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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Are you wearing yours with pride Wolfie? Bet you can't wait to grow old enough to go into one of their care homes,a daily bed bath reach around before tea. I fucking hate poofs
  2. Some cunt thought this was a good idea because the previous owner was a cock smoker.If these fucking wooftahs want to be treated the same as normal people then take the chip off your fucking shoulder,mould it into the shape of a butt plug,insert and shut the fuck up! Bent cunts
  3. Shouldn't this be in the 'cunts that fucking stink' nom?
  4. His parents took the piss when naming him,what the fuck was wrong with Gordon?
  5. aaah Double Diamond,when I started drinking it was 96p for 3 pints on a friday night,happy fucking days except when the sally army turned up about 10 o'clock to try and rinse you for your wages,cunts
  6. Weren't party 7's Watneys Red Barrel or Worthington E?,I remember puking my guts up after consuming half of one once aged about 13
  7. I did get banned from my local pool for wanking and shooting my load,when I pleaded that surely I wasn't the first to get caught they said no I wasn't but I was the first to do it from the 3 metre diving board
  8. Just because you got back two generations and found that you were half alsation. The only thing running in your jeans is shit Fuck off
  9. .....and that my great uncle was sent to Australia in 1923 because he was a wrong 'un and he was that bad the cunts sent him back!!
  10. I've just found out my great grandfather was born in Prussia and that I'm a 1/4 Jewish.. ......oy vey
  11. Next time you cut the grass just do what I do,take your knob out of your flies,pull the linings of your pockets inside out and ask him if he'd like to meet your pet elephant,my neighbours all run inside when they hear the Flymo power up.
  12. Neil


    It's true,Elvis filmed it on video last week
  13. They both needed pacemakers I'm 'ere all week
  14. Funnily enough Charlie's parents will from now on be hiding behind a pay wall,A fucking big wall of cash courtesy of the media Cunts
  15. Im glad someone saw my subliminal message
  16. The biggest problem is that most of the families that live in Gants Hill are shall we say 'ahem'......quite tanned and live 10 to a house of which five of the fuckers drive.This has resulted in every cunt demolishing their front wall,digging up their grass and then trying to squeeze a few Datsun,Toyota or Nissans in the space of 200 sq feet.Its time we banned the cunts and got rid of them
  17. Aah I see,thats why you talk like a cunt
  18. At least you know where to go for the base of your new patio
  19. I couldn't even raise a smile let alone a boner looking at that,I fucking hate the cunt with a passion and now that I see that she hasn't even got any redeeming tits she can fuck right off.Very appropriate that she has been recognised on a post about dogs
  20. Dogs are cunts ,as are you. woof
  21. My dear ol mums 86 and has a real nasty cough,Ford don't know what's about to hit them,all those years of passive smoking in the canteen.I think we'll start at half a mill but if she dies before she reaches 90 the cunts can double it. Can you die from ingesting iffy spunk?,someone ought to tell Punkers he's gonna need a lawyer!
  22. A Norfolk coroner has just ruled that a bloke who had worked at a couple of powerplants died from an industrial disease,not unique by any means but fuck me,the cunt was 88.Apparently he retired at 65 but the fact that he only survived another 23 years (!!) must have been a great shock to his family.I think he probably died of old age don't you?.Still,where there's blame there's a claim.......cunts
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