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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Indeed, one of the benefits of austerity enforced staycations is that that minor government officials and welfare recipients see the natural wonders within the UK that they would otherwise miss on all inclusive package hols to the Med. Still, the good news is that austerity has formally ended so the delights of Benidorm beckons...
  2. These days Chapel Communities and the Elder's influence have all but died. Most chapels and meeting halls are derelict or have been sold and converted into residential units. Pass any surviving chapel on Sunday and its The Darby and Joan club at prayer. A handful have survived and are thriving due in part to setting aside the old patriarchal mentality. Despite my issues with organised religion, I do understand why people have faith, for some they need faith to make sense of being.
  3. Not really, at 16 I was given a choice by the Chapel Elders: desist any ideas of further education or face exclusion from the community, in other words, I would be invisible. I chose education.
  4. I spent my childhood some 15 miles (as the crow flies) from Ms Jones' hometown. I'm told my accent is hardly noticeable which suits me fine as aside from attending family and work commitments I have no intention to return to the area again.
  5. Even more chilling is the realisation that its only the third day of November and you so far have uploaded one anti-Brexit nom and six posts this month.
  6. Mrs Roops

    Samantha Jones

    The websites cited by you concede that men outnumber women offenders. Unfortunately there is no data (AFAIK) that breaks down the severity of the offences within each category, however, the data does concede that not only men are more predisposed to use violence as a means to a end in getting what they want but also, in some cases, they enjoy perpetrating violence. With such aggravating factors its small wonder that men are not only more likely to receive a custodial sentence but also a longer term of imprisonment. Another factor is that statistically more men than women reoffend, consequently they will have unused suspended sentences activated to run consecutively to any new term imposed. As for the point about gender disparity in academic achievement, my source in this instance was found in one of the websites you asked me to read. May I suggest that for the avoidance of experiencing any future embarrassment of being hoist by your own petard you actually study the evidence that you invite others to read. Oh yeah, Lol
  7. Mrs Roops

    Samantha Jones

    I'm sorry cgas, I was expecting you to pull up this report to back up your original premise, instead you cite a motely collection of sites which, after extrapolating some stats offers no conclusions as to why more men than women offend and why girls are now more academically successful. It'll be interesting to see if you can actually put forward a good case or if you will continue to pepper your argument with misogynistic pejoratives. I would suggest that you avoid Men's Rights Movements who can trace their origins to concerned gentleman who weren't too keen on universal suffrage.
  8. Mrs Roops

    Samantha Jones

    Lovely. I read ONS reports for fun so go on then - get offending.
  9. I'm sure its a coincidence that Private Eye's "Rotten Boroughs" column is riddled with tales of Norfolk Council officials pursuing vendetta's, falsifying reports, withholding evidence, cover-ups and generally being jumped up little shits. Most of the nefarious activity seems to be by junior and middle-management jobsworths.
  10. Mrs Roops

    Samantha Jones

    Strangely, only a few months ago you were quiet as a mouse when Sgt Cilliers was thrown in the pokey for two attempts on his wife's life so that he may benefit from an insurance pay out. Such was his desperation for financial gain he also endangered the lives or his own children on the first attempt. I actually take offence with your opening word, "yet another middle aged..." when 70% of UK domestic violence deaths are men killing women.
  11. Mrs Roops


    Be grateful that an unfazed Snowy came back with a suitable riposte otherwise you would be either in cooler or back wearing a tag for a considerable period of time.
  12. Since you are responsible for submitting 80% of The Corner's post reports (the vast majority of which are unsustained) I think its a tad hypocritical to moan about "busybodies". I suspect you'll find such public-minded citizens on roads notorious for accidents and pedestrian deaths.
  13. ...as you keep repeating ad nauseum, yet here we are.
  14. I've no idea how much Frank donates, if he does at all. I will say that he is second only to Punkape for receiving the most warnings and account suspensions. As for protection, you have been in receipt of more protection than anyone else, more so when you were a gauche and naïve newbie. The care and nurturing environment afforded to you by the CC Moderation Service has ensured that a bumbling sapling has grown into a strapping colossus so button it as you're making a pratt of yourself and a whiny one at that.
  15. If you believe that then your delusions make you more unhinged than I previously thought. I did warn you about your behaviour nearly a month ago. Your ego has rather played you into the Mod Q.
  16. Aside from the warning, I've also cancelled the three likes awarded for this inappropriate post. I will also add that I'm not impressed with the duplicitous sneak who awarded a like and reported the post at the same time.
  17. Truth for you is the indigestion you suffer after being caught scoffing pork pies.
  18. Its a given that you're a serial teller of untruths so one can be forgiven for taking your story with a large pinch of salt. All authoritative sources agree that the modern variation of the game is shrouded in mystery, that said, there is very little mention of India. Here's a page from a Billiard & Snooker Heritage site.
  19. Factually incorrect. Billiards originated in Europe specifically France during early medieval times. Pocket billiards is another matter. If you have to fantasise at least get the facts right.
  20. I always play nicely, perhaps it would be better if you stay in the crèche and not mix with older kids... Not for the first time you have blundered in to a thread pretending to be clever but instead have confirmed yourself as the idiot's idiot. I presume you are referring to this article which indeed says, "manufacturers have been using [castoreum] extensively in perfumes and foods for at least 80 years". However the article confusingly goes on to say that, "castoreum consumption is rather small - only about 292 pounds yearly". To put this in context, compare and contrast this miniscule amount with the truffle and saffron market, two other food ingredients famed for its rarity value and cost and whose annual worldwide production is approx 100 and 250 tons respectively. This is yet another lesson for you MC, any retard can access a search engine which will give out results that are worthless as well as relevant in equal measure. Its how you analyse and asses the information that matters. Schmuck.
  21. Unintentionally funny. I've never bothered to quantify this but I suspect I'd disagree with 60% of posts either in part or in their entirety. However punters are entitled to voice their views unless they are grossly offensive or libellous. I will also pass comment if I see false facts being presented or manipulated to further a POV. As for this nom, I had never heard of Castoreum for good reason - its not used in the food tech business. Nevertheless, I was about to pass this without any interjection 'till I noticed the comment, "according to scientists at Befoodsmart, who regulate what we eat". I have never heard of this alleged regulatory agency so I dug around only to discover Befoodsmart is a Californian site that ostensibly promotes transparency in food labelling and is founded and managed by two vegetarians who happen to be brother and sister. Part of the site was down but I suspect they also sell vegetarian food products.
  22. That's a bit rich coming from a punter who recently received a dishonourable mention for needlessly prolonging a personal feud in every thread.
  23. Still butt-hurt then?
  24. One would be hard pressed to find anything on Google Images these days as most content has been monetised. No doubt you'll be at pains to say you didn't pay to view. Anyway its sorta gratifying to read you were triggered enough to scuttle off to a search engine 'cos I called you out for your misleading and wholly inaccurate nom.
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