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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Its like an old womans fanny,sweaty,overgrown,you know where it is but you dont want to fucking go there
  2. To quote Frankie Boyle " Isn't it strange how they always find the ugly ones"
  3. I agree 100% and through experience know that it just encourages the fat cunts to carry on leading a life of excess.Just tell the cunts if they don't change their disgusting greedy habits they're gonna be dead in 2 years,if they can't be bothered to change then fuck 'em.These machines cost a fucking fortune and all the fucking paperwork that goes with them so the fat cunts can travel abroad with them is fucking ridiculous .Just lose some weight you fat glutinous cunts
  4. My eyes,My eyes!!.....never has a lazy ever been lost so quickly,there MUST be better examples than that out there?
  5. Pie eating fat cunt,jump in your car and fuck off back up the M1,and don't forget yer whippets and skyrats you fucking northern monkey
  6. Neil


    Is it not the sound a fanny makes when you pull your meat out?
  7. Give him a medal,one less arse wipe around.
  8. Rugby ref Nigel Owens asked to be chemically castrated what a cunt,hes welsh,turns out gay and chooses to be a referee,you cant fucking help some people
  9. Neil

    Poor cunt

    Motor neurone sufferer Jason Liversidge trials Yorkshire voice Hasn't the poor cunt suffered enough?
  10. Neil

    50th birthdays

    You know what they say....If you rember the 80's,you weren't really there".............or was that the 20's?,fuck knows I cant remember yesterday
  11. Neil

    50th birthdays

    And if you're still doing most of the above at 60 the chances are you'll still being doing them at 70......life's too short pal,if you're that bitter then leave me your cash and bungee jump off a cliff with no rope yer fucking grinch
  12. Yep,at the other end of the church is a pub named after Punkape......The Iron House
  13. Is Belgian Monk cockney rhyming slang? Ps cheers for the tip off,I'll tell Mrs N that someone told me that the place is worth a look so I can get a gander at her jugs
  14. Shot 5 times and the cunts still alive? Who shot him,Marty le Feldman? Good job it wasn't Olivier Giroud,he'd have had 20 shots and still missed the cunt!
  15. Decs wouldn't know where to start with an iPhone,the cunt's still struggling with light switches
  16. Worked with one of these pricks this week,broke his phone one day and then next morning after being given an iPhone and proudly showing it to me ,said "man's got a iPhone innit"...hes 32,white and was born in norfolk! Deleted
  17. That is exactly the reason the film is cak,no one in the history of forever has EVER called someone a 'cunting spunker' Winstone is a fucking 1/2 trick pony....Lords Of London Is another of his that is fucking dire
  18. 44 inch chest,now theres a fucking dog turd of a film
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