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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 22 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    They bypassed millions of square miles of lush, fertile lands in order to float on a few hundred logs until they reached a desert shithole full of poisonous shit that could kill them.

    I'd say that the abo's are a perfect example of the idiotic degeneracy of our black cousins.

    Anyone ever smelled one? I was standing on top of Ayers Rock one day and the reek coming off one of these creatures could knock a bluebottle off a dogturd from 40 yards. I wouldn’t mind so much, but the fucker was in Perth. Rank Neanderthal Cunt.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Why do they need a month to explain black history?

    '50,000 years ago we sat in mud and we fucking stank. Now, we sit in mud and we fucking stink.'


    The documentary on Great Negroe Scientific Discoveries was a good watch to be honest. They crammed a lot into 45 seconds.

  3. 14 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    It usually pans out Royals and VIPs (the Westminster mob) first. Next those who can go private. Next the chosen few by the aforesaid mob. Everybody else who isn't trampled underfoot. 

    I’d have thought it would make more sense to administer it to the Wuhan bats first.

  4. 4 hours ago, StinkShaft said:

    He lived life to the full, snorting nose candy with Carlos Tevez and the many other traitorous rats the stunted obese toad. He inspired a nation of Cozeners that welcomed Nazis with open arms. No surprise the jocks also idolise him north of the border and anyone else to get one over us. Pipe blowing cunts.

    This could be the start of your salvation Stinkers....a ‘like’ from @Decimus! Now you have to get the other Beasts onside...otherwise I’ll be mopping your entrails out of my keyboard. Well done you though.

  5. 11 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Madonna loves everyone Pen.

    Oh you mean the gap toothed, quasi Italian, screeching fucking banshee? Oh she  can fuck right off. 

    I thought you meant the virgin Mary. 

    ‘Talentless’...you forgot ‘talentless’ Gyps.

    • Like 1
  6. I see there is now a movement championing BAMEs to be first in the queue for the vaccine due to them being ‘more vulnerable’ to the chinky bat flu virus. They should have put the cunts in cubicles alongside the chainsmoking beagles and tested it on them imho. Fuck off you queue-jumping sub-species cunts.

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, Decimus said:

    Although a somewhat fringe movement, this is now apparently a thing. 

    Despite the fact that most of oop north is a huge net beneficiary of the UK tax system, your average northern independence supporter doesn't care that upon independence he'll be living in a bankrupt state. According to him, the north will prosper on a culture of plain speaking (pig fucking ignorant), common sense (leaving school at 15) and a lust for life (alcoholism and wife beating)

    Despite mentioning he's northern with alarming regularity, and praising it at every given opportunity, the leader of the Northern Independence Party, Philip Proudfoot, has in best northern tradition, fucked off out of it and moved to that there London.

    I say let them eat Eccles cake and send them off to go it alone. Give it six months and they'll be banging at the door to be let back in, with tragic tales of starving kestrels and husbands too malnourished to raise a hand to their kids.

    I thought these were a prerequisite for being a CC member? If not I can see the membership on here halving. Be careful what you denigrate Deco.

  8. 27 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

    I think he’s great.

    Prepare for inflation....the bill is too big for the middle or upper echelons to foot.

    Gold,index-linked gilts and global investment trusts are the best hedge.

    Privet and Laurel are low maintenance.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

    If Dildo Hard-on didn't offer enough we now have the International Development Minister, Baroness Sugg, throwing a fucking tantrum because Rishi has decided to cut foreign aid. Well fuck off you fucking clueless slag. Forgive the general public for wanting to spend their taxes getting our own country out of the shit before giving any cash to some under developed shit pit I've never even heard of. Oh, and if it means you're out of a job, so fucking what.

    Swaps the House of Fun for the House of Lords and puts a frock on to get in? Cockney-pork-pie-hat wearing irrelevant Cunt should mind his own fuckin business.

  10. 29 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    That is true for the ordinary prisoner but those on death row are treated differently, simply allowed to live a life of ease until the actual sentence is carried out.

    I think I’d rather be on a chain gang than sitting in solitary for 21 years. They are too closely monitored to be able to top themselves which is, of course, the biggest single cause of death in the US prison system. Anyway, fuck ‘em.

  11. 9 minutes ago, White Cunt said:
    1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

    It takes a certain level of degeneracy to strike another person with a machete. A tool that slaves were given to chop sugar cane etc and has now been, ironically, imported onto the streets of the UK as an instrument of self-protection? I knew a chap who was attacked with one as he slept (mistaken identity as they were after a local cop who lived next door.) Aside from the hideous wounds to his head, he lost six fingers trying to protect himself. But even a weapon as crude and vile as a machete was no match for the hollow point .38 slugs that were utilised to administer corrective justice by the rozzers, two days later. I loved the colonies, they knew how to put down darkie insurgency and penchant for sub-human violence and behaviour. It’s the only thing these cunts understand.

    Erm...obviously not on one fuckin hand WC.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    The real issue in the USA is that people are often on death row for 20 years or more, which I suspect rather dampens the effect on would be killers and others.  Mr Hall committed the crime 26 years ago when he was 23 years of age and has thus spent more than half his life in prison being well fed and looked after and living a life of comparative leisure. I cannot see any reason why the time between sentencing and being executed should be drawn out for more than a few months whilst legal niceties are argued about.

    How on earth are lawyers and legal ‘professionals’ expected to make an inflated living with such a simplistic and logical system? Hang your head in shame.

    On a point of order, unlike this wanky country, there is fuck all ‘leisurely’ about the US prison system. The inmates are utilised as a very cheap labour commodity doing shit work, which is something we could do with the idle junkie cunts here. It’s big business in the States.

  13. It takes a certain level of degeneracy to strike another person with a machete. A tool that slaves were given to chop sugar cane etc and has now been, ironically, imported onto the streets of the UK as an instrument of self-protection? I knew a chap who was attacked with one as he slept (mistaken identity as they were after a local cop who lived next door.) Aside from the hideous wounds to his head, he lost six fingers trying to protect himself. But even a weapon as crude and vile as a machete was no match for the hollow point .38 slugs that were utilised to administer corrective justice by the rozzers, two days later. I loved the colonies, they knew how to put down darkie insurgency and penchant for sub-human violence and behaviour. It’s the only thing these cunts understand.

  14. 1 hour ago, StinkShaft said:

    For someone who clearly knows his way round this forum and sprawls out a constant deluge of shite in desperate need of love and attention, I was clearly quoting that spacko schoolgirl with the use of "aint". Please make every effot to contact Daddy, he will listen next time. Now I must say I usually find your repartee that of someone with severe age regression, but I enjoyed the use of Yoghurt Knitting. Seems my arrival has irked you for the better.

    I confidently predict that this won’t end well Stinko. Do you know where they buried @Insight Or Incite ?

  15. 13 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

    You're opening gambit is both poorly thought out, and portrays a punter more suited to 'MumsNet'. Go jump in a bath holding a three bar heater. Fucking weasel... 

    After midnight though to keep the leccy bill down.

    • Like 1
  16. On 23/11/2020 at 18:39, Major Cunt said:

    You'll learn the ropes round here if you last. The rule is, there ain't no rules. Feuds start at the drop of a hat with a misplaced comment, and occasionally the gloves come off, and we all piss ourselves laughing at a witty comment insinuating savilery, beastiality and an inappropriate relationship with a cousin... 

    Well, I guess that’s me told...kinda. fair play, have a ‘like’ for ‘Savillery!’ ..and fuck off.

    • Like 1
  17. On 21/11/2020 at 19:13, Weary&Disgusted said:

    I notice that Edward Snowden is seeking Russian citizenship.  Trump has stated in the past that he would consider a pardon for Snowden.  I really hope that doesn't happen.  

    Even if you don't see him as a traitor, the kindest assessment of him is as an absurdly naive idealist whose actions have made it much harder to monitor the murderous groups who want to stage acts of terror in the West.  

    Stay in Russia, Edward.  You are definitely not welcome to return.  

    Strange old, back to front world innit? This reminded of that guy Oleg Smolenski who sneaked out of St Petersburg & shacked up in the wilds of North Wales where he was arrested. Only difference being that headline read ‘Russian to seek Snowdon citizenship.’ Weird or what?

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