gay sex and transgender reassignment.
  6. Trucking Funt

    The French

    This actually happened about 3 weeks ago and the stuff was released when the foreign office pointed out to the frogs a number of international treaties that would be in abeyance if they didn't release the shipment or hindered any others. Several hours later it was on the ferry.
  7. She looks like a Madame Tussauds fuck up of Genghis Khan's Down's syndrome afflicted sister.
  8. Now you're just deluding yourself.
  9. Careful with that vicariousness now!
  10. You chimed in with with your combat medic union baron chum you self righteous tosser! Filling your posts out with virtue signalling bollocks in an attempt to appear intelligent isn't impressive either. Your previous post reveals you as the type who throws shit around the cage like an adolescent chimp when somebody has an opinion that differs from his own. The mere fact that you've raised the amount of time I've been posting here also tells me that you're a bit insecure and fear the possibility that others with a different viewpoint and life experiences to your own are going to take over the little world you've made for yourself and tell you things you don't want to hear. Perhaps you would feel more comfortable posting in the comments section of the Guardian because I think I'll stay thanks.
  11. Am I keeping you awake at night? Try raiding the fridge, oh no you can't because the food banks are closed and the supermarkets are not admitting the unwashed with lice infestations. Have a wash in the canal and make yourself look more presentable, you filthy binrat.
  12. Try running this bullshit by a certain Welsh guardsman I know who watched two of his mates get incinerated on the Sir Galahad and I'm pretty confident who would get squashed like a maggot. You're a fucking idiot!
  13. There's a big difference between an annual commemoration of remembrance of those who sacrificed their lives in a just cause and an attempt by a bunch of screechy left wing spunk stains using an epidemic to incite weekly mass worship of its members wouldn't you say? Your effort to grant parity between the two is ridiculous and you should be ashamed of yourself.
  14. I spent 5 months at the S&N brewery in Reading watching the process and talking to the staff in the works canteen which has provided me with knowledge superior to that of your average fat ignorant northern piss guzzler, you miserable little simpleton. Stop trying to be clever as you're just embarrassing yourself.
  15. I agree with you. My dad had a brilliant palliative care nurse when he was dying of cancer. I spoke to her last week and she's absolutely mortified at the precedence being given to every cunt who thinks they've got the chinky plague at the expense of care for those who were already on the final furlong. When this is over, the cunts who created this cult are going to dragged through the streets.
  16. Did you stand on your doorstep and give praise once a week for the lads in Afghanistan?
  17. That fucking cunt wrote Bridge on the River Kwai as well. He was so ashamed of the collaboration of French army officers with the Japs in Indo China, he slandered hundreds of thousands of British POWs. My Grandad hated Alec Guinness for doing the film adaptation.
  18. Piss off you gullible prick! Those trade unions are led by a bunch of Marxist traitors who condemned the war on ISIS simply because it was against brown people and it was a tory government giving the orders. If you had an IQ that reached into 3 digits then you would have been able to deduce that my condemnation was of the cult that attempts to bully the general public into pouring adulation on those who scream baby killer at the service personnel who defend this country. Remembrance Day is once a year and I'm proud to say I donate to service charities but the common purpose cunts seem to think everyone should stand on their doorsteps and clap them into their driveways every night.
  19. I apologise if this has been already covered but I'm utterly sickened by people clapping on their doorsteps for those being paid for doing their jobs who belong to a union that condemn those who go off to get maimed and fucking die in service of their country. By that I mean UNISON. Fuck the NHS lefties. They're actually working for their pay for a change.
  20. Northern ale is the same as southern ale made by mixing concentrate in vats with the same ingredients by continental drinks companies. It's all marketing these days and has been for the last 15 years. I know this because I used to do some work on Scottish and Newcastle's lorries before they got bought out by Carlsberg and Heineken. When I hear fat middle aged tossers from Blackburn or some other Northern shithole talking bollocks in Wetherspoons about Northern ale, I have a little chuckle to myself and wonder if they would love it so much if they knew what it looks like before it's mixed with water.
  21. Xi Xinping has devised a plan to eliminate the Muslim problem in Western China. He's locked all the men up in concentration camps and sent every Han Chinese communist party official he can find in to their homes to sleep in the same beds as their women. Prima Nocta Marxism style.
  22. The depression never ended up there. Every cunt you meet from Yorkshire is still fucking moaning about some colliery or cotton mill closing in 1929 and their grandparents being forced into cannibalism.
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