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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. You unleashed the beast in me. Once it's out it's out. No going back. Next stop The Jungle with Mat Hancock or Farage, I don't care which.
  2. That's a left over spicy meatball from the staff canteen.
  3. My old friend the one eyebrowed man from Ulster. Always a bit tasty, a bit wooooah!
  4. You’re on fire tonight. Go on my son! 😅
  5. Do you mind if I just turn the conversation back to the nomination? What do you think are Biden's chances of keeping the great American Joe and Jane on his side with his funding for Vietnam style dead end policy in Kiev? The one thing Yanks don't have is is resilience or patience - whereas Russians are famous for it.
  6. That's the trouble with single issue campaigning and movements in general which I steer clear of. The only real issue it seems to me is total revolution. The whole system needs to be smashed and a dictatorship of the proletariat established moving towards a degree of economic liberalism in evolutionary small steps. Hence that's why I'm a Maoist. It seems to me it's the best most durable firm of socialist state yet. Yugoslavia was better in many ways but the West just saw rich pickings and undermined it. They hate anything that offers an alternative to the Yankee air conditioned nightmare.
  7. Nappies? Feel better? You were clearly toilet trained the old fashioned way which accounts for your fixation on genitalia and the anus.
  8. It's you fucking youthful, very young, disgustingly new, juvenile youthful young cunts, who I [[don't]] despise with every fibre in my dirty rotten old man body, who won't let me forget. You keep digging it up and ogling, cooing at my time, dribbling over the Stones and the Beatles, the fadhions, the stinking shitty vnyl or cassettes you can't get enough of it. I'M NOT AN OLD MAN. KISS ME! * * Max at the end of the Homecoming Harold Pinter, another Harold. You fucker I forgot it was written in the sixties. Cunt.
  9. Enough to keep you in diapers for a month you wet cunt.
  10. The "man friend" is that tall chap who is always just behind his shoulder? I guess he is the equivalent of Saladin's do or die personal body shield. Guess what... we still don't have a power sharing government in Northern Ireland, so in effect there hasn't been a democratically elected govt in N. I. for nearly a year. All because the hardliner Orange boys who the Mountbattens and Royal family are so well in with to the extent they actively conspired to bring down a Labour Wilson govt in the 1960s, these cunts will not collaborate with the largest party (due to fucking Brexit) now being Catholic Sinn Fein. So this whole fucking crew is reactionary, anti-democratic and fake fake fake. And look at that other arse cheek Starmer with Sunak on his arm paying his fake respects. I bet Starmer was a supporter of Blair's fake Iraq War. I wonder if he had anybody in the family who came back from that pointless exercise with a leg or arm missing or worse. Cunts. Just fucking puppets. Now they are doing the same shit in Ukraine.
  11. The weird and wonderful continues with Dadaaaa! Adopt a Penguin for £3 per month. Mind blowing.
  12. ETC you nailed it. That million pound bag of cash was OK wasn't it? Nothing dodgy about that. Are we fucking fools in their eyes? If we are talking about selective policing that's a good example. For Joe Bloggs try to pay in, draw out at the bank, or get stopped at Border Control or by the old Bill with more than £5k in cash in the car or on your person, and it's the THREE DEGREES AND FILL IN A FORM AT THE NICK. Did you see the Royal Box at the Albert Hall last night? The amount of fucking metal work pinned to their chests I thought the fucking balcony would collapse.
  13. Talking about little Napoleons, a whole family of them will be on display at the Cenotaph tomorrow with their fake medals and uniforms on. Old horse face the "Queen" consort will be watching it from the balcony.
  14. I've tried to placate you enough. I thought it worked.
  15. The Unknown Citizen W. H. Auden (This Marble Monument Is Erected by the State) He was found by the Bureau of Statistics to be One against whom there was no official complaint, And all the reports on his conduct agree That, in the modern sense of an old-fashioned word, he was a saint, For in everything he did he served the Greater Community. Except for the War till the day he retired He worked in a factory and never got fired, But satisfied his employers, Fudge Motors Inc. Yet he wasn't a scab or odd in his views, For his Union reports that he paid his dues, (Our report on his Union shows it was sound) And our Social Psychology workers found That he was popular with his mates and liked a drink. The Press are convinced that he bought a paper every day And that his reactions to advertisements were normal in every way. Policies taken out in his name prove that he was fully insured, And his Health-card shows he was once in hospital but left it cured. Both Producers Research and High-Grade Living declare He was fully sensible to the advantages of the Instalment Plan And had everything necessary to the Modern Man, A phonograph, a radio, a car and a frigidaire. Our researchers into Public Opinion are content That he held the proper opinions for the time of year; When there was peace, he was for peace: when there was war, he went. He was married and added five children to the population, Which our Eugenist says was the right number for a parent of his generation. And our teachers report that he never interfered with their education. Was he free? Was he happy? The question is absurd: Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard. W H Auden 1907-73
  16. "Tory annihilation or defeat" https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/11/09/are-we-witnessing-break-up-of-conservative-party/ Let’s face it, most of the tories on CC have already migrated further right to the Reform Party - what there can be about that hopeless loser Tice to entice them anybody can guess.
  17. The whole thing is a racket that attracts racketeers: sorry Capt Tom but you're family isn't exempt and it started when you all accepted a free family jamboree to Barbados. I accept Tom didn’t really grasp what was going on around his ears.
  18. Don't worry they will start asking for donations now for ambulances or the fire brigade. Fucking disgrace.
  19. The charity ads are coming in fast and furious now mixed in a few weird and wonderful offerings: CATS PROTECTION, donate £5 for (wait for it....) to rescue CATS from abusive controlling relationships between people. The poor cat is the innocent victim caught between two NON Cats. What a fucking scale of priorities.
  20. I love the RNLI saying it as it is: "Without your donations we wouldn't have a lifeboat service." "Six out of ten lifeboat rescues are funded by donations." It's a bit of a scandal isn't it that a proud seafaring island like Britain can't publicly find an essential emergency service?
  21. You got my gist anyway, I'll have more gist later.
  22. Those fucking slums go for one or two million now
  23. A pic is worth a thousand words. One of these is the jumped up corrupt leader of a an American puppet state who has been undemocratic ally elected. Sorry they both are.
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