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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Neil

    Gender Agenda

    So a fast food chain has been criticised for giving away toys and asking if its for a girl or boy so they know who to give a Hot wheels car or a Barbie toy to,this is blatant discrimination,what about a pink box with a toy size butt plug inside for those little mincey ones that aren't sure yet.Maybe a make-up set for both girls and 'boys that have decided already.Perhaps they could do a special hot dog that you can eat if you're hungry or stick up your arse if you're horny,with a special jumbo sized one for welsh nonces
  2. Neil

    John Noakes

    Welsh fucking dafodils,they're quite sensitive aren't they?
  3. Neil

    John Noakes

    Fuck me,there's some sensitive little flowers on here these days.lighten up you fucking ladyboys and grow some bollocks Biggy Smalls is a cunt
  4. Neil

    John Noakes

    There's only two things I dislike about Bubba,his face
  5. Neil

    John Noakes

    Are you inebriated or have you just had a whiff of a very smeggy cock?
  6. Neil

    John Noakes

    Oh sorry,Is it a she?...I meant to say "are you my old neighbour that I used to watch sunbathing and wank over and when you caught me you told my mum,you fucking whore
  7. Neil

    Noakes Dead

    Age has not been to kind to her I know but that pic on the right proves that I had an eye for a good in even back then.I would have died happy at 14 if she had wanked me off after school
  8. Neil

    John Noakes

    Are you my old neighbour?,you re the fucking nonce that used to peer through my windows arent you? Fuck off
  9. Neil

    Noakes Dead

    Blue Peter was middleclass BBC bollocks,Magpie was the working class equivalent and i'd have torn that Jenny Hanley in two,I reckon half of my teenage spunk was flung over her
  10. Lock the cunt up,anyone who drives drunk is a fucking selfish cunt,especially cunts that could afford to have 5 cars and drivers on standby 24/7 .
  11. Neil

    John Noakes

    Repeat grammar Nazi bollocks Ol Val would certainly never have run out of white 'glue' for her sticky backed plastic whilst I was around,14 years old and full of the stuff I was. Janet Ellis Baxtor was a slag
  12. Neil

    John Noakes

    I wonder if he ever shagged Valerie Singleton?,I guess now we'll never know.
  13. The least 'rock's bands ever....Deaf(sic) Leppard,Judas cunting Priest,Poison et al,Lemmy would turn in his firepit
  14. Check out the geezer from Shinedown,Brent someone? Got some fucking bellows on him
  15. If he goes for a spacker he'll have to get windscreen wipers fitted on the inside
  16. Hard to argue against Gillan and Plant but even Ozzy had his moments,Kiss are fucking wank.A real life Spinal Tap......Coverdale and Stevie Marriott in parts but RJD was the dogs testie
  17. I think you should put yourself up for leader of the EDL,not sure how they'd feel about a poof in charge but your sentiments fit
  18. Neil


    They havn't lifted the lid off his coffin yet
  19. Neil


    Just been awoken by the hum of an air conditioning unit here in my Florence apartment,ruined 9 hours of solid sleep,and I didn't shit the bed...result Buon giorno cunts
  20. I saw him last year in Birmingham,imagine if he was playing there when the Birmingham 6 got lively,it could have been him and I would have travelled all the way to the Genting arena last June to see a ghost.....or a Stargazer (Rainbow fans only)
  21. Close the fucking borders and every new tanned cunt that comes here should be tatooed with a fucking number across his forehead,a barcode if you like and then everytime he wants to buy something he is cross referenced and allowed it as long as he's been a good boy.If he hasn' t send the cunt back whence he came Might sound a bit like that Austrian Charlie chaplin lookalike cunt from the30's but if that's what it takes then Seig fucking heil,alternatively round all the cunts up and bring back the ducking stool,if they drown their ok,if they don't,burn the cunts
  22. Any party that now adds 'we will close our borders' to their manifesto even if it's the Greens or Monster Raving Loony Party gets my fucking vote. Enough is fucking ENOUGH!!
  23. There's a few inner city schools I'd like to take this cake in to
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