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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 9 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

    I know the BBC haven't started translating the news into spastic yet but in case you wasn't aware, the Potato Republic is colluding with Brussels in an attempt to carry out a de facto annexation of part of the country. The only thing those two faced cunts are getting from me is abuse. Fuck off!

    I hate the Boghopping cunts. At every opportunity they’ve tried to stick the knife in. Two World Wars for one thing when we were otherwise occupied. No UK or EU and they’re South Georgia, without the oil. Singing’ and jiggin’ can only get you so far, that’s why the cunts all fuck off and then wax lyrical about what a great country it is. Like the Jocks but with more underlying backstabbing menace. Guinness is nice though.

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  2. Just now, Dyslexic cnut said:

    Think outside the box ffs! He leaves his helmet still dripping in filthy spookess saliva, half chewed KFC debris and dried Gentleman’s Relish AND get’s La Hurley to chow down on the same unwashed member! Have you become so cynical that you’ve lost any semblance of romanticism E?

    Man’s a fuckin genius for even getting any where near that scenario.

  3. Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

    Any cunt that chooses to get a nosh from a yellow-toothed junkie negress in a hire car, while he's got Liz Hurley waiting at the hotel, is clearly mentally ill and should be summarily ignored.

    Think outside the box ffs! He leaves his helmet still dripping in filthy spookess saliva, half chewed KFC debris and dried Gentleman’s Relish AND get’s La Hurley to chow down on the same unwashed member! Have you become so cynical that you’ve lost any semblance of romanticism E?

  4. 20 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    I stand by that post and the fact that Trump has 10 million more votes than last time, not including the votes not credited to him yet should arouse some suspicion from a cunt with your self proclaimed genius status. Unless of course  it’s you who is the prize schmuck? I will of course accept your apology when the blindingly obvious fraud is overturned and ‘The Donald’ is installed for four more years. 

    In Attica?

  5. 8 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    For a moment there, Harold, we were engaging in an intelligent debate. Then you posted the above fucking nonsense. 

    "Why bring the EU into it?" Jesus fucking wept.

    Do me a favour and sling your fucking hook, before I give you a metaphorical clip,

    Is that like a pedicure?

  6. Just now, King Billy said:

    Hugh Grant is imo one of the most odious and self important cunts I’ve ever despised. Anyone who can seriously name their offspring Felix Chang Hong Grant, Tabitha Grant and John Mungo Grant has forfeited any right to speak, on any subject. That’s without even mentioning Divine Browne.

    I grew fond of him after I’d heard about him paying for a Barney McGrew off a dusky rip to be honest. If he’d have sojourned south and encountered her doubtless musty clungebucket AND continued with the said encounter, he’d be diminished in my eyes. But that’s just my even-handed nature.

  7. 2 hours ago, The Beast said:

    It goes on all the time and has been for donkeys. The learned Dr Shipman had a pethidine habit in the 1970's. NHS trusts hate the adverse publicity.

    The case I have linked was one that I had to attend court for. Myself and a colleague did the usual twice daily controlled drug check at shift handover. I noticed people who had presented with sprained ankles and other conditions not worthy of such strong analgesia had all been given pethidine, with signatures we did not recognise. I had 45 minutes in the fucking witness box where the cunt of a QC that represented her questioned my integrity.

    Worse of all, perhaps not surprising, her husband worked as an area car driver for the metropolitan filth. After she did her porridge, she was still able to practice. The NMC placed conditions on her registration for 18 months and that was it. She only admitted to the charges once in Holloway. Having said all that, she was never unreasonable to me, personally.


    ‘Shippers’ polished my mate’s mother-in-law off in Hyde back in the day. He thought it was a bit ‘sudden’ as she had been in good health prior to catching a heavy cold and having slipped at home and was a bit shook up but with no real damage. Anyway, he detested the old cow and his missus was left a tidy sum so all’s well as they say.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

    Moira was a trailblazer for diversity, not only was she one the first black newsreaders but the first trannie because no bird has got a voice that fucking deep.

    She was never high on any discerning rapists hit list though, even in her late teens.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    I don't see why the wearing of a poppy should be limited to just a couple of weeks per year. If I had my way, they would be worn year round as a mark of respect for our boys, and this wouldn't be voluntary but mandatory.

    Anyone refusing to comply would be faced with an initial 10k fine for a first offence. For a second, they'd be staked to the ground and slowly crushed to death by Sir Tom Moore repeatedly running them over in his mobility scooter.

    Rule, Britannia and God save the Queen.

    I’m in complete agreement. An excellent idea. As an aside, I assume you would have the pigs/filth enforce these new rules?

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