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Hammer of Cunts

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Everything posted by Hammer of Cunts

  1. If he has he should keep quiet about it; Altzheimer might want it back.
  2. Has the eupemism changed from "women's things" to "things' things"?
  3. Going by the amouint of coverage that the BBC has given this non-event, it looks like the self-promoting little wierdo has been talent spotted as a kindred spirit. Keep your ears pinned back for over-emotional news of the mincing little prat's "journey" and wait to hear his opinions on Question Time.
  4. How many more news bulletins will have to start with: "Boris Johnson has defended his..." before he fucks off?
  5. The pronouns in that article are very gender-specific. Will these holidays also be available for those attempting more normal methods of conception? "Sorry I was asleep, boss. I was shagging all night. May I have a month off to give the Mrs a seeing to?"
  6. I've got one of those, they're called "heelers"; they're bred with psychedelic spots so that they aren't mistaken for dingos and shot.
  7. Isn't this just another manifestation of the trans/sex-change nonsense? It's beyond me how an entirely mental delusion can be cured by unnecessary surgery and a lifetime on powerful mediation. "First do no harm" my arse.
  8. Just use your imagination, if you like that sort of thing.
  9. He was an American and a bit wierd, even by their standards. I suppose shorts are ok for sportsmen (not darts though).
  10. No male over 10yo should ever wear shorts in the UK. It's undignified and makes them look like foreigners. Shorts are for children who fall over a lot; skin is cheaper to repair than whatever trousers are made of.
  11. Christ! Amber Heard's let herself go a bit
  12. I haven't been since working there in the mid '80s. The "Peace Convoy" were trying to take over with variety of Mad Max vehicles and the markets were full of West Indians selling dodgy pills. Someone was stabbed. There were a load of trustafarian hippies building a stone circle for some reason. I think the only acts I saw were Van Morrison and Richard Thompson, at least I hadn't paid to get in. Sid Rawles was a cunt.
  13. Reading was notorious for putting on a sacrificial band to get the crowd going. I remember Wayne County being on the recieving end of party-fours full of piss in about '75 or 76. I believe it's a bit snowflakey these days.
  14. You can hang out with all the buoys.
  15. It's fun to stay at the RNLI
  16. I've a feeling the ones she was buying were 80 calories each and, clearly, the obese munter consumed many, many thousands. Homopathic: 0.00,0000,000,0001% lard.
  17. It was their god's punishment for -------- (insert sin here).
  18. Who the fuck do you think you are? Pompous wanker.
  19. Have you thought of fucking off?
  20. I used words and grammar. Bend?
  21. Think Jo Brand on valium.
  22. I'm sure that any member here, to whom the resulting word would apply, speaks in the well modulated tones of the classically educated gentleman, And regularly attends mass.
  23. ...and finance, wanking and banking.
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