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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. That's all well and good, SC, but that new Northern Cunt fellow says you're a big girl's blouse, and soft as shite. What's to be done about that?
  2. You fucking maniac, what's your interest in Bill Oddie's sphincter?
  3. Cuntybaws


    All my fridge beer has gone. I think I shall go to fooking bed now. See, Ding, not funny! PS You know I love you really. Love the multi-quoter, hate the multi-quotes.
  4. Sometimes you quite literally can't make this shit up.
  5. Cuntybaws


    The man's a sorry fucking ass clown, I thought you'd realised that by now? Ding, nobody gives a flying cunt. However, maybe if you say "Murrica" another few hundred times it will finally start to be funny?
  6. Then, having finally reached the speed limit, they spy a roundabout several miles ahead and immediately begin to slow down again. They will eventually (and I mean fucking eventually) grind to a dead halt at said roundabout, even though there is quite obviously no other traffic at all within 400 yards in any direction EXCEPT FOR ME, WAITING FOR THE TOTAL FUCKING CUNT TO START THE WHOLE SORRY CYCLE ALL OVER AGAIN. Why oh fucking why don't they fit Exocet missiles as standard these days instead of cigarette lighters?
  7. Cuntybaws


    My staff will get paid in nut butter, and they'll fucking well thank me for it.
  8. Cuntybaws


    Fuck this supply & demand curve. All guns, no butter.
  9. The Ugly, The Uglier, and the Really Fucking Ugly. Give me time and I'll think up something with "Fistful" in the title as a sequel.
  10. Cuntybaws


    I knew if I waited long enough this one would roll round again!
  11. Well, it's a comprehensive opening salvo, I'll give you that. May God have mercy on your soul.
  12. Cuntybaws


    And a 3-year old at that. Makes me fucking sick.
  13. Cuntybaws


    Throw in the money they piss away on multi-lingual street signs and free needles for junkies and it's no wonder there's nothing left. Fucking Wales!
  14. Cuntybaws


    Yes, but you see, they're not MY statistics. They're all yours (except perhaps, on a technicality, the omitted one about ethnic whites.) I'll give you a piece of free advice. However genuine your intentions, you should probably avoid the Oxford Union Thursday night debates. You're not very good at it.
  15. Cuntybaws


    So, it's about FOREIGN orphans but you're quoting statistics about British ones, and deliberately omitting the white ones? In that case, no, I don't think I've missed anything at all.
  16. How what is? Yes, time to crack open the first cold one from the fridge I think. Now, will it be the blonde one or the redhead?
  17. Cuntybaws


    If he'd said he was a Hillsborough veteran rather than a Falklands veteran he'd have the keys to the city and his own fucking statue by now.
  18. Geo-political reasons? Oh well, that's all right then. It takes a lot of oil to keep all those crosses burning.
  19. Cuntybaws


    These numbers relate primarily to British citizens, not non-British, and as I mentioned elsewhere you conveniently omitted the initial statistic that 75% (53,150) of children looked after on 31st March 2016 were white. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a big racist.
  20. Cuntybaws


    It looks like you're having an argument about "cunts". Would you like me to Google that for you?
  21. You are - shock, horror - right enough. (When the offending post was itself removed I just assumed there must have been a regulatory reason.) Luckily I resisted the urge to retaliate by implying that his father smelt of elderberries or I'd have been doing hard time myself by now.
  22. I gave your earlier comment a "like", If that doesn't see the cunt off I don't know what will.
  23. If you say so, but you do seem to spend a lot of time of time on the EDL stats page. To contextualise your numbers 75% (53,150) of children looked after on 31st March 2016 were white. I have no idea what you're talking about, and not for the first time.
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