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Old Chap Raasclaat

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Posts posted by Old Chap Raasclaat

  1. 16 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

    I see a bobby in Dorset is staring down the barrel of his career being ended because he threatened to give a gobby little shitkicker a ‘ticket for something’ after the rat wouldn’t co-operate with a simple roadside check on his colour changed car.

    The BBC, of course, have made this their number one story today and posted a video of the encounter, filmed, of course, by the said shithead. Doubtless emboldened by the George ‘pregnant woman beater’ Floyd coverage this odious little runt is now traumatised by the encounter...cue the ‘slip-trip-or-fall’ ambulance chasing lawyers and a large compensatory package for the scumbag and his legal team...paid for by us.

    At every point during the video I was hoping that the said cop would baton the fucking windscreen out before emptying a S&W .38 into this cunts eye. Society gets the police force it deserves. When the system and the law is designed to enrichen lawyers and reward obstruction, fiscally, then your police force/service has been neutered and there will be a price to pay for the same. You reap what you sow.

    I’d love to see the little cunt try that kind of belligerence and cockiness in the States, irrespective of race he’d have been executed. 

    I saw that video and that policeman was a total power mad cunt. Fuck him and his bending of the law to suit him so he didn't lose face. The young shit cunt in the car had every right to not comply with that policeman. Too many people do as they are told by police, you do not have to get in their car either when stopped. I am glad we have police and they are in an even more difficult job nowadays due to pc culture and camera phones but in this case that copper needed a beating with his own truncheon. The cunt.

  2. 55 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    £100 a week maximum wage and make the cunts get the bus to the match. That seems fair. Oh and if they get injured they can fuck off and claim Universal Credit. I’m sure a few  of the financially responsible among them would be able to save up and buy a 25 year old Fiat Uno or similar to go out pulling fat slags in.

    I bet half the current lot in the Premier League wouldn't know where to buy a loaf of bread and the other half would use it to wipe their arses. The dumb cunts.

    • Like 3
  3. 1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    At least Southgate agreed to take a cut I wages to protect non playing football staff. More than can be said for the greedy shitcunt premiere league players who threw their toys out the pram "ooh we weren't consulted". No you cunts, you couldn't be prepared to part with cash to protect non playing staff at your clubs. 

    If you're gonna get someone to run football than get an ex-pro in not some cunt business man in a collar and tie. 

    I hear ya, but it's a bit more complicated when it comes to Premier League players wages as a lot of money comes from appearance's, performance targets etc. They also have a lot of third party sponsorship/wages which adds another load of complexity. I would like to think that most of the cunts were willing to take a pay cut on their playing wages but I doubt it.

    Gareth Southgate should take a pay cut...a 95% one the useless cunt. Shite player shite manager.


  4. I agree, in that what he said was not racist and I am sure he meant no harm at all. The old fart probably thought he was being considerate when saying 'coloured'.

    The problem is he is the head of the F.A and with all their money and media training he should have been told what is and isn't acceptable in these ultra pc days we live in.

    The fact the old cunt said it shows he shouldn't be in his position, not because it's racist as it isn't but because it shows he is clearly of that old school who are out of touch with modern times and ways of communicating.

    The modern game is totally different to earlier days and at least 50% of top British players these days are black or mixed race. If Greg had been allowed to stay it would have sent out the wrong message, football is trying to get rid of racism (it never will) and this dinosaur is not helping.

    The F.A needs overhauling anyways, too many useless old farts who are all feeding at the trough and are awarded a lot for achieving fuck all. 

    The England football team is shite, tactics are shite, Gareth Southgate is a no good shit cunt and the F.A is a pile of cunt.

    Fuck off.



  5. 30 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

    I wholeheartedly agree with all the above, but fuck off all the same.

    'if they think this will go down well with the average white cunt who isn't a racist but a realist then they are more deluded than I thought'

    but your a racist Witheredscrote? How can you agree with that you NF cunt.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    The first part was ok, the second disappointing. The initial aggression is typical of a thickster arrival: all the mouth with no wit or insight. You certainly have the aggression, though whether you have the intellectual ability appears in doubt. We'll see shortly.

    We'll see old chap. I had to be aggressive a while back as ChildeHarold tried to bully me, Ape was being a cunt and Earl of Punkape was being racist. I had to come out fighting to prove I belong. Now look at me I'm on 15. 

    Skies the limit. 

  7. Seriously though what has happened to the 

    56 minutes ago, Wolfie said:



    I'm sick to the back teeth of this black sympathy identity politics bollocks. There's nothing worse than two ruthless corporate cunts shoving this BLM bullshit down my throat this Christmas, with the intention of ensnaring people into spending tens of millions on things they simply don't need.

    It's becoming clear adverts such as this expose the 'white people are racist-coronavirus link', in which timely stats put out by the left wing media attempt to underline the fact coronavirus is a 'racist' virus because it deliberately targets the UK's BAME population by way of higher mortality rates.
    The government is using the current state of affairs, together with huge companies who thrive via online sales, as an opportunity to brainwash its 87% white demographic by gently pressing upon us its immigration intentions, as well as to garner votes among the BAME community and lesson the blow for indigenous Britons when a new 'post-COVID-19 recovery' workforce arrives under the next immigration bill.

    Just imagine the uproar if, in both adverts above combined, the UK's current/actual 3% approx. black demographic was genuinely represented per person – that is by just one leg or one-quarter of a person. Absolute misrepresentative bollocks.

    All of these adverts are created by Tarquin and Jemima types who work near me in television production companies. Black is 'on trend' at the moment and all of these companies are trying to out virtue signal eachother as they don't want to be seen as not following the trend. You can imagine the meetings they have where they all talk about how guilty they all feel and how they have to give black people a chance (by being racist to others). Not realising they are increasing resentment in a lot of non Blacks and actually setting race relations back years (which BLM have been doing a good job of themselves).

    It's ridiculous that every advert these days gas at least one black person in it or in most cases 70% black people in them, of they think this will go down well with the average white cunt who isn't a racist but a realist then they are more deluded than I thought.


    • Like 4
  8. 4 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    Please write something remotely intelligent. I don't dislike you (hitherto), but I am getting tired of the piss-poor standard of newcomers.

    What are you going to do about it, OCR?

    Getting warmed up Wolfie, don't worry I have great potential. Now fuck off cunt.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Decimus said:



    I'm sure she'd be devastated to hear that Old Chap Raasclaat doesn't consider her worthy of spending £36 quid of his GIRO on an Elizabeth Duke, pyrite engagement ring.

    Conversely, as someone who has been accused of quite literally shitting the bed, she'd no doubt be trembling with ecstasy at the thought of some sinister little scat obsessed weasel such as yourself wanting to fiddle her outside of wedlock.

    I can't even spend that much of the Giro, time are difficult with the lockdown bollocks. All that scat talk was that dirty cunt Stubby's fault. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    I'm sure the mad cow wasn't shy of giving old Depp a slap or launching a missile at his make up wearing bonce. In which case she deserved and punch in the face a kick in the cunt. Depp will come out smelling of roses with plenty of work on offer. The Heard woman better start training for a new line of work or get into scat porn.  

    I'd shit on her.

  11. 43 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    I see you're a true gent in the style of our resident David Nivenesque, @Neil. You could learn a lot from him, especially in the field of kidnap, rape and body disposal 

    As for this Depp saga, the Heard woman had two things going for her; one that she was married to Depp and the other that she was pretty. As she's no discernable talent as a thespian and her looks on the wane, she'd better make some money now or find a knew career. I can see Depps lawyers giving the silly cunt as little a possible. 

    You can tell looking at Heard she is a wrong un. Wasn't she pictured with that billionaire cunt musk going into his apartment or something. Like a lot of bellends Johnny let his dick and delusions get the better of him and he has been made to look a right cunt. He deserves all the shite that comes his way for being such a loved up twat.

  12. What a load of cunts, firstly you get the proper wanker one's who have 'Kevin' written in bright lights in their cab so every non interested cunt can see who they are. What about the wankers who have four hundred lights on their truck and when they flash another truck light up the whole motorway (potentially exposing me getting my dick sucked). They also have that my vehicle is bigger than yours so I am always right attitude and a lot of the fat cunts are have a go heroes and try and stop cars fleeing from the police only to cause more problems for everyone.

    Lastly the cunts should be made to stay in the slow lane, any attempt at overtaking another fat cunt driver should be punishable by being dragged down the M4 tied to their own truck. The amount of tail backs I have to put up with whilst driving my expensive German car is unacceptable because two lorries take up two lanes for a mile whilst one is trying to overtake.

    I won't get started on the eastern european ones either.

    Fuck off.

  13. What a load shite you talk ChildeHarold, I bet you've been on a Corbyn rally or two haven't you, probably a vegan as well. Trump or Biden I don't really care, America is on the decline whilst China thrives, unfortunately we aren't that important anymore the world is changing and as we make fuck all and only offer services to other countries we will become even more irrelevant on the world stage.

    Run for your lives

  14. 1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    I've had an SIA badge for 20 years. The thought of becoming one of these sickening little quisling cunts is abhorrent to me. 

    If these scum cunts want to exert some authoritah, they should try standing on the door of a park resorts complex in the middle of July when the place is crawling with pikeys. But as you say, bullying pensioners and telling them where they're allowed to stand on the pavement is probably the limit of these collaborators bravery.

    Exactly that, if these wankers see a big bloke or a group of youths they won't say shit. 

  15. Yep, in the never ending saga of Covid 19 bollocks we have...The Covid Marshall's.

    What a joke, these little Hitler jobsworth cunts will be loving strutting around the dead town centres in their shitty high vis 'Uniform' bullying OAP's like Mavis and Arthur.

    I am awaiting the first case of a Marshall getting a slap on you tube, and of course any Marshall attempting to tell a big cunt like me what to do will be told quite clearly to fuck off.

    I have my suspicions that a select few on here may have already applied to become a Marshall after failing to become a Police officer.

    Shame on you.

  16. 28 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    I really think you are getting lingosensitive in your old age. I suppose a good old cockney accent would have been allowable. The English language is an ad hoc melting pot of different lingos and nobody knows how to to speak it "correctly". If you had taken offence because he assumed an hispanic accent to simulate a latin lover while trying to chat the waitress up then that is a bit crude. But it still doesn't warrant any censure - if it makes you laugh, laugh! I was in a lift once with a few other people and a fat lady in an art gallery. There was a loud rip roaring fart (F-art gallery) and the fat lady sung: "Who did thaaat!" at top if her voice. It wasn't me! I still can't get over it. 


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