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Dyslexic cnut

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Everything posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. I’m going to have to disengage, Bill. Aside from work ‘ramping up’ I’m getting shit from the human carbuncle that I married. Over dinner with friends the other night she was telling them about me ‘wasting my time ‘ on CC. I regaled our friends with the merits of the place and some of the funnier comments made on here and the subjects for cunting. A couple of my pals were quite interested in checking the site out. Until rent-a-gob wife announced…’they all think they’re clever cunts but it’s a woman called Mrs Roops who slaps them like the naughty little retarded schoolboys that they really are when they step out of line!’ What is it with this ‘sisterhood’ bollocks these cunts have got going on? Anyway, I’m laying low for a bit…unless I go for that deliberate ban thing again. Sail on…bro!
  2. I note that ‘fan boi’ is the new ‘stay calm’ and ‘whataboutery.’ Looks like an expansive vocabulary isn’t a requirement for MENSA membership or to be a leading industrialist these days. I’ll kick it out of her. Standby for her next interjection…during business hours of course, Sunday’s always a busy day for her, what with the peeling and prepping for the roast dinner followed by the dishes of course.
  3. Sorry to be pedantic, but it’s ‘mano a mano’ you pretentious pseud. Remember the longest day in Finland? Well, here we have it in all its tiresome glory. A series of tirades about my domestic sexual performance (ban yourself) and then homosexual inferences with other members. I don’t see any other mods getting themselves into the shit like this. Don’t you think you’d be best placed to resign your esteemed status and merely take your chances on here as a punter? Then you could really be torn a new one. Do fuck off, there’s a good girl.
  4. Tantamount to Ian Huntley calling you a ‘neglectful school janitor!’ Filthy, dwarf wrong ‘un.
  5. I’m getting half a lamb next week from a mate of mine up in Yorkshire. Grass fed and all that, £10 just the butchering fees. Mrs Cnut won’t eat it now because my mate, who’s a Cunt, sent her a picture of it pre-slaughter saying ‘why me you bastards?’ I sincerely hope it’s that stupid cunt @ProfB.
  6. It’s the cunt’s party piece. He does it on all of them. Have you seen the epileptic drummer doing Girl from Ipanema?
  7. I must admit, I posted it through gritted teeth. It still makes me laugh like a hyena on coke.
  8. Is that a fact. Take a look at this retarded cunt…
  9. And yet, here you are only 24hours earlier, ‘trawling’ through a thread that was five months older? Hypocritical lying little mare. You can always tell when personal abuse makes up most of your retorts, that you are rattled to fuck and your much acknowledged thin-skin comes into the spotlight. One thing has come from this exchange, your tiresome vocabulary has been corrected and you’ll think very carefully before using the razor-like barbs of ‘whataboutery’ and ‘stay warm’ again. You’re a piece of cake, honey. On 13/05/2021 at 14:08, Dyslexic cnut said: It wasn’t even that extensive. It was the actual acronym of two, higher education qualifications which I thought was only fair as I’d ridiculed hers and she had asked for them. ‘CV?’...’potted’ or otherwise is complete bollocks and she knows it. She’s probably busy washing congealed orange peel out of her 1970’s clungebush.
  10. Out of interest, how does an ‘incident’ occur in a virtual world? Also, will you be wintering somewhere warm as you have no pullover? You stupid little cunt.
  11. Any wonder the economy is struggling whilst the country’s leading academic/scientist/engineer/entrepreneur/medical practitioner and supercar designer is tramping through the green belt taking open-air minge pics? Do fuck off.
  12. I’m more than happy to. At one point you were forced to climb down. No CV at all, just a reply to a specific request that you had made. As for assuming what I ‘intended to imply,’ do we now need to add ‘mind reader’ to your growing list of professional achievements (which are clearly utter bullshit…you’ve got ‘HR trainee’ written all over you, love.) You’re a liar at heart, Roops as I’ve stated, there can be no sensible discussion or debate with a liar. Now, in the UK, it’s still very much ‘business hours’ so unless you’re overseas again (🤔) explain why you’re still on here and have been for most of the morning. Do endeavour to tell the truth now, you may even grow to like it.
  13. Remember your dishonest submission on here that I’d PM’d you my CV? (amongst other things.) You little Tom Pepper you. I don’t believe you should be ‘cast out from the Corner’ and don’t believe I’ve ever seriously suggested the same. Curious isn’t it? I highlighted your ‘pedant’ defence and, predictably, here it is a day later in all of its glory. The Queen of petulant minutiae bleating when she gets a healthy dose of her own medicine? It’s simply impossible for this to be funnier. It just is.
  14. Standby…she’s just logged back on…during business hours too…🙈
  15. Who the fuck do you think you’re kidding here? Your normal M.O. is to be active on here between 8-10am (BST or GMT.) These are ‘business hours,’ especially if you’re someone as supposedly high-powered as your good self. I highlighted, recently, that when you were active late afternoon it was only because you were irate and rattled as you stomped about the site. I did notice that the quality of your posts were markedly sub-standard for you that afternoon, what was the problem, had you run out of evening primrose or were you stressed from spending hours bollocking those thick physicists at CERN again? I think it’s rather hilariously ironic to contend that I’d have ‘no idea in the world’ where you’re posting from given your widely mocked history of geographical ignorance…there’s a fair chance that it’s you who doesn’t know where the fuck you are. I’d suggest that you’re in your kitchen scraping hubby’s kipper bones into the bin. (Kippers aren’t a freshwater fish found in a tributary of the Orinoco, near Stockholm incidentally.)
  16. She’s outright lied and at best, deliberately mis-represented many things on here I’m sad to say. I enjoy the give and take as much as most of us in this place, but whilst you can debate a thief, a phoney or a con artist… it’s simply not possible with an outright liar. For those reasons, I’m out.
  17. Thin-skinned, arrogant and dishonest. Not the best traits for a competent moderator. You are so full of shit that should you be given a strong enema we’d be able to bury what’s left of you in a matchbox. Stay petty.
  18. My old fella was the same and gave me similar advice…‘get ‘em all fingered kid…I did thousands of ‘em and they were all grateful.’ he’d tell me. Mind you, it must have been more challenging for him what with it being the 50s and him being a thalidomide.
  19. I’ve given that a ‘like’ Jake, which will inevitably see me labelled as a ‘brown-nosed’ cunt. Go figure…🤷🏼
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