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Old Chap Raasclaat

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Posts posted by Old Chap Raasclaat

  1. 7 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    Arseholes, bell ends, and a worryingly pessimistic outlook on traditional marriage. You sure @Eddie didn't tweak a nerve with his earlier comments? 

    Nah Eddie ran off with his tail between his legs after asking me to calm down and not take it too seriously. You however are a proper nuisance who thinks he's winding me up when in fact you are showing everyone you are a one trick pony.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

    That's a bit rich coming from someone who identifies himself as an arsewipe. Piss off and flush yourself..

    For someone who identifies as Hammer of cunts you couldn't hammer a crack whores cunt if I paid her. Now fuck off and don't reply to anymore of my posts you soppy cunt.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    You're the type who eats leftover egg salad sandwiches off the floors of service station bathrooms to boost your immune system, aren't you?

    Reported for your silly teen antics earlier by the way. What a pair of complete bellends. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

    You're the type who eats leftover egg salad sandwiches off the floors of service station bathrooms to boost your immune system, aren't you?

    How did you know that? I though I kept that quiet. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    Out of likes - although they seem to be more trouble than they're worth at the moment anyway.

    I wonder if you ever wash your face nappy? It must be clogged up with all sorts of bacteria from Apes arsehole. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

    Oh dear! Are you confused by science? It's dim, easily led twats like you who will keep this pandemic going for longer than it needs to.

    Not confused at all, I would rather let my natural immune system instead of science look after me. You are obviously a militant vaccine supporter and good for you. I however won't be putting anything rushed through in record time into my body thanks. No liability from the pharmaceutical companies either, all for a 'Deadly Virus' that kills 80+ year olds which is older than a lot of people live to anyways. I think you're the easily led one. Run along now sheep baaaah. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

    They all cause the production of antibodies.

    Well go and get a shot up your arse then, I'll trust nature and let me body fight it...if I get it. You seem a right boring cunt, no more replies thanks. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Ape said:

    So cool. What a renegade.

    Says the man? Who is so clever he uses another users Avatar to play games. You are obviously in your teens yet are scared if Covid 19. Do you wet the bed regularly? 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Ape said:

    Join us. We fly model helicopters on the weekend and something about baked beans.

    You both seem very interesting. However I'm far too busy breaking the lockdown rules like most others are. Have you seen the streets? Lockdown...what lockdown.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    Anything that reduces the chances of my lungs being filled with a thick, milky white, spunk like substance (one of the first effects noticed in early autopsies) I'm taking it.

    How old are you Ape? I imagine you are under 50 yet you seem really scared of Covid 19...are you still hiding behind the sofa, too scared to watch the news. 

  11. 39 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

    All the currently approved vaccines have been scientifically proven to be effective at preventing serious illness, hospitalisation and death. No vaccine has ever claimed to completely prevent disease. I assume you’ll be a vaccine refuser?

    The so called vaccine limits Covid 19 effects on the body as far as I'm aware only the Astra Zenaca one brings about an immune response. The Pfizer and Moderna ones a new type of Vaccine that alters your bodies reaction to Covid. I am going to do a crazy thing and actually let my body naturally fight Covid 19 if I ever get it. I may have already had it anyways as 1 in 3 don't have any symptoms of this 'deadly' desease.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    have you met Gyps, might save you a flight...

    No I haven't, keep telling yourself you're a decent husband you deluded complete bellend of a cunt. If that's all you've got why not fuck off and put more effort into your home life. You mug.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Poor, terrible repsonse?, you have taken the time to look at my profile and give a lengthy response, obviously didnt hit a nerve....

    Have you considered Thailand when you reach the silver years to get a desperate ex prossie to marry?

    Lonely old poof.

    Oh dear Eddie, I think I've hit a nerve with you more like. What marriage are you on now? How many have failed due to you being an absolute bore of a cunt judging by your responses. You keep calling me an old poof which is not true, what is true is that your obviously limited talent on here is being exposed and all you can say is old poof. Retire with some dignity and spend more time trying to be a better husband you sad cunt.

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  14. 57 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Shut it you 1 bar heater, money saving old poof, dream on about landing a woman that will cook and clean for you when you get old. You can’t even get one to stay with you now, lonely weirdo. 

    Eddie I've looked at your profile and considering you've been here for almost 6 years that response is terrible. You have obviously been riding the wave of others glory and have little talent in saying spiteful words, perhaps it's time for your retirement as you really need to ask yourself 'What am I contributing'. I will light a candle in memory of you this evening and then give it to Witheredscrote for his Geese afterwards. 

  15. 10 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

    I have dual Nationality, and I have sex with geese. What is the reason for your existence?

    You make that statement and then have the nerve to ask me that. You sick fucker, stay in France you are not wanted back here. Weirdo.

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