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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. Decimus


    As neither Norwich or whatever Sunday league level of Scottish shite that you support will ever qualify and meet in a European football competition, I suspect that you're right.
  2. Decimus


    It's hands down better than New York, that's for certain. But it's not a patch on Edinburgh. Or Norwich. Fuck off.
  3. Decimus


    She came with four mortgage free properties in Blakeney and Cley. As a property man, I don't need to tell you how much that is worth in terms of holiday let payments.
  4. Decimus


    I am a reasonably good looking man with a wife who whilst thick as fucking shit, is fairly attractive. I have two children, one who came out right, the other who is a bit of a Stubby Pecker. My job is moderately well paid but requires little to no effort beyond paying my union dues. I also regularly top the leaderboard. I'll let you decide.
  5. Decimus


    I'm in The Swan, Loddon.
  6. There are times Stubby, very rare times, when you post something that is utterly fantastic that I love, and this is one of them. Have a well deserved like. That being said, cut your hair and get a proper job, you newt noncing vagabond, this isn't the summer of fucking love.
  7. Decimus


    Hmmm, I'm not so sure. If that disgusting worm ED keeps feeding me I might manage it, he certainly appears to show absolutely no sign of ceasing to be a stupid fucking cunt.
  8. I imagine that the only sort of productions that you attend are Punch and Judy shows, you suspect cunt.
  9. Decimus


    The majority of people that I associate with are mid twenties to late thirties, and as far as I am aware, none of them voted leave. However, aside from myself and a couple of others, they didn't vote remain either. Most people of my demographic in my area were completely blasé about the whole process and didn't bother voting either way. It amazes me that anyone could waste their vote when the future social and economic future of our country is on the line.
  10. Decimus


    I wish someone would like some of my posts twice. Have you seen where I am on the fucking leaderboard?
  11. Did you know that there's a PM about you doing the rounds that isn't at all flattering? If you want to see your head superimposed onto a Weimaraner that's wearing a dress, I can add you to the thread. Until then, shut your fucking mouth.
  12. I'm stopping this before the inevitable happens and some cunt says Spactre.
  13. Blackfinger, license to rape.
  14. Whilst you're here, perhaps you can explain something that's been troubling me for quite some time. In the olden days, you used to get an absolute fucking pasting from Bill and I. Yet for some reason, you hold the most contempt for Bubbles, whose baiting of you in latter years has been less brutal than what the boy and I inflicted. So why does he attract the majority of your bile? And don't say grassing, because I've dobbed you in more times than you've contracted avian gonorrhea.
  15. Mention that man's name without permission again and I'll end you.
  16. Fuck off to the School Bullying thread, ED is about to meltdown and I'd appreciate your help in expediting it.
  17. And I thought the Catholic church was bad for covering up evidence of its institutional child abuse. It would seem that these "gamers" who hide behind legal teams and faux outrage have been at it ever since the first dirty cunt to play Pong started hanging around arcades with a bag of puppies and a hardon.
  18. I'm absolutely shitting myself that a company I've never heard of, played in the main by deviants and sex offenders, might receive an illegible email from a creepy rattled autist. I'm not sure I'll sleep tonight.
  19. He seems to be enraged that there was even a slight insinuation that adults who play computer games with access to children via online services might perhaps be a little bit sinister. I don't know about you, but I'm suspicious of anyone who overreacts in such a way. I don't know if ED has got something to hide, but he's certainly acting like he does.
  20. Yes @EreptileDysfunction, what about the fucking Panda? Are you going to let that stand? After your crack legal team has finished defending your latest dubious actions in your local crown court, please ensure that they don't forget the Panda.
  21. You're making yourself look like a right cunt here. I can picture you now. Holding your breath until your fat, pasty fucking face turns beet red, then screaming incoherently whilst smashing up your Star Wars toys. Mummy calls down the stairs to your cellar lair and asks what all the commotion is about, fully aware of the danger signs which indicate that you've just been triggered. Secretly she's hoping that today is the day where your autism trumps your survival instinct, and that she will find you hanging dead from the ceiling by the belt of your replica Kung Fu Panda outfit. Do it. Do it. Do it. Idiot.
  22. Here he is, The Games Master! I bow to your obviously superior knowledge and experience of Australian mens genitalia.
  23. Decimus

    HARD Brexit

    Dutch cunts. I keep a constant eye on those Dog fucking, Cheech and Chong loving layabouts across the water. The streets of East Anglia will never echo with the sound of clogs whilst I'm manning the ramparts.
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