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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. Not unless you like the idea of dredging through the threads to then subsequently find out that 60% of the replies are from ChildeHarold and R-Soles.
  2. It's been a slow day, Christ-killer, there's more action at one of friendless and universally despised Pen's birthday party shindigs than there has been on here over the last 24 hours. That being said you can't even begin to imagine my disappointment that the only post made within the last few hours comes from the site's biggest dickhead. Fuck off.
  3. I don't know about that, I'd say that the old school far right support Israel in full, which is ironic considering their roots. Could you imagine the Austrian painter coming back from the dead/Argentina tomorrow and seeing his political descendants waving Israel flags whilst simultaneously sporting swastika tattoos? Of course it's mainly due to the peacefuls visible differences, otherness and numbers. Should every rag head disappear from Britain's green and pleasant land overnight I'm sure that the neo-Nazis would soon rediscover their favourite pastime of Jew-bashing. Fingers crossed it happens within my lifetime so I can revel in @ZEV getting the old Clifford's tower treatment.
  4. Decimus

    Tom Daley

    This is probably the worst thing you've said to me over the last eight years, I don't think I've ever been so offended.
  5. Decimus

    Tom Daley

    Give it a rest Reptyle, you Minecraft playing, chip on his malnourished shoulder, northern fucking peasant. I didn't denigrate Llandudno, which you would know if you didn't immediately rage quit before reading all of my post. Wipe up the Mountain Dew and Cheetos that you've spat over your keyboard in a fit of autistic anger and pay attention. You're clearly a scumbag who lives in the North West, probably Warrington or St Helens. A hatred of anything south of Leicester and a weird obsession with holidaying in North Wales pretty much confirms that you're a sink estate virgin who spent his formative years holidaying in Rhyl alongside every other 'Sun' voucher hoarding, backward, wife-beating, northern Neanderthal. Let us not forget, that under your old Reptyle moniker you once claimed to be part of a fictitious northern elite because you looked out of your council house window one day to see that your neighbour had recently purchased a twenty year old Honda Prelude. By the way, how is the law case going? I haven't received my subpoena yet for suggesting that you and the rest of your 20-30 something year old gang of Pokemon-Go weirdos are hugely suspect sickos that need closely watching.
  6. Decimus

    Tom Daley

    The poor cunt has died twice, but still keeps getting ressurected to endure Pen's omnipresent bollocks.
  7. Decimus

    Tom Daley

    Based upon the evidence, and the fact that in a civil court the burden of proof is on a balance of probabilities and not beyond reasonable doubt... Too fucking right he, me, and anyone else on here would. You lying, despicable fucking cunt.
  8. Decimus

    Tom Daley

    I'm no expert but I imagine that it has something to do with the fact that your current incarnation has racked up over 14,000 posts in five years, whilst also taking into account your two previous accounts which each also ran into five figure posting amounts Other than that I've got no idea where he's coming from. You stupid fucking cunt.
  9. Decimus

    Tom Daley

    Similar to Wolfie I've got no issue with the Welsh, or Wales. I've never been to Llandudno, although a quick Google image search shows me a picturesque place that looks better than the vast majority of absolutely fucking awful North Welsh resorts along that coast. Regardless of any of that his point stands, and your ridiculous bollocks about it having a similar climate to the postcode of your geriatric convalescence home in Devon is completely false. The window of your piss soaked room will see on average four hundred hours more sunlight per year than Mrs Rs former house in Llandudno. So here's a thought, why don't you stop trying to stir the pot and keep your absolutely enormous fucking cock out of this argument between your vastly superior, intellectual betters? Roops doesn't need a 90 year old, demented wingman and the rest of us don't want to hear anything else from you tonight. Understood?
  10. Decimus

    Tom Daley

    The worm is about as transparent as the wafer-thin, liver spotted skin on his shiny bonce. Clearly he's hoping for a Noakes style gotcha moment where he can ridicule me for suggesting a pint of room temperature Carling. Stupid old bastard.
  11. Decimus

    Tom Daley

    It depends on the context. Location, company, country, occasion. Give me a scenario.
  12. Decimus

    Tom Daley

    A pint of bleach with a cum chaser. Lololol.
  13. Decimus

    Tom Daley

    House white aside, if you EVER post another photo of you drinking a pint of Brewdog again, I'll fucking have you.
  14. Decimus

    Tom Daley

    It's not like you to defend a beast, R-Soles... Oh wait, yes it is. You deeply, deeply sinister little freak.
  15. @ZEVwould do well to stay out of any form of political debate that's more advanced than a group of Mencap children holding a mock hustings session. Remember this is the idiot who confirmed he would be voting for a party that has genuine neo-nazis and virulent antisemites within its ranks. He may as well stick his own head in the oven at this point, the thick fucking cunt. What's next? Will he be asking Wolfie and I for a character witness statement the next time he's up in court for interfering with cairn terriers? Lololol.
  16. The crying shame is that the alternative fills me with just as much dread, albeit for vastly different reasons. It's the Sophie's choice of politics, and at this point metaphorically shooting both the little fuckers in the head seems to be the preferable option.
  17. From the party who were obsessed with "taking back control from unelected European bureaucrats" we now have one of the great offices of state being filled by an unelected bureaucrat. Not only that, he gets a nice lordship out of it to make it all nice and official. To quote our dear antipodean doctor, they're laughing at you.
  18. I take HUGE pleasure in the fact that not only was I responsible for getting him banned for over a year and a half, but when he then subsequently returned I got him kicked off the site indefinitely within a fortnight of his return. Queerape, if you're reading, which I know you are, know that if you'd never amended one of my posts which saw me banned for a fortnight I'd have left you the fuck alone. Be careful who you fuck with, you gay as fuck, fantasist fucking idiot.
  19. I'm not sure that a post about babies, nappies, arseholes and genitalia is the direction you want to be heading in right now, Aitch. You've somewhat managed to reform your reputation on here after your previous sojourn resulted in you being regarded as quite possibly the thickest cunt this site had seen since Scabies. But if you want to continue your meteoric rise from cretin to mere retard, I'd steer clear of beast talk. Understood?
  20. Yeeeeeeee-Haaaaawwwwwww!!!!! MAGA, Gee Wizz Apple Pie and God bless the good ol' US of A! Are just several of the things along with diapers, that I never want to read on here ever again. Got it?
  21. I was never in any doubt about how you'd vote, what with their candidate for London mayor, Howard Cox, loudly declaring that he would not allow any pro-Palestinian marches should he ever be elected. Unluckily for you, there are far more bacon dodgers of the Mohammedan persuasion in London then there are sausage refusers of the baby cock-blood drinking demographic, so he'll never get in. Perhaps you should be thankful for that, because you can bet your bottom shekel that once the Islamists have been dealt with, it won't be too long until the far right start back on your lot in time honoured tradition. You stupid, turkey voting for Christmas , kike fucking cunt.
  22. I mark you right, ELC. I'd respect Tiny Timothée if he was genuinely calling for a ceasefire because he was disgusted that your lot were killing hundreds of babies each week whilst rubbing their grubby, kike hands together in glee. But let's face it, in the finest of French traditions he's just absolutely terrified that his Republic will be toppled within a month by a ragtag group of a few hundred Marseillaise dusky types. Zoot Alors, sacre bleu and fuck off @Witheredscrote
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