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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. It's the fucking insouciance of the multi caked cunt with his helpful advice to us plebs to get "checked out" as he slides into the five star luxury of the well known private hospital where the night duty nurse committed suicide over a hoax phone call she answered when Kate was pregnant. Darling Kate is in the five star luxury of the London Clinic. Now.... try to get an appointment with YOUR GP tomorrow morning to discuss a PSA test or physical examination (because you just want one to be safe and sure) see how long that takes you..... 🤔
  2. I understand the Attention Deficit part of it, but HD. Is that a High Definition version of it, like a Blu Ray? All this shit comes from America.
  3. God knows what the fuck you're on about mate.
  4. They do have a habit of bombing pop concerts though... Manchester Arena?
  5. I can see this is yriggering a race to the most fucking illiyetate reply. I'm facked with it.
  6. Do these fucking illiterate arseholes ever think about what they are saying, read anythink (!) other than a scribbled shopping list covered in grease and tomato sauce from the meal their eating with their fucking fingers? Anythink (!) that's been penned by a half literate human being without the aid of Google autocorrection or autofill? Have these cunts ever been expected to speak correctly during their five years in secondary education funded at great expense by the taxpayer but regarded by most working and single mothers as a child minding service while they get on with their own important busy lives mispronouncing words and fucking the local black stud on the estate? There's a total absence of shame in these cunts as thet deliberately do it with such an emphasis on the ".. ink" by these cunts I feel they are doing it defiantly. Like a phonetical fuck you gesture. Yet nobody pulls the cunts up on it. To my mind talking like that is the same as picking your nose and eating a bogey during a conversation with the vicar over afternoon tea or having a pee on the Cenotaph. It's that level of fucking shameless behaviour.
  7. too much information at this time of the day
  8. It was the coldest night in half a decade last night. Weather on TV.... Hee heee heee.
  9. It seems to have got your goat so it must be OK.
  10. Due to the technical nature of this nomination and the fact that Dame Edna with all her experience of handling her husband's massive prostrate has now passed on I must as for some advice over the exact location of the prostrate between the piss pipe and the shit hole.
  11. Prick is your favourite term of abuse which says something. From now on please address me as Cock.
  12. You seem to have spent most of your time on this site picking arguments or looking for a row now fuck off or I'll give you a portion.
  13. Woooooah. WOOOOOOOOOOAH! I think he's making a point about proportionality. You and most people including the extremists on both sides would prob agree that both Jews and Palestinians are locked into a fight to the death with no compromise, so it beehives the international community to do a sort of refereeing act and fucking break it up. That's the first stage. The next stage is fucking live up to the UN Charter and put boots on the ground to FORCE a two state solution then POLICE it afterwards for AS LONG AS IT TAKES. It was done in Cyprus. What is so special about Israel... The only special thing I can think of is the amount of political and economic power the Jewish lobby has in Washington. You don't have to be an anti-semitic to to see that while the Yanks are throwing this blanket protection round Israel not one jot of progress can be made. On that basis I don't blame the Arabs for fucking attacking whenever they can like true freedom fighters. At the end of the day, the British should NEVER have left the mandated lands in that state with only one clear winner establishing a state for itself with its greedy Jewish eyes on all the rest of it as future purchases or conquests.
  14. I still never got to the bottom of that story about Savile having a rented cottage in Scotland close to somewhere Charles had a place.
  15. I think we have a Charlie Boy groupie. The issue I have is what with the state of our NHS from trying to get a face to face with a GP to the first consultant referral to the waiting list you would probably be overcome by other more serious or terminal illnesses before ANYTHING WAS DONE ABOUT YOUR PROSTRATE DOWN MY ROAD. Buckingham Palace is ANOTHER road. So is the road all our fucking MPs and Lords live on. So Ape can go and fuck himself - cunt needs to do a bit more growing up.
  16. I think your enlarged ego goes with your enlarged prostrate. I think you'd have to fight your way through several layers of discouragement before seeing a specialist whereas old Golden Balls Charley Boy with his travelling medical entourage would get an immediate consultation without question.
  17. I fancy a bit of DIY during this cold snap. Haven't heard from you for awhile. How are you keeping old pal? Keeping warm in that cardboard box outside what used to be Wilkos until the crimnal energy companies robbed everybody of their disposable incomes and hammered thr last nail into our High Streets. Do you think Rishi ever bought anything in Wilkos? Considering he comes from sturdy Open All Hours Corner Shop Asian Ugandan heritage I'd be amazed if he hadn't.
  18. No, but if it happened I'd be glad to have you in the next bed. By "have" I mean in the geographical sense and in no way insinuating a burgeoning homosexual relationship due to the high levels of largactyl we were both being prescribed and our recent exposure to a late night showing of Dirk Bogarde in The Night Porter.
  19. Bernard Mathew's is closing down.
  20. It's nice to know you're in a good place.
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